


作者:谭卫国,蔡龙权 主编





  谭卫国 男,生于1953年。1982年从湖南师大研究生毕业,同年获得英语语言文学硕士学位。曾在湘潭大学从事教学科研13年。现任上海师范大学外国语学院英语教授,英语语言学硕士生导师,外国语言学与应用语言学硕士生导师。兼任《上海师范大学学报》编辑部特邀编审,中国英汉语比较研究会理事,中国翻译协会专家会员,世界中医药学会联合会翻译专业委员会常务理事。
Part One Basic Theories of Translation A Brief Discussion of Translation
1.1 The Origin, Development and Function of Translation
1.2 Definition of Translation
1.3 Principles for Translation Major Translation Approaches
2.1 Literal Translation Approach
2.2 Liberal Translation Approach
2.3 Literal-plus-liberal Translation Approach
2.4 Conclusion The Process of Translation
3.1 On the Process of Translation
3.2 Comprehension and Reproduction of the SLT at the Macrolevel
3.3 Comprehension and Reproduction of the SLT at the Microlevel
3.4 Improvement of the TLT The Reality of the Translators Subjectivity
4 The Reality of the Translators Subjectivity
4.1 Subjectivity and the Translators Subjectivity
4.2 Translators as Human Beings
4.3 Translator-Centeredness
4.4 Different Versions of the Same Literary Work
4.5 Machine Translation
5 The Translators Exertion of Subjectivity
5.1 The Necessity of the Translators Exertion of Subjectivity
5.2 The Requirements for the Translators Exertion of Subjectivity
5.3 Manifestations of the Translators Exertion of Subjectivity
5.4 Restrictions of the Translators Exertion of Subjectivity
6 Context and Wording in Translation (Ⅰ)
6.1 Towards Context
6.2 Context for Translation
6.3 Wording in Translation
7 Context and Wording in Transation (Ⅱ)
7.1 Context as a Determiner of Wording
7.2 Intra-lingual Context and Wording
Part Two Major Translation Techniques
8 Conversion of Parts of Speech
8.1 Conversion of English Nouns Into Chinese Verbs and Vice Versa
8.2 Conversion of English Prepositions Into Chinese Verbs and Vice Versa
8.3 Conversion of English Adjectives Into Chinese Verbs and Vice Versa
8.4 Conversion of English Adjectives Into Chinese Adverbs and Vice Versa
8.5 Conversion of English Adverbs Into Chinese Verbs and Vice Versa
8.6 Conversion of English Nouns Into Chinese Adjectives and Vice Versa
9 Addition of Proper Words
9.1 Addition of Proper Words Based on the Content
9.2 Addition of Proper Words Based on the Form
10 Proper Omission of Words
10.1 Proper Omission of Words in the Light of the Content
10.2 Proper Omission of Words in the Light of the Form
11 Translation of Affirmative Sentences Into Sentences Containing Negators or Phrases With Negators and Vice Versa
11.1 Translation of Affirmative Sentences Into Sentences Containing Negators or Phrases With Negators
11.2 Translation of Sentences Containing Negators or Phrases With Negators Into Affirmative Sentences
12 Conversion of Active Sentences Into Passive Ones and Vice Versa
12.1 Application of This Conversion Technique to English-Chinese Translation
12.2 Application of This Conversion Technique to Chinese-English Translation
13 Application of "Expansion and Division" to Translation
13.1 Application of "Expansion" to English-Chinese Translation
13.2 Application of "Division" to Chinese-English Translatic
14 Application of "Combination" to Translation
14.1 Application of "Combination" to English-Chinese Translation
14.2 Application of "Combination" to Chinese-English Translation
15 Classification and Translation of English and Chinese Idioms
15.1 Culture, Idioms and Translation
15.2 Classification and Translation of English and Chinese Idioms
16 Translation of Adverbial Clauses
16.1 Translation of Time Adverbial Clauses
16.2 Translation of Cause Adverbial Clauses
16.3 Translation of Condition Adverbial Clauses
16.4 Translation of Concession Adverbial Clauses
16.5 Translation of Purpose Adverbial Clauses
16.6 Translation of Result Adverbial Clauses
16.7 Translation of Manner Adverbial Clauses
16.8 Translation of Place Adverbial Clauses
17 Translation of Passive Sentences
17.1 Translation of Passive Sentences in English
17.2 Translation of Passive Sentences in Chinese
18 Translation of Involved Sentences
18.1 Translation of Involved Sentences According to Their Original Order
18.2 Translation of Invoh,ed Sentences According to Their Inverted Order
18.3 Translation of Involved Sentences Through Proper Adjustment
18.4 Translation of Involved Sentences into Two or More than Two Sentences
18.5 Translation of Involved Sentences by Means of Various Methods
Part Three Translation Practice
19 Fourty Execellent Pieces of Prose Accompanied by versions
20 Translation Passages in National Band-Eight Tests for English Majors Accompanied by Their Respective English or Chinese Versions( 1992-2008 )
