


作者:高鹏 等主编





Part One 英语生存口语37天
 001 问候Great
 002 介绍Introduction
 003 称谓Addressing
 004 开场Opening
 005 信息咨询Asking Information
 006 辨认人Identifying People
 007 离别Departure
 008 道歉Apology
 009 买衣服Buying Clothes
 010 在副食店At aGrocery
 011 结账Settling Bills
 012 订餐桌Reservation for a Table
 013 买房Buying a House
 014 租房Apartment Hunting
 015 散步Taking a Walk
 016 拜访Paying a Visit
 017 时间Time
 018 日期Date
 019 季节Seasons
 020 家人Family
 021 烹饪Cooking
 022 申请工作Applying for a Job
 023 旅馆Hotel
 024 结账Check-out
 025 问路Asking theWay
 026 乘公共汽车(In a Bus
 027 乘火车Aboard a Train
 028 乘飞机On an Airplane
 029 乘船Aboard a Ship
 030 在汽车站At the Bus Stop
 031 在火车站At the Railway Station
 032 理发Haircut
 033 看医生Seeing a Doctor
 034 服药Taking Medicine
 035 打针Injection
 036 急救First Aid
 037 打电话Telephone Conversation
Part Two 英语常用口语28天
 038 借东西Borrowing
 039 挑选商品Choosing Items
 040 询问Inquiry
 041 询问价格Asking About Price
 042 讨价还价Bargaining
 043 电话订餐A Reservation Call
 044 水、电、煤气费Water,Power,Gas Bills
 045 电视Television
 046 电影FiIm
 047 报纸和杂志Newspapers&Magazines
 048 节日Festivals
 049 假日Holidays&Vacation
 050 生日Birthday
 051 郊游An Outing
 052 天气Weather
 053 天气预报Weather Forecast
 054 求职面试Job Interview
 055 预订房间Booking a Room
 056 机上用餐Having Meals on the Plane
 057 订票Booking a Ticket
 058 买票Buying a Ticket
 059 度假On Vacation
 060 报警Call the Police
 061 手机Mobile Phones
 062 银行开户Opening an Account
 063 存钱Depositing Money
 064 换钱Small Change&Foreign Exchange
 065 信用卡Credit Card
Part Three 英语交际口语14天
 066 偶遇Meeting by Chance
 067 社交Socializing
 068 朋友Friends
 069 分手Breaking Up
 070 示爱Speaking out
 071 邻居Neighbors
 072 约会Making an Appointment
 073 取消约会Cancelling an Appointment
 074 聚会Parties
 075 狂欢圣诞Merry Christmas
 076 乔迁聚会Housewarming Party
 077 鸡尾酒会Cocktail Party
 078 感恩节宴会Thanksgiving Feast
 079 出租车Taxi
Part Four 英语生活口语42天
 080 衣服缩水Shrinking
 081 修鞋Mending Shoes
 082 补衣服Mending Clothes
 083 改衣服Altering Clothes
 084 洗照片Picture Development
 085 复印Photocopy
 086 洗车Car Wash
 087 汽车保养Car Maintenance
 088 看房Inspecting a House
 089 公寓Apartment
 090 搬家Moving House
 091 客厅LivingRoom
 092 卧室Bedroom
 093 厨房Kitchen
 094 浴室Bathroom
 095 花园Garden
 096 二手房Used House
 097 租金Rent
 098 修理管道Repairing Pipeline
 099 装修Redecorating a House
 100 配备家具Fitting Out Furniture
 101 饮用水Drinking water
 102 习俗Customs
 103 爱情与婚姻Love&Marriage
 104 婚礼Wedding
 105 消除烦恼Over Getting It
 106 离婚Divorce
 107 日托所与幼儿园Day Nurseries and Kindergartens
 108 在厨房In the Kitchen
 109 洗餐具Doing the Dishes
 110 布置家务Assigning Housework
 111 做饭还是到外面吃?Cooking or Eating out?
 112 交通Traffic
 113 美发与修面Trimming and Shaving
 114 冷烫还是热烫?Cold wave or Perm?
