


作者:张尚莲 主编





  《研究生英语听力教程》是“研究生英语系列教程”的主干教材之一。本教程吸收和借鉴了国内外研究生英语听力教学的最新研究成果,汇聚了多所高等院校专门从事研究生英语公共英语教学的一线教师的教学实践经验,旨在培养研究生的英语语言基础与语言交际能力,促进新时期的研究生英语教学。本教程以适应社会需求的热门话题为主线,提供材料真实、形式多样、生动有趣的听力素材,让学生在具体真实的社会和文化语境中,提高英语听力水平。全书共12个单元,每单元包括Warm—up Exercises,Intensive Listenin9,Extensive Listenin9和Relaxation四部分内容,主要供高等院校的非英语专业研究生英语听力教学使用。本教材具有如下三大特色:1.选材新颖——听力材料均选自近几年的国外的有声资料,内容涉及科技、教育、艺术、健康、体育、时尚、社会M题等热门话题,题材、体裁多样,时代感强,可以充分调动研究生英语学习的积极性。2.编排合理——每一单元所选材料均切合同一主题,根据研究生求新、求鲜、即学即用的求知心理,设计了形式多样的听力题型。全书的课文按录音材料的难易程度编排,循序渐进,由短对话逐步过渡到短文等语篇层次上的听力理解能力训练,形成“坡面”效应,既不会让学生上来就觉得“高不可攀”,也不会觉得过于简单,从而逐步培养学生对所听材料内容的理解、分析、归纳和综合推理的能力。此外,学生在做完听力练习、对照练习答案以后,可以再听一遍录音,跟读本教程所附文字材料,以增加词汇量,拓宽知识面。3.语音标准——本书的朗读者均为资深语音专家,录音以标准的美国音或英国音为主,语音纯正,清晰流畅。
Unit 1 Science Part Ⅰ Warm-up Exercises Part Ⅱ Intensive Listening Passage 1 Why Are Some People Left-handed Passage 2 The End of Time Passage 3 Telecommunications Satellite Spins out of Control Part Ⅲ Extensive Listening Online Game Trend Part Ⅳ Relaxation Lie Detector Unit 2 Health Part Ⅰ Warm-up Exercises Part Ⅱ Intensive Listening Passage 1 Sleep Passage 2 Laugh for the Health of It Passage 3 Holiday Eating——Food for Thought Part Ⅲ Extensive Listening Current Attitudes toward Physical Fitness Part IV Relaxation Fallacies about Food Unit 3 Fashion Part Ⅰ Warm-up Exercises Part Ⅱ Intensive Listening Passage 1 "How to" Books Passage 2 Converting the Masses: Starbucks in China Passage 3 Ideas of Home Have Changed Part Ⅲ Extensive Listening The New Music Part Ⅳ Relaxation Welcome Back, "Oscar" Unit 4 Food Part Ⅰ Warm-up Exercises Part Ⅱ Intensive Listening Passage 1 English Food Passage 2 Chefs Passage 3 China Has Abundant Food in Stock Part Ⅲ Extensive Listening UN Agencies Call for "Green Revolution" in Africa Part Ⅳ Relaxation Tea and Health Unit 5 Holidays Part Ⅰ Warm-up Exercises Part Ⅱ Intensive Listening Passage 1 Practical Reasons Make Youth Day Holiday in Vain Passage 2 The History of Thanksgiving in the USA Passage 3 Bank Holiday DIY Part Ⅲ Extensive Listening Working Christmas Day Part Ⅳ Relaxation Weak Holiday Sales in the US Unit 6 Social Problems Part Ⅰ Warm-up Exercises Part Ⅱ Intensive Listening Passage 1 Brain-damaged Womans Parents Appeal to US Supreme Court Passage 2 Mistrust Changes Internet User Behavior Passage 3 Conduct Disorder Part Ⅲ Extensive Listening Breaking the Code for Better Parent-Teen Communication Part Ⅳ Relaxation Asia Pacific Region Behind in Child Mortality, Sanitation Unit 7 Travel Part Ⅰ Warm-up Exercises Part Ⅱ Intensive Listening Passage 1 St. Pauls Cathedral Passage 2 Wilder Kaisers Slopes Provide Skiing Fun for the Whole Family Passage 3 Great Basin National Park Part Ⅲ Extensive Listening British Columbia Part Ⅳ Relaxation Ireland Unit 8 History Part Ⅰ Warm-up Exercises Part Ⅱ Intensive Listening Passage 1 The War between Britain and France Passage 2 Qin Shihuang Passage 3 Bloody Mary Part Ⅲ Extensive Listening The Historical Significance of American Revolution Part IV Relaxation American Revolution Unit 9 Education Part Ⅰ Warm-up Exercises Part Ⅱ Intensive Listening Passage 1 Better Quality over Quantity for a Masters Degree Passage 2 Elite Education Passage 3 Expenditure on Education Should be Increased Part Ⅲ Extensive Listening A New Start——Freshers Week Part IV Relaxation More Lasers Than Lathes Mark Todays Vocational Education Unit 10 Art Part Ⅰ Warm-up Exercises Part Ⅱ Intensive Listening Passage 1 Damien Hirst Passage 2 Music in the UK Passage 3 Restoration on Raphaels Masterwork Part Ⅲ Extensive Listening Collectibles Part IV Relaxation The Brilliant Lessons of Michelangelo Unit 11 Economy Part Ⅰ Warm-up Exercises Part Ⅱ Intensive Listening Passage 1 Business Jargon Passage 2 The Budget Passage 3 The Credit Crunch Part Ⅲ Extensive Listening Doing Business Part IV Relaxation Stock Markets Tumble Across the World Unit 12 Sports Part Ⅰ Warm-up Exercises Part Ⅱ Intensive Listening Passage 1 David Beckham Passage 2 Snooker Superstar Passage 3 The Olympics Part Ⅲ Extensive Listening Sports and Games Part Ⅳ Relaxation Crazy Competitions Scripts and Answers Unit 1 Science Unit 2 Health Unit 3 Fashion Unit 4 Food Unit 5 Holidays Unit 6 Social Problems Unit 7 Travel Unit 8 History Unit 9 Education Unit 10 Art Unit 11 Economy Unit 12 Sports
