


作者:冯茜 编著





  1 以最完整、最全面的职场口语给您提供一本学习英语口语的宝典5个精心设计的主题。213个实用的话题,1200个精心挑选的句型,430个原汁原昧的对话,2200个职场常用词汇,让您轻轻松松学会髓心所欲地表达自己。2 以最常用,最贴近职场的话题让您在职场交际中从此畅通无阻本书涵盖谈判准备、谈判内容、谈判事宜、谈判实务及谈判结束等,将职场中最常用的高频对话全部囊括其中,让您一书在握。再无它求。3 以最地道,最实用的句型,让您灵活应用、举一反三准确规范的经典句型、原汁原昧的模仿对话以及最贴近实际工作的场景会话,给您提供说英语最真实的氛围和全方位练习的机会,从此告别“哑巴英语”,让您享受进步和成功的快乐。4 以最纯正、最清晰的朗读为您提供超值的多媒体光盘特聘美籍外教全文朗读,文中具有针对性的疯狂操练,能帮您火速摆脱听力的盲区和误区,您只要每天听一听,嘴巴跟着读,就能让您在日常工作中听得懂老外的谈话,并能自由交流。
Part 1 谈判准备 Negotiation Preparations
 Unit 1 约定谈判对象 Making an Appointment with Your Business Associate
 Unit 2 请求拜访 Asking for Visit
 Unit 3 电话预约 Making an Appointment by Telephone
 Unit 4 安排会面 Arranging an Appointment
 Unit 5 约定会面 Making an Appointment
 Unit 6 确认约会 Confirming an Appointment
 Unit 7 推迟约会 Delaying an Appointment
 Unit 8 变更约定 Changing an Appointment
 Unit 9 不能赴约 Being Unable to Keep an Appointment
 Unit 10 取消约会 Cancelling an Appointment
 Unit 11 市场调查 Market Research
 Unit 12 了解商务文化和习俗 ⅠKnowing Business Cultures and Customs Ⅰ
 Unit 13 了解商务文化和习俗 Ⅱ Knowing Business Cultures and Customs Ⅱ
 Unit 14 怎样做市场调查 How to Carry out Market Research
 Unit 15 资信调查 Ⅰ Credit Investigation Ⅰ
 Unit 16 资信调查 Ⅱ Credit Investigation Ⅱ
 Unit 17 外商到达 Arrival of Foreign Businessmen
 Unit 18 与客户寒暄 Greeting the Clients
 Unit 19 客户接待 Receiving the Clients
 Unit 20 闲聊 Small Talk
 Unit 21 在酒店 At the Hotel
 Unit 22 宴请 Inviting to Dinner
 Unit 23 接待访客 Receiving Visitors
 Unit 24 未约定的拜访 Abrupt Appointment
 Unit 25 初次接触 First Contact
 Unit 26 接待国外客户 Meeting Foreign Guests
 Unit 27 建立贸易关系 Entering into Trade Relations
 Unit 28 进一步接触 Further Contact
 Unit 29 建立业务关系 Establishing Business Relations
 Unit 30 说明来意 Explaining the Purpose
 Unit 31 带领参观 Showing Around
 Unit 32 参观展室 Visiting a Showroom
 Unit 33 介绍公司 Introducing the Company
 Unit 34 介绍工厂 Introducing the Factory
 Unit 35 参观工厂 Visiting the Factory
 Unit 36 商务午餐 Business Lunch
 Unit 37 部门介绍 Introducing a Department
 Unit 38 谈话要点 Outlining One?蒺s Talk
 Unit 39 日程安排 Discussing the Time Schedule
 Unit 40 会议议程 Agenda
 Unit 41 开始谈判 Beginning a Negotiation
 Unit 42 自我介绍 Self-introduction
 Unit 43 介绍外商 Introducing Foreign Counterparts
 Unit 44 了解产品 A Good Idea of Product Range
 Unit 45 介绍产品 Introducing Products
 Unit 46 产品的竞争力 Products Competitive Edge
 Unit 47 货币升贬 Appreciation and Devaluation of Currency
 Unit 48 与新客户谈判 Talking with New Customers
 Unit 49 与老客户谈判 Talking with Old Customers
 Unit 50 在商品交易会上 At a Trade Fair
Part 2 谈判内容 Negotiation Contents
Part 3 谈判事宜 Negotiation Issues
Part 4 谈判实务 Negotiation Practice