 115 染发Dyeing Hair
 116 洗头Getting a Shampoo
 117 打扮Making up
 118 保健HealthCare
 119 邮信Mail Letters
 120 取信Getting Mail
 121 邮寄包裹Mailing Parcels
Part Five 英语餐饮口语32天
 22 快餐Fast Food
 23 英国食物British Food
 24 吃零食Eating Snacks
 25 中餐Chinese Food
 26 自备餐Potluck Dinner
 27 早餐Breakfast
 28 自助餐Buffet
 29 口香糖Chewing Gum
 30 外卖餐Take-away
 131 在食堂At a Canteen'31
 132 不同的食品Different Foods
 133 小吃摊Snack Stand 3
 134 三明治Sandwiches
 135 意大利面食Pasta
 136 比萨Pizza
 137 烧烤Barbecue
 138 烤牛肉Roast Beef
 139 饺子Jiaozi
 140 火锅Hotpot
 141 饮料Beverages
 142 品茶Tea
 143 调味料Spices
 144 饭后点心Desserts
 145 水果Fruit
 146 中、外酒类Chinese and Foreign Alcoholic Drinks
 147 奶酪Cheese
 148 长寿面Longevity Noodles
 149 最低消费The Minimum Charge
 150 推荐菜肴Dish Recommendation
 151 各付各的账Go Dutchl
 152 餐馆客满The Restaurant Is Full
 153 点菜服务Taking an A La Carte Order
Part Six 英语衣饰口语12天
 154 谈论穿着Talking about Things to Wear
 155 评论穿着Commenting on Clothing
 156 流行式样Fashion
 157 颜色匹配Matching Color
 158 佩戴领带Wearing Ties
 159 今天穿什么What to Wear Today
 160 休闲装Casual Clothes
 161 霓裳炫影Fashionable Clothing
 162 我穿着怎么样?How Do I Look?
 163 服装搭配Matching Clothes
 164 称赞衣着Compliments on Dressing
 165 最喜欢的颜色Favorite Color
Part Seven 英语购物口语27天
 166 买鞋子Buying Shoes
 167 买帽子Buying Hats
 168 买手套Buying Gloves
 169 买运动衫Buying Sports Jackets
 170 买运动鞋Buying Sneakers
 171 买内衣Buying Underwear
 172 买毛衣Buying Sweaters
 173 买袜子Buying Socks
 174 买裤子Buying Pants
 175 买衣着饰物Buying Accessories
 176 买外套Buying an Overcoat
 177 买围巾Buying Scarves
 178 买珠宝Buying Jewelry
 179 选购新车Choosing a New Car
 180 选购中国画Choosing a Chinese Painting
 181 买化妆品Buying Cosmetics
 182 配眼镜Buying Glasses
 183 买手表Buying a Watch
 184 买书Buying Books
 185 买家用电器Buying Home Electrical Appliances
 186 买空调Buying arl Air-conditioner
 187 打折Discount
 188 预购Ordering
 189 退货Refund
 190 试鞋Trying on shoes
 191 询问尺寸Asking about the Size
 192 买家具Buying Furniture
Part Eight 英语服务口语28天
 193 录像带出租和转录服务Video Rentals and Taping Services
 194 迎对顾客Attending Customers
 195 推荐服装Recommending Clothes
 196 说明价格Telling the Price
 197 处理投诉Handling a Complaint
 198 售后服务After-sales Service 98
 199 餐馆抱怨Complaints in the Restaurant
 200 安排座位Seating
 201 处理投诉Dealing With a Complaint
 202 征求意见Asking for Comments
 203 解释菜单Explaining the Menu
 204 找中介好吗?Why not Try the Brokers7
 205 咨询律师Attorneys
206 询问要求Inquiring Demands
207 说明要求Giving Claims
208 询问服务Inquiring Service
209 介绍服务Introducing Services
210 询问价格Price Inquirv
211 接受预订Accepting Reservation
212 拒绝预定Refusing Reservation
213 登记Registering
214 叫醒服务Morning Call Service
215 询问航班Asking about Flights
216 申请签证Applying for a Visa
 217 安装电话Applying for a TeleDhone
 218 电信服务Telecommunication Service;
 219 传真Facsimile
 220 手机新宠Modern Cell Phones
Part Nine 英语运动口语10天
221 锻炼身体Taking Exercise
222 球类运动Ball Gaines
223 奥林匹克运动Olympics
224 打保龄球Bowling
225 游泳Swimming
 226 羽毛球Badminton
 227 瑜伽Yoga
 228 键身运动Fitness Exercise
 229 蹦极Bungee Jumping
 230 学滑雪Learning to Ski
Part Ten 英语休闲口语23天
 231 逛商场Window Shopping
 232 娱乐Entertainment
 233 逛公园Visiting a Park
