


作者:吴尚义 编





Unit 1 Logistics
Part One Text: The Nature and Importance of Logistics
Part Two Reading Passage= What Is Logistics?
Unit 2 Supply Chain Management
Part One Text: The Concept of Supply Chain Management
Part Two Reading Passage= Managing the Chain
Unit 3 Logistics Customer Service
Part One Text: Logistics Customer Service
Part Two Reading Passage= Customer Satisfaction in Post-purchase Environment
Unit 4 Warehousing
Part One Text. Functions and Benefits of Warehousing
Part Two Reading Passage: Warehouse Ownership Arrangements
Unit 5 Inventory Control
Part One Text: Inventory Control
Part Two Reading Passage= ABC Stock Analysis
Unit 6 Packaging
Part One Text: Packaging
Part Two Reading Passage= Packaging Material
Unit 7 Logistics Transportation
Part One Text: Logistics Transportation
Part Two Reading Passage= Intermodal Transportation
Unit 8 Containerization
Part One Text: Containerization
Part Two Reading Passage: Containerization Today
Unit 9 Third Party Logistics
Part One Text: The Nature and Importance of Third Party Logistics
Part Two Reading Passage: China Third Party Logistics Market Report, 2006
Unit 10 Reverse Logistics
Part One Text: Reverse Logistics
Part Two Reading Passage: The Seven Deadly Sins of Reverse Logistics
Unit 11 Logistics Documents
Part One Text: Business Correspondence and Logistics Contracts
Part Two Reading Passage: Other Logistics Documentations
Unit 12 Logistics Center Management
Part One Text: Logistics Center Management
Part Two Reading Passage: Internet-based Logistics Centre for Coordinated Transport in Stockholm, Sweden -- A Case Study
Unit 13 Distribution Management
Part One Text: Distribution Management
Part Two Reading Passage: Distribution Centers and Warehousing
Unit 14 Logistics Information Management
Part One Text: Supply Chain Information System
Part Two Reading Passage: SCIS Supporting Technologies
Unit 15 Logistics Telecommunication
Part One Text: Modern Operation of Telecommunication
Part Two Reading Passage: Internet and Chinese Logistics Development
Unit 16 Logistics Performance Evaluation
Part One Text: Logistics Performance Evaluation
Part Two Reading Passage: Performance Measurement
