


作者:李啸,黄晓琳 主编





  本书特色:作者权威 由出版多部畅销图书的英语专家倾情编写内容全面 涵盖了日常活动的全部口语习语质量精准 美籍英语专家审订,打造地道美语高效实用 经典习语及讲解,配以全真对话,高效突破,脱口而出语音纯正 美籍专家朗读,发音纯正。校正读者的读音,训练读者的听说能力印刷精美 双色印刷,版式新颖、活泼,不压抑。方便并能吸引读者的学习兴趣
  浩瀚(笔名),原名李洪涛,原籍江苏,1 981年就读于徐州师范大学外语系英语专业,1985年开始在中国矿业大学致力于现代教育工作,34岁破格晋升为高级职称。导演了六部电视教学专题片,均荣获省部级一等奖。他自幼爱好绘画、朗诵、收藏等。现主持北京浩瀚英语研究所工作,专门从事英语工具书、教辅书及大众英语指导书的策划、编稿和出版工作。十五年来,该研究所已在科学出版社、外文出版社、石油工业出版社、大连理工大学出版社、机械工业出版社、上海科学普及出版社等全国五十多家出版社出版英文著作800余种,有的书印数多达157万余册。主要代表作有:《脱口说英语——情景口语大全》、《英汉广播电影电视电教词典》、《英语写作双向速查词典》、《英汉多功能双解词典》、《流畅英语口语》、《英语口语一语千说》、《敢说英语》系列30种;《英语900句》系列20种;《高中英语语法表解大王》等。
PART 1 时尚生活篇
  a backseat driver爱指手画脚的人
  a black sheep败家子,害群之马
  a blue chipper出类拔萃的人,拔尖的人
  a breath offresh air一股清风,使人耳目一新的人
  a chicken guy胆小鬼
  a dead beat经常借钱赖账的人,寄生虫
  a fag end一事无成
  a fair-weather friend不能共患难的朋友
  a hard nut冥顽不化的人,无知无觉的人
  a hen-pecked husband妻管严,怕老婆的
  a Ioon shark放高利贷的人
  a man/woman of means富人
  a nine days'wonder一闪即逝的人或物
  a plain Jane不起眼的女人
  a private eye私人侦探
  a red Ieffer day大喜日子
  a sad dog粗野的人
  a straw in the wind迹象,预兆,苗头
  a thorn in one's flesh眼中钉,棘手的事
  a wet blanket使人扫兴的人
  ad ofGod天灾,不可抗力,天意
  Adam's apple喉结,咽喉
  after one's own head合某人的心愿
  alI but几乎,差不多,除了都,几乎完全的
  an open book昭然若揭的事
  argue sb.down驳倒
  argue the toss事已至此,争也无用
  armed to the teeth武装到牙齿,全副武装
  as dry as a bone十分干燥
  at head本质上的,非表面的
  at Ioose ends没事可做,心里没有着落
  at one's bidding遵之命,照的旨意
  atomic cocldeil原子鸡尾酒
  bag and baggage全部所有物,总的, 整个的
  bat around到处游荡,反复考虑,推敲
  be at one'S wits'end不知如何是好
  be down one'S alley最擅长的
  be expecting怀孕
  be hard up一贫如洗
  be in the seventh heaven高兴极了
  be more nice than wise死要面子活受罪
  be off one'S head变疯狂
  be on edge坐卧不安
  be faken aback大吃一惊
  be up in arms满腔怒火
  beat amund/about the bush说话拐弯抹角,说话兜圈子
  beat the drum(S)竭力鼓吹;热烈支持
  between you and me你知我知,不可让第三者知道
  big house监狱
  bite the bullet咬紧牙关挺住,克服眼前的困难
  blow hot and cold喜怒无常,出尔反尔
  blue in the face面红耳赤,很生气
  blunder upon偶然碰上,无意中发现
  brazen if out厚颜无耻
  break out(occur,happen suddenly)突然发生,出现
  break up分手,分开(尤指夫妻之间的离婚)
  build a fire under somebody催促某人
  built on the sand基础不牢固,不切实际
  burn the candle at both ends过分消耗精力或钱财
  butt in插嘴,插手,干涉
  butter both sides of one。S bread左右逢源
  carry a torch for somebody单相思
  chill out罢手
  clamp down on严格限制,取缔
  come and go转瞬即逝
  come to a sticky end下场(结局)难以收拾
  cook up编造,捏造
  cool someone out抚慰某人,使某人消气
  cop out逮住某人,避重就轻地认罪
  count on指靠,指望
  cover up掩饰
  crop up突然发生或出现
  cross one'S heart我保证
  cut it up仔细分析某事
  cut off one'S nose to spite one'S face生气反害自己,拿自己出气
  cut out戒掉
  cut up心情沮丧
  dead beat筋疲力尽
  dig dirt about sb.讲某人的坏话
  do away with废除,破除
  dnve sb.up a wall把某人逼上绝路
  duck soup轻而易举的小事
  dump on对吹毛求疵
  Dutch courage酒后之勇
