


作者:刘国善 等编译





第一章 先秦、汉、魏、晋、南北朝诗歌
关雎 AJujiu Cooing
汉广 So Broad is the Hanjiang
蒹葭 Reeds Green
黍离 Lush,Lush Millet Seedlings
黄鸟 The Canary
湘夫人 To the Goddess of the Xiang River
山鬼 Fairyof Mount Wu
离骚 Lamentations Over Estrangement(Excerpts)
垓下歌 The Last Song at GaiMa
大风歌 Ode to the rasing Gale
秋风辞 Ode tO the Autumo Wind
行行重行行 Trudging On and On
迢迢牵牛星 Cowherd Star So High High Up
饮马长城窟行 Our River Banks
孔雀东南飞 Peacocks Southeast Travelling
短歌行 AShortSong
燕歌行 Night Longings
野田黄雀行 The Lark Snared
七步诗 Poem Composed Within Seven Paces,Time
饮酒(之五) Written over a Cup of Wine
杂诗(之一) MisceUaneous Poems(The First)
敕勒歌 Steppe of Us Tiele Tribes
第二章 唐代诗歌
送杜少府之任蜀州 Farewell to Mr Du Off to Sicbun
春江花月夜 Spring Riverside with Moonlit Blossoms
登鹳雀楼 On Top of Stork Tower
凉州词 Beyond the Jade Pass
从军行(琵琶起舞换新声 In the Army
出塞(秦时明月汉时关) On The Fronticr
黄鹤楼 Yellow Crane xower
相思 Lovesick Beans
渭城曲 Farewell Outside Wei Citv
80 春思Spring Thoughts
82 长干行Wife Left Home at Riverside Street
85 闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄To Wang Chang ling on His Banishment to Longbiao
87 早发白帝城Leaving White Dragon City at Dawn
88 月夜On a Moonlit Night
90 秋兴(之一) (玉露凋伤枫树林)Autumn Thoughts
92 咏怀古迹(之三)On Historic Sites
94 登高Ascending the Heights
96 登岳阳楼Ascending YueyangTower
98 枫桥夜泊Mooring at Maple Bridge for the Night
100 寒食Cold Food Day
102 征人怨SoldiersComplaint
104 三闾庙The Temple to qu Yuan
106 和梧叶诗In Reply to a Poem on a Plane Leaf
108 红叶诗Written on a Red Leaf
110 夜上受降城闻笛On Hearing a Flute at Night from the Gate-Tower of Shouxiang City
112 游子吟Chant of the Rover
113 酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠Responding to Bais Poem on First Meeting
115 乌衣巷Black Dress Lane
117 古原草Grasses on an Ancient Plain
119 上阳白发人A Shut-in Maid at Shang Yang Palace
122 离思In Memory of the Departed
124 金缕衣Golden Brocade
126 金铜仙人辞汉歌The Bronze Statue Taking His Leave
128 泊秦淮Mooring on theQinhuai
130 金谷园Golden Dale Garden in Ruins
132 过华清宫Passing by Huaqing Palace on Mount
134 陇西行By a River West of Mount Long
136 梦泽Dreamy Marshland
138 无题(相见)A Poem Untided
140 无题(二首之二)(重帏)The Second of Two Untided Poems
142 嫦娥Lady of the Moon
144 夜雨寄北A Rainy Nights Lines to Wife in the North
146 锦瑟Painted Zither
第三章 唐、五代词
150 望江南(天上月)To the Tune South of the Yangtze
152 忆秦娥(箫声咽)To the Tune Memories of the Qin Maid
154 菩萨蛮(平林漠漠)To the Tune Exotic Dancers
156 转应曲(胡马)To the Tune Transposilions
158 转应曲(边草)To the Tune Transposions
160 转应曲(团扇)To the Tune Transpositions
162 潇湘神(湘水流)To the Tune Goddess of the Xiang River
164 忆江南(春去也)To the Tune South of Yangtze
166 竹枝词(山桃红花)To the Tune Bamboo Twigs
168 竹枝词(瞿塘峡口)To the Tune Bamboo Twigs
170 更漏子(玉炉香)To the Tune Hourglass
172 浣溪沙(夜夜相思)To the Tune Gauze-Rinsing Brook
174 浣溪沙·西施去处(倾国)To the Tune Gauze-Rinsing Brook
176 南乡了(相见处)To the Tune Southern Song
178 巫山一段云(古庙依青嶂)To the Tune Cloud in Mount Wu
180 归国谣(江水碧)To the Tune Back to Home land
182 摊破浣溪沙(手卷珠帘)To the Tune Rinsing Brook(Extended)
第四章 宋代诗词
第五章 元明清诗词曲
