作者:桑切斯 等编著
《成功职场英语》包括申请工作、写简历、组织会议、演示等普通职场话题及申请国外硕士课程等继续深造方面的话题。 《成功职场英语(学生用书)》由5个单元组成,每单元6课,各单元围绕一个主题展开,每个单元后有一个Team Project。所选内容为真实职场环境中的交际话题,可以激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学习积极性。训练形式多样化,旨在培养听、说、读、写技能,促使学生掌握职场环境中的种种英语交际能力。书后为每个单元配备了复习题、附加活动、阅读材料、写作材料和单元测试,丰富了学习内容。此外,还提供了语法要点、专业词汇表,方便学生查阅。 《成功职场英语(学生用书)》为学生用书。
To the Student
Unit 1 Preparing for ochallenges
Lesson 1 The reason I'm applying is
Lesson 2 Just applying for the M.A. is hard
Lesson 3 If tuition weren't so expensive
Lesson 4 There are other options o
Lesson 5 Internet changes distance education
Lesson 6 Being evaluated is rough
Team Project 1
Unit 2 Getting the job
Lesson 1 I'd like to work here because
Lesson 2 Dear Hiring Manager
Lesson 3 This resume is" impressive
Lesson 4 Writing your resume
Lesson 5 If I were you, I would wear
Lesson 6 Interviews make me nervous
Team Project 2
Unit 3 Relocating for work
Lesson 1 Life is less formal here
Lesson 2 Time to choose a roommate
Lesson 3 There's so much to consider
Lesson 4 Dealing with the landlord
Lesson 5 Abbreviations drive me srazy
Lesson B There are cockroaches everywhere
Team Project 3
Unit 4 Doing the job
Lesson 1 Let's find the problem
Lesson 2 We need to set goals
Lesson 3 What's the action plan
Lesson 4 It's time for a decision
Lesson 5 We need time management training
Lesson 6 Who's the new marketing manager
Team Project 4
Unit 5 Solving problems
Lesson 1 Where's the shipment
Lesson 2 When do we get our stuff
Lesson 3 Let's call a meeting
Unit 1 Preparing for ochallenges
Lesson 1 The reason I'm applying is
Lesson 2 Just applying for the M.A. is hard
Lesson 3 If tuition weren't so expensive
Lesson 4 There are other options o
Lesson 5 Internet changes distance education
Lesson 6 Being evaluated is rough
Team Project 1
Unit 2 Getting the job
Lesson 1 I'd like to work here because
Lesson 2 Dear Hiring Manager
Lesson 3 This resume is" impressive
Lesson 4 Writing your resume
Lesson 5 If I were you, I would wear
Lesson 6 Interviews make me nervous
Team Project 2
Unit 3 Relocating for work
Lesson 1 Life is less formal here
Lesson 2 Time to choose a roommate
Lesson 3 There's so much to consider
Lesson 4 Dealing with the landlord
Lesson 5 Abbreviations drive me srazy
Lesson B There are cockroaches everywhere
Team Project 3
Unit 4 Doing the job
Lesson 1 Let's find the problem
Lesson 2 We need to set goals
Lesson 3 What's the action plan
Lesson 4 It's time for a decision
Lesson 5 We need time management training
Lesson 6 Who's the new marketing manager
Team Project 4
Unit 5 Solving problems
Lesson 1 Where's the shipment
Lesson 2 When do we get our stuff
Lesson 3 Let's call a meeting