


作者:谢文怡 主编





  《商务英语系列教材:成人教育-商务英语阅读》共分16个单元,每个单元有Reading A、Reading B和Reading C三篇文章,每篇文章有三个部分:词汇、注释和练习。词汇部分主要由生词、词组和专业术语组成;注释部分对文章中出现的难度较大的句子和表达方式以重要背景知识作了比较详细的讲解;练习部分提供了形式多样的练习。每单元围绕一个主题,课文和练习都与主题密切相关。在每个单元之后设计了单元测验。书后提供了所有练习和单元测验的答案。《商务英语系列教材:成人教育-商务英语阅读》可供高等院校、高职、高专商务英语专业以及对外贸易、财政金融、工商管理等专业的学生使用,还可以用作经贸部门、外贸公司、涉外企业的培训教材,以及广大商务工作者的自学参考书。
Unitl Education 教育
  Reading A Boy Genius
  Reading B IRemember Alan
  Reading C But Can You Teach It?
  A Unit Test
  Unit 2 Making Money 创造财富
  Reading A New Ways to Make a Bundle
  Reading B Don't Pay These Hidden Fees
  Reading C Making Dollars from Senses
  A Unit Test
  Unit 3 Career 职场人生
  Reading A You'Re Hired !
  Reading B I Was Fired!
  Reading C Love Hurts
  A Unit Test
  Unit 4 Success 创业
  Reading A The Secret of Success
  Reading B Don't Quit Your Day Job
  Reading C How MuchRisk Can You Take?
  A Unit Test
  Unit 5 Management 经营管理
  Reading A Get Engaged
  Reading B Dell Learns to Listen
  Reading C Four Big Career Mistakes and How tO Avoid Them
  A Unit Test
  Unit 6 Efficiency 效率
  Reading AA New Way to Get People to Pay
  Reading B Life in Slow Motion
  Reading C Efficiency vs. Effectiveness
  A Unit Test
  Unit 7 HumanResources 人力资源
  Reading A The Battle for Brainpower
  Reading B How Long Will You Live?
  Reading C The Coming Battle for Immigrants
  A Unit Test
  Unit 8 Leadership 领导艺术
  Reading A Praetices by Effective Executives (I)
  Reading B Praetiees by Effective Executives (II)
  Reading C The Clear Leader
  A Unit Test
  Unit 9 Competition 竞争
  Reading A The Monster Dilemma
  Reading B Was a Strike Inevitable?
  Reading C They Will Manage for Food
  A Unit Test
  Unit 10 Finance 股市沉浮
  Reading A You Can Make a Million
  Reading B Mind over Money
  Reading C Feelings Hurt
  A Unit Test
  Unit 11 Economic Crisis 经济危机
  Reading A The Coming Storm
  Reading B New Thinking for a New Financial Order
  Reading C Economic Crisis: Predicted and Predictable
  A Unit Test
  Unit 12 Time 时间投资
  Reading A The Most ImportantResource
  Reading B Please Don't Make Me Go on Vacation ~
  Reading C Commuter Pursuits
  A Unit Test
  Unit 13 Environment Protection 环境保护
  Reading A Eco-towns Are the Greatest Try-on in the History of Property Speculation(185)
  Reading BAn Inconvenient Bag
  Reading C Bag Lady
  A Unit Test
  Unit 14Advertising 广告
  Reading A When Is a Cliek Not a Click?
  Reading B The Top 5Rules of the Ad Game
  Reading C Tuning out TV
  A Unit Test
  Unit 15 Pleasure and Happiness 快乐幸福
  Reading A How to Mix Pleasure with Business
  Reading B Money and Happiness (Ⅰ)
  Reading C Money and Happiness (Ⅱ)
  A Unit Test
  Unit 16 Network 网络
  Reading A The Power of Suggestion
  Reading B Dawn of the Digital Natives
  Reading C Upgrade Madness
  A Unit Test
  Key to Exercises
