作者:(英)里普利 著
里普利(B.D.Ripley)著名的统计学家,牛津大学应用统计教授。他在空间统计学、模式识别领域作出了重要贡献,对S的开发以及S-PLUSUS和R的推广应用有着重要影响。20世纪90年代他出版了人工神经网络方面的著作,影响很大,引导统计学者开始关注机器学习和数据挖掘。除本书外,他还著有Modern Applied Statistics with S和S Programming。
1 Introduction and Examples1
1.1 How do neural methods differ?4
1.2 The patterm recognition task5
1.3 Overview of the remaining chapters9
1.4 Examples10
1.5 Literature15
2 Statistical Decision Theory17
2.1 Bayes rules for known distributions18
2.2 Parametric models26
2.3 Logistic discrimination43
2.4 Predictive classification45
2.5Alternative estimation procedures55
2.6 How complex a model do we need?59
2.7 Performance assessment66
2.8 Computational learning approaches77
3 Linear DiscriminantAnalysis91
3.1 Classical linear discriminatio92
3.2 Linear discriminants via regression101
3.3 Robustness105
3.4 Shrinkage methods106
3.5 Logistic discrimination109
3.6 Linear separatio andperceptrons116
4 Flexible Diseriminants121
4.1 Fitting smooth parametric functions122
4.2 Radial basis functions131
4.3 Regularization136
5 Feed-forward Neural Networks143
5.1 Biological motivation145
5.2 Theory147
5.3 Learning algorithms148
5.4 Examples160
5.5 Bayesian perspectives163
5.6 Network complexity168
5.7Approximation results173
6 Non-parametric Methods181
6.1 Non-parametric estlmation of class densities181
6.2 Nearest neighbour methods191
6 3 Learning vector quantization201
6.4 Mixture representations207
7 Tree-structured Classifiers213
7.1 Splitting rules216
7.2 Pruning rules221
7.3 Missing values231
7.4 Earlier approaches235
7.5 Refinements237
7.6 Relationships to neural networks240
7.7 Bayesian trees241
8 Belief Networks243
8.1 Graphical models and networks246
8.2 Causal networks262
8 3 Learning the network structure275
8.4 Boltzmann machines279
8.5 Hierarchical mixtures of experts283
9 Unsupervised Methods287
9.1 Projection methods288
9.2 Multidimensional scaling305
9.3 Clustering algorithms311
9.4 Self-organizing maps322
10 Finding Good Pattern Features327
10.1 Bounds for the Bayes error328
10.2 Normal class distributions329
10.3 Branch-and-bound techniques330
10.4 Feature extraction331
A Statistical Sidelines333
A.1 Maximum likelihood and MAP estimation333
A.2 TheEMalgorithm334
A.3 Markov chain Monte Carlo337
A.4Axioms for dconditional indcpcndence339
A.5 Oprimization342
Author Index391
Subject Index399
1.1 How do neural methods differ?4
1.2 The patterm recognition task5
1.3 Overview of the remaining chapters9
1.4 Examples10
1.5 Literature15
2 Statistical Decision Theory17
2.1 Bayes rules for known distributions18
2.2 Parametric models26
2.3 Logistic discrimination43
2.4 Predictive classification45
2.5Alternative estimation procedures55
2.6 How complex a model do we need?59
2.7 Performance assessment66
2.8 Computational learning approaches77
3 Linear DiscriminantAnalysis91
3.1 Classical linear discriminatio92
3.2 Linear discriminants via regression101
3.3 Robustness105
3.4 Shrinkage methods106
3.5 Logistic discrimination109
3.6 Linear separatio andperceptrons116
4 Flexible Diseriminants121
4.1 Fitting smooth parametric functions122
4.2 Radial basis functions131
4.3 Regularization136
5 Feed-forward Neural Networks143
5.1 Biological motivation145
5.2 Theory147
5.3 Learning algorithms148
5.4 Examples160
5.5 Bayesian perspectives163
5.6 Network complexity168
5.7Approximation results173
6 Non-parametric Methods181
6.1 Non-parametric estlmation of class densities181
6.2 Nearest neighbour methods191
6 3 Learning vector quantization201
6.4 Mixture representations207
7 Tree-structured Classifiers213
7.1 Splitting rules216
7.2 Pruning rules221
7.3 Missing values231
7.4 Earlier approaches235
7.5 Refinements237
7.6 Relationships to neural networks240
7.7 Bayesian trees241
8 Belief Networks243
8.1 Graphical models and networks246
8.2 Causal networks262
8 3 Learning the network structure275
8.4 Boltzmann machines279
8.5 Hierarchical mixtures of experts283
9 Unsupervised Methods287
9.1 Projection methods288
9.2 Multidimensional scaling305
9.3 Clustering algorithms311
9.4 Self-organizing maps322
10 Finding Good Pattern Features327
10.1 Bounds for the Bayes error328
10.2 Normal class distributions329
10.3 Branch-and-bound techniques330
10.4 Feature extraction331
A Statistical Sidelines333
A.1 Maximum likelihood and MAP estimation333
A.2 TheEMalgorithm334
A.3 Markov chain Monte Carlo337
A.4Axioms for dconditional indcpcndence339
A.5 Oprimization342
Author Index391
Subject Index399