大疆汪滔甘开全 著这是一本经管励志类图书。本书主要从梦之初、做品位、有核心、新商战、市场观、聚人才、成功路等7个方面,综合解读了汪滔的创业故事与其问鼎无人机市场霸主的经营门道。在一个不太景气的制造行业、在看似很难成功的无人机领域,汪滔逐梦而行、追求纯粹,不管风吹浪打,依然特立独飞,最终获得骄人成功。大疆创新既是无人机市场的开拓者,也是无人机标准的制定者,大疆不仅证明了“中国改革开放、大众创新”的伟力,也在全球范围内重塑了“中国制造”的靓丽形象!
马斯克传陈一竞 著埃隆·马斯克,1971年出生于南非,18岁时移民加拿大,工程师、慈善家、PayPal贝宝(Z大的网上支付公司)、Spacex太空探索技术公司、环保电动汽车公司特斯拉(Tesla)以及SolarCity四家公司的CEO。SpaceX太空探索技术公司首席执行官兼首席技术官,环保电动汽车公司特斯拉(Tesla)产品设计师。本书以马斯克求学、创业为核心,全面展现了马斯克传奇、跌宕起伏、充满冒险与挑战的人生经历。
像比尔 盖茨一样思考(英)丹尼尔·史密斯著,彭汉良译《像比尔·盖茨一样思考》是目前比尔·盖茨的最新传记,由武汉出版社独家版权引进。毋庸置疑,这是一本极其鼓舞人心的书,将世界上最著名的技术天才的人生哲学同其精心打磨的技术融为一体,邀请你去探索比尔·盖茨与众不同的技术天赋和经商之道。本书将对上述问题逐一做深入的剖析,并会告诉你如何把他的方法运用到你生活的各个领域。《时代》周刊把他称为20世纪最有影响力的人之一,而我们要做的就是,学习像他一样思考,赚取我们想要的财富,继而改变我们的人生。
追梦中国林军,张宇宙 著;萨拉维·塔利格 译这是一本讲述互联网公司内部如何运作的实战读物。作者通过对包括马化腾在内的多名腾讯前员工,马化腾的成长伙伴、前同事、腾讯合作伙伴、投资人等上百人的采访及对腾讯发展历史的全面梳理,客观、实际地为我们解读了马化腾其人其事。他是如何将QQ催生,做大、做强到今天的称霸一方的?他在腾讯公司的创办过程中到底做过哪些重大决策,这些决策是怎样物化成产品,这些产品又是怎样形成和出台的,等等。Starting as a developer of messaging software, in ten short years Ma Huateng steered Tencent into all phases needed for a dominant presence on the Chinese internet: from value-added wireless operations, games, portal and search operations to e-commerce, and third-party payments. With ease and aplomb, Ma made Tencent the pattern-setter of China’s whole internet industry.
追梦中国张明转 著;艾哈迈德·塔里夫 译该书由张明转编著。每个著名企业家都有其独步天下的“秘笈”,这也是其耀眼的闪光点。李书福以其敢想敢做的冒险精神立足汽车领域。李书福从120元创业起家,创办了吉利集团,缔造了一个草根创业的神话。2009年成功收购沃尔沃,让李书福和他的吉利成为举世瞩目的焦点。作者深入分析了李书福多年来的创业经历和经营之道,从案例入手,解析李书福在企业战略和经营中的独到智慧,提炼出他特有的企业家精神。Every well-known entrepreneur has his/her own secret of success. Li Shufu’s secret is his spirit of adventure as a bold thinker and doer, which has gained him a secure foothold in the field of auto production. From his start in business with 120 yuan, his first bucket of gold got from making refrigerators, his failure in real estate in Hainan, to his delving into auto making to found Geely Group, Li Shufu has created a myth of grassroot self made success. In 2009, Li Shufu and his Geely again became the focus of world attention with Geely’s successful purchase of Volvo.
追梦中国李大千 著;阿耶·阿齐 译王传福凭借其对技术和创新的执着,带领比亚迪驰骋电池和汽车两大行业,成为中国首屈一指的高端制造型企业。本书深入分析了王传福的创业经历和企业管理实践,以创新为切入点,解读王传福的技术革新理念和管理哲学,值得广大制造企业管理者借鉴。By immersing himself in technical innovation, Wang Chuanfu cleared his enterprise's road to prominence in both the automotive and battery industries, making BYD a cutting-edge manufacturing powerhouse as he himself became one of China’s foremost hi-tech tycoons.
追梦中国张雨 著;马永亮 译本书分析了任正非在华为企业运营管理、组织建设、文化培养上的诸多举措和言论,全面解读任正非给华为注入强心剂,打造“凶悍”华为的方方面面。他是如何保持企业内的“加班文化”?如何通过“不断打乱”来保持企业的旺盛创新能力?又是如何“强行”引入规范流程,奠定华为严格而规范的创新进程,等等。Huawei is a rather unique type of corporation characterized by decentralised ownership, and strong presence abroad. The image it has built of itself has earned the company the name “China Dragon”. Ren Zhengfei, the founder of this “China Dragon” today employing 100,000 staff has become an inspiration to many.
追梦中国郭亮 著;白斯迈·艾萨麦和里哈姆·默哈穆德 译本书讲述了俞敏洪如何像蜗牛一样一步一步向前爬的人生故事。俞敏洪虽然被冠以了太多的称号,诸如“指点迷津的企业家”、“商业英雄”、“人生的启蒙师”、“中国zui有钱的教师”等等,但真实的俞敏洪,没有那么光鲜神奇。他老实巴交,种过地,犁过田,当过乡村教师,有过懵懂的初恋;他不屈不挠,高考落榜两次仍不放弃,失业、创业,在艰难中奋力前行。More than 70 percent of Chinese studying overseas regard Yu Minhong as their teacher. Through his set-backs and achievements, Yu has earned himself plenty of titles: “an entrepreneur who shines like a beacon”, “business hero”, “an abecedarian of life”, “richest teacher in China”, and many more. But behind such accolades, what is the real Yu like?In reality, Yu is neither glittering nor glorious. An honest man, he plowed the fields, taught countryside students, hesitated with his first love. But he has an iron resolve: he never gives up. He failed the national college entrance exam twice; he lost a decent job, but he created his own business—in the beginning pasting advertisements for his small school in sub-zero temperatures. Like a snail, Yu climbs on, with patience and perseverance, overcoming all obstacles along the way.
追梦中国快刀洪七,冯玉麟 著;艾哈迈德·赛义德 译本书正是从分析马云异于常人的企业运营智慧和理念出发,用清晰的案例和深刻的分析,展现其以颠覆完成的独到智慧。Ma called himself an internet illiterate, but he founded his Alibaba empire and revolutionized China’s internet ecology; He is a passionate orator, a trailblazor and a tireless preacher. He claimed that in Alibaba customers and employers were always put before stockholders, but all the stockholders were still in full support of him. How did he achieve his unorthodox innovation and transcendency?
美国银行家[美] 琼·斯特劳斯 著;王同宽 等 译100年前,摩根像巨人一样掌控着整个金融世界。摩根和当时世界上*有权势和*有智慧的人合作,他在世时不仅是历届美国总统、英国国王爱德华七世和德国皇帝威廉二世的密友,还是美国、英国、法国、墨西哥等国政府的债主。《美国银行家:摩根传》通过对摩根令人敬畏的外表、充满支配力量的意志的描述,生动地再现了摩根的立体生活,反映了美国镀金时代的文化和政治斗争以及社会冲突,让人们重新审视美国崛起时银行家的作用。