


作者:李星洁 编著





  本套丛书的栏目设计如下:“经典句型”列举了在相关主题下各种常用的表达方式,所选例句准确规范、浅显易懂、学习轻松,并能让读者举一反三,随心所欲地表达。“模仿对话”精选了每个主题情景下的常用对话,将商务交际中经常遇到的对话一并囊括,为读者提供提高英语口语水平的便捷途径。“实战应用”提供了一组最常用的商务交际情景对话,读者可以通过最贴近实际的场景会话,体会说话时的真切氛围,融入其中,每天练习,必能达到脱口而出的境界。本套丛书在内容设计上采用中英文对页的编排方式,便于读者在不完全依赖中文的前提下,独立完成口语练习。而且,书中尽量保证所选词汇和句子的简洁、易懂,同时在中文页面内,增添了“新词释放”一栏,有助于您能够实现“学中用,用中学”,迅速提高阅读和口语表达水平。 随书附赠的多媒体光盘特邀美籍外教全文朗读,有针对性的疯狂口语操练能帮助您矫正发音、模仿练习。坚持每天听一听,日积月累,定能在短时间内突破听力大关,并为突破口语关打下坚实基础,从此告别“哑巴英语”。
Part 1上级与下属Boss and Employee
 Unit 1 交待工作Assigning Work  
 Unit 2 询问进度Inquiring Progress
 Unit 3 明确职责Clarifying Responsibility(6
 Unit 4 请示上级Asking for Superior
 Unit 5 汇报工作Reporting Work
 Unit 6 献计献策Making Suggestions
 Unit 7 说明解释Explanation
 Unit 8 相互鼓励Encouraging Each Other
 Unit 9 请求晋升Asking for Promotion
 Unit 10 请求加薪Asking for a Raise in Pay
 Unit 11 夸奖员工Complimenting the Staff
 Unit 12 赞扬老板Praising the Boss
 Unit 13 抱怨老板Complaining About the Boss
 Unit 14 批评员工Criticizing the Staff
 Unit 15 老板风格Boss?蒺s Style
 Unit 16 上班迟到Being Late for Work
 Unit 17 申请假期Asking for Leave
 Unit 18 加班代班Working Overtime and Covering
 Unit 19 换班下班Work Shifts and Punching Out
 Unit 20 雇佣新人Recruiting a New Staff
 Unit 21 补齐职缺Position Filled
 Unit 22 人事调动Switching Places
 Unit 23 提起辞呈Submitting the Resignation
 Unit 24 离职原因Reasons for Leaving the Job
 Unit 25 提拔与降职Promoting and Demoting
 Unit 26 加薪与减薪Raise and Reduction in Pay
 Unit 27 跳槽与下岗Changing Jobs and Losing Jobs
Part 2 同事相处Getting along with Colleagues
 Unit 28 认识新人Getting to Know New Colleagues
 Unit 29 帮助同事Helping Colleagues
 Unit 30 感谢同事Giving Thanks to Colleagues
 Unit 31 赞美同事Praising Colleagues
 Unit 32 担心同事Worrying About Colleagues
 Unit 33 表达歉意Expressing Apology
 Unit 34 祝贺同事Expressing Congratulations to Colleagues
 Unit 35 鼓励同事 Encouraging Colleagues
 Unit 36 安慰同事Comforting Colleagues
 Unit 37 提出建议Offering Suggestions
 Unit 38 提醒同事Reminding Colleagues
 Unit 39 谈论同事Talking About Colleagues
 Unit 40 拜访同事Calling on Colleagues
 Unit 41 邀请同事Inviting Colleagues
 Unit 42 赠送礼物Present-giving
 Unit 43 相互道别Saying Goodbye to Each Other
 Unit 44 同事约会Engagement Between Colleagues
 Unit 45 同事相处Getting Along with Colleagues
 Unit 46 同事交流Communicating with Colleagues
 Unit 47 同事聚会Parties
 Unit 48 同事闲聊Chatting with Colleagues
 Unit 49 同事有难Colleagues with Troubles
 Unit 50 产生矛盾Causing Conflicts
 Unit 51 工作压力Work Pressure
Part 3 对外业务Company External Business
Part 4 内部事务Company Internal Affairs
Part 5 求职话题Subjects in Job Interview
Part 6 文秘工作Secretary and Office Routine
Part 7 行业英语Careers
Part 8 工作之余After Work