  eat one's words收回自己的话
  es cape逃避,逃避的方法(工具)
  fair play公正无私
  foll back on别无选择,只得使用
  fall flat摔得结结实实,落得无趣
  fall from grace失宠
  falI off one's chair很吃惊
  falI on one's feet安然摆脱困境
  fall out with争吵
  far and wide到处,各处;广泛的
  faf cify舒适成功的条件
  feed one's face吃饭
  feel a lump in one's throat心里感到很难受    
  feeI small自觉渺小,自卑
  fill a prescription照药方配药
  filI somebody in on the details给某人提供详细情况
  find one'S tongue终于能开口讲话,终于说得出话来
  fiat broke破产,一文不名
  flesh and blood血肉之躯
  flick through漫不经心地翻阅
  fly in the face of向挑战
  follow suit学样,照别人的样做
  force ones hand强人所难,逼人就范
  foul one'S own nest说自家人的坏话。家丑外扬
  frame of mind心情,心思,情绪
  get a kick in the teeth受到重大挫折或责备
  get along in years年纪老起来了
  get caught被抓住,被逮捕
  get oners back up生气。使发怒
  get out of逃避责任
  get someone's goat使人恼怒,惹人生气
  get something right使某事恢复正常;正确理解某事
  get somewhere/anywhere达到某种程度的成就
  get the air(尤指被女子)抛弃
  get the goods on sb.抓到某人的把柄
  get under one's skin使人烦躁,(因为爱)使人不安
  get/rise above oneself目中无人
  give rise to导致(某事)
  give sb./sth.the works折磨某人;使某物大为改观
  give sb.a hand给予某人帮助
  give someone a back talk和某人顶嘴
  give...credit for...应该给予应有的承认
  go/be hand in hand密切相关;一齐,相伴而来
  go ape神魂颠倒,发疯
  go bail for为作保,解救
  go easy on小心对待,节约使用
  go from bad to worse每况愈下,越来越糟
   go the extra mile做额外的工作,主动承担工作,想尽办法完成
  go through with something不顾艰难完成
  go west不再存在,完蛋
  good ear敏锐的听觉
  good for nothing一无是处
  grease the palm of贿赂
  hair stand on end极度恐惧
  hand down代代相传,移交
  hand over fist稳步地,快速地
  hands are full很忙
  hang by a thread/hair危在旦夕
  haul someone up逮捕某人,把某人抓起来
  have(or keep)one's eyes peeled提高警觉
  have a big nose爱打听
  have a bone to pick with对有意见
  have a finger in the pie通晓一切
  have a hand in参与
  have a head of gold慷慨,好心
  have a head要求别人对说话的人表示同情,或者是要求别人帮助他
  have a long head(or be long-headed)精明的,聪明的
  have an axe to grind心怀叵测
  have an easy time闲散度日,生活安逸
  have an eye to把作为目的
  have done with结束了
  have foith in信任,相信
  have if both ways两面讨好,脚踏两只船
  have n out with sb.公开摊牌,解决争执
  have no back bone性情懦弱
  have one's head in one's mouth提心吊胆
  have one's back to the wall陷入绝境
  have the ball at one's feet有机会获得成功
  have the hats for someone迷恋上某人
  heart to heart推心置腹地,坦率地
  high and dry孤独无助
  high and low到处
  high and mighty傲慢
  hit the roof勃然大怒,发火
  hog heaven乐园,天堂
  hold one's head high处逆境而怡然自得
  hold someone's hand伸出援手
  hole and corner偷偷摸摸,鬼鬼祟祟
  hope against hope抱一线希望,明知无用仍妄想
  hot potato棘手的事或问题
  in any case无论如何,不管怎样
  in bad shape很糟
  in cold blood冷血
  in good/bad mood谴堵好/环
  in hand得以控制
  in memory of sb.为了纪念某人
  in one's heartof hearls心底里
  in the nick of time在事情正好发生的时候,在关键时刻
  into the blue无影无踪
  itch for非常想
  keep a check on控制,抑制,监视
  keep a poker face面无表情
  keep an eye on照看,照管
