


作者:宫玉波,郭海云 主编





Chapter 1 The Literature of Early and Revolutionary Periods
I. An Outline of the Literature of This Period
II. Benjamin Franklin
Poor Richards Almanac (Excerpt)
III. Thomas Jefferson
The Declaration of Independence
IV. Philip Freneau
The Wild Honey Suckle
Chapter 2 The Literature of Romanticism
I. An Outline of the Literature of This Period
II. William Cullen Bryant
To a Waterfowl
III. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Nature (Excerpt)
Self-Reliance (Excerpt)
IV. Henry David Thoreau
Walden (Excerpt)
V. Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Scarlet Letter (Excerpt)
Young Goodman Brown
VI. Edgar Allan Poe
The Raven (Excerpt)
To Helen
Annabel Lee
VII. Herman Melville
Moby-Dick (Excerpt)
VIII. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
A Psalm of Life
IX. Walt Whitman
Song of Myself (Excerpt)
O Captain! My Captain
Cavalry Crossing a Ford
X. Emily Dickinson
Theres a Certain Slant of Light
Im Nobody! Who Are you?
A Bird Came down the Walk
After Great Pain, a Formal Feeling Comes
Much Madness Is Divine Sense
I Died for Beauty——But Was Scarce
I Like to See It Lap the Miles
I Dwell in Possibility
Because I Could Not Stop for Death
I Never Saw a Moor
Tell All the Truth but Tell It Slant
There Is No Frigate like a Book
A Route of Evanescence
To Make a Prairie It Takes a Clove and One Bee
Chapter 3 The Age of Realism and Naturalism
I. An Outline of the Literature of This Period
II. Mark Twain
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Excerpt)
III. Henry lames
Daisy Miller (Excerpt)
IV. lack London
The Law of Life
V. Theodore Dreiser
Sister Carrie (Excerpt)
VI. Kate Chopin
The Awakening (Excerpt)
The Story of an Hour
VII. O. Henry
The Last Leaf
The Cop and the Anthem
VIII. Stephen Crane
The Open Boat
Chapter 4 The Modem Period
I. An Outline of the Literature of This Period
II. Ezra Pound
In a Station of the Metro
A Pact
III. Robert Frost
Mending Wall
The Road Not Taken
Fire and Ice
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Nothing Gold Can Stay
IV. Arthur Miller
Death of a Salesman (Excerpt)
V. Ralph Ellison
Invisible Man (Excerpt)
VI. Iohn Steinbeck
The Grapes of Wrath (Excerpt)
VII. Eugene ONeill
The Hairy Ape (Excerpt)
VIII. William Faulkner
A Rose for Emily
IX. Ernest Hemingway
A Clean, Well-Lighted Place
X. F. Scott Fitzgerald
Great Gatsby (Excerpt)
XI. Sherwood Anderson
Winesburg, Ohio (Excerpt)
XII. Joseph Heller
Catch-22 (Excerpt)
