


作者:王永刚+主题工作室 编





  主题工作室(IDEA STUDIO) 既“北京主题建筑设计咨询有限公司”,是由多名享有盛誉的青年建筑师、景观规划师、室内设计师、平面设计师、当代艺术家;哲学家、地产策划人等多种学科组成的联合设计机构,积极从事着都市人文主义的实现。针对不同的项目,主题工作室设四个方面的专业工作室:建筑及规划设计工作室、景观设计工作室、室内设计工作室、当代艺术工作室及一份学术刊物:《主题先行》。主题工作室将当代艺术与工程技术的整合力做为工作核心、坚持用当代艺术的观念、结合全新的建筑科技解决当前的环境空间问题,注重横向思维,追求创新,以开放的态度完成每一件作品。公司自2001年11月成立以来完成了一系列主题景区规划、社区整体设计,其中纬度建筑设计是近年来重点,文化艺术、空间环境整体设计等方面完成了一系列博物馆、艺术中心、海洋主题馆、老工业环境再生策划和改造等,并组织策划了国内当代艺术、城市文化、建筑艺术、景观艺术等方面的研讨交流活动。主题机构奉行主题先行的原则进行系统化的创作与设计。立足中国客观现实,发掘整合项目最大化资源,提取项目所蕴含的增益“基因”,确定明确的主题。以此为指导进行诚实的设计,追求项目强烈的可识别性。尤其是针对当下的国际化的均质化环境。“基因”的建筑艺术化转换贯穿在艺术、技术、工艺与材料的实施和运用中,研究实现,发现问题核心,个性化解决。主题先行使项目在立项之初就将项目的各项工作和环节全方位平行的置放于当下的市场环境当中,每一个环节连贯运行、始终如一。我们笃信:作品只有具备了最适宜差异性、具备了品质才能形成创造项目品牌的基础。为项目的综合价值创造提供强有力的支持。Idea studio is the abbreviation for Beijing Idea International Architectural Design Consulting Co., Ltd. It is a united design institution staffed by famous young experts in a variety of disciplines, such as architects, landscape designers, indoor designers, plain designers, avant-garde artists, philosophers, estate planners. It has set up four professional studios, including construction planning studio, landscape studio, indoor studio and contemporary art studio, and one academic periodical, namely, Idea First.Focusing on horizontal thinking, Idea Studio resolves the current environmental space problems by combination of contemporary culture, contemporary art perception and up to date architectural technology, and completes each work with open-minded attitude. Since November 2001, Idea Studio has done a series of work in property sales offices in scenic spot planning, community mansions and estate projects, as well as in the layout of surroundings, reconstruction of cultural artistic room and design of landscape gardening. It also organized, schemed and participated in seminars on domestic contemporary arts, urban culture, architectural arts and landscape arts.In pursuit of the principle of Idea First, Idea Studio and its related organizations implemented systematic innovation and design, stand at the foot of China’s reality, explore utmost resource for the project, withdraw the Gene out of the project for revenue, ascertain the main theme, carry out honest design under the main theme and adhere to a strong sense of identification, especially in the current social environment. Idea First has enabled all steps of the project in persistence and smoothness at the beginning of the project-establishment, and led the artistic transit of the Gene across the implementation and application of technology, technique and materials with its expression under the principle of highly honesty. Idea First is to seek the best starting point, investigate the reality, find problems and individual solutions. We all believe that only a piece of work has the most agreeable difference, can it be called to have good quality, and thus to form the basis for project branding.
