汇编语言与接口技术曾兰玲Today's digital technology, computer technology have penetrated into various fields. The ability to master and apply computer technology has become one of the criten.a to measure the quality of a professional technicians. Assembly Language & Interfaang Technology is an important computer technology course in science and engineering of higher education.Although the rapid development of computer technology, microprocessors have been from 32 to 64-bit transition, for a variety of control systems, we commonly use 8-bit, 16-bit interface technology to meet the appli.cation requirements, so 32 or even 64 microprocessor to explain the working principle of microcomputers is not suitable. This book is a 16-bit microprocessor model, about the basic principles of computer and interface technology, easy to learn and understand, its basic concepts, basic ideas and basic methods and 32-bit processor are the same.This book is mainly for the general colleges and universities of computer science, electromechanical contror and non-electronics majors students. The preparation of this book focuses on theory with practice and engineering applications. In the preparation of teaching materials in the introduction oflife ,a lot of examples witch are easy to understand are used to help readers understand the basic concepts of computer. After talking about the working pri.nciple of various interface chips, the book g:ives a number of examples which can be directly applied, and give some different solutions to achieve the function.The book is divided into 7 chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the basics of comicrocomprter systems; Chapter 2 introduces assembly language in graphical form; Chapter 3 introduces the assembly language programming method; Chapter 4 introduces the 16-bit processor Pins, read and write timing; Chapter 5 describes the I/O interface, the basic composition, read and write technology and data transfer; Chapter 6 introduces the concept of interrupts and functions of programming 8259A chip. Chapter 7 introduces the internal structure and programming of the programmable parallel interface chip 8255A, the serial interface chip 8251A, and the timer/counter interface chip 8253/8254.This book is comprehensive, and self-contained, the assembly language prograrrurung part and the computer principle and interface technology are orgamied together, through appropriate choice, and is suitable both computer professional and non-computer professional students.This book is writen by Zeng Lanl.ing, Han Xiaoru, and Li chang; Adjardiah Winffed Kudjo Patrick as deputy editors.The authors of this book in the process of writing referred to a lot of excellent reference materials, thanks to the author of these materials, in particular, thanks especially to Ma Weihua, Qian Xiajie and Yang Wenxian. In addition, the writing of this book has been the national teaching quality engineering network of professional comprehensive reform project and Jiangsu University teaching reform project support.Due to the limitation of editors, there are some errors and omission, please critilize. Ifyou encounter problems with the use of the textbook, contact the author. E-Mail: lanling@ujs. edu. cn.
郑振铎画传郑源 著郑振铎(1898 – 1958),新文化运动旗手。现代著名作家、考古学家、藏书家,卓越的社会活动家、杰出的民主战士。先后担任商务印书馆《小说月报》主编,燕京、清华、复旦、暨南等著名大学教授。建国后,当选第一届全国政协委员、全国人大代表,历任国家文物局局长、文化部副部长等职。书稿用许多珍贵照片展现了其精彩的一生。
网络中的信任管理体系张文政,耿秀华,周宇,汤殿华,张李军 等信任管理是网络中的重要研究方面,为集中展现信任管理的概念、框架、原理和应用,《网络中的信任管理体系》对信任管理的研究现状及发展趋势进行了概述和总结,对SPKi/SDSI2.0的相关知识、基于可信计算平台的信任管理系统、信誉系统、基于非合作重复博弈的信任模型等进行了详细全面的论述,重点阐述了移动互联网、云计算、物联网中信任管理解决方案。《网络中的信任管理体系》是该领域科研和技术人员系统了解和掌握新进展的理论著作。
北大记忆北京大学120周年校庆筹备委员会秘书处 著北大120周年校庆在举行各项活动之余,开展了“拯救北大记忆”系列采访采访活动,对北京大学年事已高的院士、哲学社会科学资深教授、知名老教授进行访谈,通过对谈形式了解老先生的北大记忆,了解北大不同历史时期的点滴经历,也透过老先生的讲述,串联起不同学科的发展历程,记录真实动人的北大故事,最后还包括老先生对北大未来的愿景和对后辈的期望。采访对象包括王夔、吴慰慈、陈佳洱、许智宏、楼宇烈、唐孝炎、刘安武、严家炎、严文明、马克垚、钱乘旦、叶朗、张恭庆、胡壮麟、郭锡良15位老先生,共计13篇精选访谈实录、2篇口述史。由学生主笔,书写老先生们的北大记忆,是这本书核心的特色。他们秉承继承历史、面向未来的理念,将青春的力量与北大人的责任感相结合,对北大历史、现实上值得挖掘的话题进行细致采访和深度探讨,力图通过120周年校庆,将北大文化、学术、精神、思想的内涵展现给世界。
陈寅恪论稿刘梦溪 著陈寅恪,集历史学家、古典文学研究家、语言学家、诗人于一身,享有“三百年来*人”之美誉。近年来,“陈寅恪现象”成为文化界一大热点。陈寅恪的思想和精神,亦深刻地影响了作者的治学与处世。本书可作为《陈寅恪的学说》的姊妹篇。如果说《学说》是对陈氏学说体系内部构造的疏解,本书则是对陈氏学说体系的外部学术触点的著论,主要内容涉及陈寅恪的家学渊源与晚清胜流、陈寅恪的“家国旧情”与“兴亡遗恨”、陈寅恪学术思想的精神义谛、陈寅恪对儒释道三家的“判教”、陈寅恪与《柳如是别传》的撰述旨趣、陈寅恪与《红楼梦》、陈寅恪与王国维和吴宓。