 234 逛游乐园Visiting an Amusement Park
 235 卡拉OK包房KTV
 236 夜总会Night C1ub
 237 日光浴Sunbathing
 238 跳舞Dance
 239 音乐会Concert
 240 乐器Musical Instruments
 241 音乐与歌曲Music&Songs
 242 音乐欣赏Music Appreciation
 243 剧院Theatre
 244 摄影Photography
 245 绘画Paintings
 246 桥牌Bridge
 247 棋类Chess
 248 温泉Hot Springs
 249 嗜好Hobby
 250 郊游野餐Going on a Picnic
 251 野营Camping
 252 养鱼Fish-keeping
 253 养宠物Pet—keeping
Part Eleven 英语旅游口语7天
 254 买纪念品Buying Souvenirs
 255 汽车旅馆Motel
 256 找厕所Looking for a Toilet
 257 拍照Taking Pictures
 258 旅行Traveling
259 观光Sightseeihg
260 风景名胜和历史古迹Scenic Spots and Nistorical Sites
Part Twelve 英语校园口语17天
 261 学校Schools
 262 课程Courses
 263 读书Reading Books
 264 学习Study
 265 考试Exams
 266 考试作弊 Cheating on the Test
 267 英语English
 268 图书馆Library
 269 英语角English Corner
 270 转专业Changing Majors
 271 毕业Graduation
 272 出国学习Studying Abroad
 273 研究生入学考试Graduate Admission Test
 274 在成人学校At the Adult school
 275 经济资助Financial Aid
 276 兼职Part-time Jobs
 277 宿舍Dormitory
Part Thirteen 英语职场口语1l天
 278 在办公室At the Office
 279 安排会议Arranging the Meeting
 280 失业Out of Work
 281 请假Asking for Leave
 282 谈论职业Talking about Career
 283 解雇Firing
 284 要求升职Asking for an Advancement
 285 秘书工作Secretary Jobs
 286 辞职Resignation
 287 加班Overtime
 288 打替班Covering for a Colleague
Part Fourteen 英语网络口语15天
 289 电子邮件E-mail
 290 电脑Computer
 291 组装电脑Computer DIY
 292 互联网The Internet
 293 网上聊天Chatting Online
 294 网恋Net Love
 295 电子游戏E1ectronic Games
 296 网上购物Online shopping
 297 搜索歌曲Searching Songs
 298 网上影视天地Movies&TV on the Internet
 299 网上人才市场Employment Market on Internet
 300 网上预订Reservation on the Internet
 301 电子银行E-banking
 302 电脑病毒Virus
 303 电脑黑客Hackers
Part Fifteen 英语时尚口语29天
 304 白日梦DayDream
 305 幽默Humor
 306 餐厅礼节Restaurant Dos and Don’t!
 307 失眠Unabte tO Fall Asleep
 308 体验Having a Taste
 309 吸烟Smoking
 310 制订计划Making Plans
 311 吸毒上瘾Drug Addiction
 312 受袭与自卫Attack&Self-protectior
 313 法庭LawCourt
 314 星座Sign(Horoscope)
 315 代沟Generation Gap
 316 出国Going Abroad
 317 纳税申报单Tax Return
 318 股票Stocks
 319 买保险Buying Insurance
 320 高新科技High Technology
 321 基因GeneL
 322 克隆Clone
 323 世贸组织WTO
 324 环境保护Environment Protection
 325 私家车Private Cars
 326 租车Renting a Car
 327 申请按揭Applying for a Mortgage Loan
 328 健康食品Health Food
 329 版权Copyright
 330 选举Election
 331 考驾照Getting a Driving License
 332 荣誉Honor
Part Sixteen 英语情景口语19天
 333 女装部Women’S Wear
 334 男装部Men’S Wear
 335 精品屋Boutique
 336 鞋帽部Footwear&Hat
 337 旧物市场Flea Market
 338 清新茶馆Comfortable Teahouse
 339 海港At the Seaport
 340 加油站At the Gas Station
 341 在海关At the Customs
 342 看牙医Seeing a Dentist
 343 癌症Cancer
 344 艾滋病AIDS
 345 心理咨询Psychological Counseling
 346 收银台Checkout Counter
 347 干洗店Dry Cleaner’S
 348 洗衣房The Laundromat
 349 在酒吧At a Bar
 350 咖啡店Coffee Shop
 351 在飞机场At the Airport
Part Seventeen 英语功能口语14天
 352 谦虚Modesty
 353 抱怨Complaint
 354 同情Sympathy
 355 赞成与反对Agreement and Disagreement
 356 安慰Consolation
 357 提醒Reminding
 358 承诺Promise
 359 鼓励Encouragement
 360 祝贺Congratulations
 361 生气Anger
 362 恭维Compliment
 363 后悔Regret
 364 不满意Dissatisfaction
 365 邀请Invitation