  keep bach过单身生活
  keep company wffh与结伴。和在一起
  keep house持家
  keep one'S eyes skinned密切监视
  kick the bucket翘辫子,死
  kick up a row大吵大闹
  land on one's feet幸免于难,化险为夷
  laugh up one'S sleeves偷偷地笑
  lay a finger on加害
  lay to rest淡忘,搁置
  lead someone by the nose完全控制
  leave a nasty(or bad)taste in one's mouth 留下一个坏印象,留下一种坏感觉
  leave somebody/something alone不去管
  lef in允许进入,漏水,使陷入
  let someone down使某人失望
  like a cat on hot bricks热锅上的蚂蚁
  live beyond one'S means寅吃卯粮,入不敷出
  live by/on one's wits靠耍小聪明而非正常地工作,混日子
  live from hand to mouth刚好糊口
  look for a needle in a bundle of hay大海捞针
  loak for自找(麻烦等)
  loak high and low到处都找遍
  loak someone in the face坦然面对
  lose face丢脸,受侮辱
  make a face做鬼脸
  make a fuss of/over疼爱有加,呵护入微
  make a mountain out of molehilf小题大做
  make if成功
  make light of轻描淡写,不足为道,轻视
  make old bones活到老
  make one'S heart bleed使某人难过,使某人心碎
  make out(kissing,necking)亲热
  make someone'S blood run cold胆战心惊
  meke the ends meet收支平衡
  marry a fortune嫁给有钱人
  meet trouble halfway杞人忧天,自寻烦恼
  murder will out纸包不住火
  near in blood近亲
  neck and neck并驾齐驱,旗鼓相当
  new broom刚上任的新官
  no fool决不是傻瓜,聪明人
  not born yesterday可不傻,不易上当的
  not have the heart to do something不忍心去做
  nurse a viper in one's bosom姑息养奸
  on hand手头,在手边
  on one'S uppers处于困境,穷到极点
  on the heels of接踵而来
  on the side另外,作为兼职
  on the whole大体上差不多,总的看来
  once in a blue moon极为罕见,千载难逢
  one'S heart in one's mouth吓得要命
  one's own flesh and blood骨肉至亲
  open someone'S eye to使某人意识到
  outof a clear blue sky意想不到,出乎意料
  out of breath上气不接下气
  out of one'S wits不知所措,精神错乱
  out of one's hair使某人不受打扰
  out of sight,out of mind眼不见,心不烦
  over a barrel受制于人,处于不利地位,一筹莫展
  over the edge疯了
  pale as death面无血色
  parade one'S knowledge卖弄学问
  pass over忽视
  pat on the back鼓励一番
  peace and quiet安宁
  pennies from heaven意外的收获,天上掉馅饼
  penny wise and pound-foolish捡了芝麻,丢了西瓜
  pick someone's brains剽窃
  pick up and IGave卷铺盖走了
  play dumb装聋作哑
  play hob with给捣乱,任意歪曲
  play the fox行为狡猾
  pop into one'S head突然产生念头
  pour oil on the flame火上浇油
  put a crimp in/into阻止,妨碍
  put one'S foot in to if说/做错事
  put words into someone'S mouth发表见解
  put/get one'S back up惹生气/发怒
  queer in the head疯疯癫癫的
  raise Cain大吵大闹
  rate with someone受人重视,信赖
  relate to感情良好
  respond to有反应,有响应
  ride the tiger玩火自焚
  ring the curtain down on落幕,结束
  risk one'S neck找死,冒着极大的危险
  root and branch完全地
  rub salt into one'S wounds火上浇油.雪上加霜
  run a temperature发烧
  run out of用完。用光
  run over满溢,碾过
  see eye to eye意见相同
  See something with half an eye不费力气看出
  See the red light亮起红灯
  serve sb.right罪有应得
  set by the ears一鸣惊人
  set one'S teeth on edge让某人觉得难受
  set something aside储蓄
  shake in one's shoes吓得发抖,两腿颤抖
  shoot the cat呕吐
PART 2 轻松交际篇
PART 3 无敌校园篇
