


作者:王军 主编





  《20世纪美国作家与作品赏析》前的作家简介与书后的作品评析,目的在于加深学生对所选作品的感受、理解与鉴赏。通过《20世纪美国作家与作品赏析》的阅读,定能让读者更为了解美国文人的激情和想象力。现实主义是美国文学的主潮,遂有被其他文学思潮暂时替代的时候,却始终难变其主导地位,20世纪以来更有中兴的趋势。 《20世纪美国作家与作品赏析》编者精心挑选了20世纪美国的小说、戏剧和诗歌等各种体裁的文本,以作者名称编排。在诗歌方面,第一次世界大战以后成名的诗人,如艾略特、肯明斯、弗罗斯特等,在两战之后仍保持巨大的影响。他们是诗坛的权威,他们的创作理论和原则成为诗人奉行的信条。50年代后期,一些年轻的作家和诗人以颓唐放纵的生活演绎着“垮掉的一代”对资本主义社会感到幻灭后追求刺激以麻醉自己的情绪和反对一切权威的无政府思想。金斯堡的诗集《嚎叫》采用了美国诗人惠特曼和威廉姆斯自由诗体的形式,充满激情和想象力。在戏剧方面成就最大的作家是奥尼尔。他综合各家之长,既采用传统的手法,又大胆革新,充分吸取自然主义、象征主义和表现主义的长处。《毛猿》是一部兼有现实主义、表现主义和象征主义手法的戏剧。第二次世界大战以后,美国出现了一些优秀的剧作家:英奇、威廉斯、米勒和阿尔比。英奇擅长描写小人物的失意,作品颇多象征手段,但深度不够。威廉斯主要描写南方的没落,普通人的失意和痛苦及追求幸福之艰难。他一生创作出最著名的戏剧代表作品是《欲望号街车》、《玻璃动物园》和《热铁皮屋顶上的猫》。米勒是战后最著名的美国戏剧作家,其成名作是一部社会道德剧《全是我儿子》。《推销员之死》成功地塑造了威利·洛曼一生追求成名成家,但最终美国梦幻灭的悲剧式人物。在编写《20世纪美国作家与作品赏析》时,我们努力为学生更多提供了解20世纪的小说、戏剧和诗歌等各种体裁的文本。作家与作品的批评分析目的在于使学生加深对所选作品的感受、理解与鉴赏。《20世纪美国作家与作品赏析》虽然凝聚了我们的辛勤劳动,但难免会有错讹之处,恳请希望得到各方面的批评和指教。
  Sherwood Anderson, American novelist and short-story writer. He wasborn on Sept. 13, 1876, in Camden, Ohio, the third of seven children. His father was an easygoing, improvident man whose itinerant habits resulted in spotty educations for his children. Sherwood had no formal education after the age of 14, although he did attend Wittenberg College for a short time. Anderson had a belated writing career. He served in Cuba during the Spanish-American War, then began a successful business career in advertising. Dissatisfied with his life,however, Anderson abandoned both his job and his family and went to hicago to become a writer.His first novel, Windy McPhersons Son (1916), concerning a boys life in Iowa, was followed by Marching Men (1917), a chronicle about the plight of the working man in an industrial society. In his best-known work, Winesburg,Ohio (1919), a collection of twenty-three related stories about life in a small town, he explores the loneliness and frustration of small-town lives. In his later works included Poor White (1920), Many Marriages (1923), and Dark Laughter (1925) and the short story collections as The Triumph of the Egg (1921), Horses and Men (1923), and Death in the Woods (1933).
Sherwood Anderson(1876—— 1941) 1
F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896—— 1940) 14
Ernest Hemingway(1899—— 1961) 38
William Faulkner(1897—— 1962) 65
Katherine Anne Porter(1890—— 1980) 92
Flannery OConnor(1925—— 1964) 108
Richard Wright(1908—— 1960) 130
Ralph Ellison(1914—— 1994) 150
Saul Bellow(1915——2005) 173
Joseph Heller(1923—— 1999) 192
J. D. Salinger(1919—— ) 209
John Updike(1932—— ) 223
Eugene ONei!1(1888—— 1953) 241
Arthur Miller(1915——2005) 263
Robert Frost( 1874—— 1963) 283
Toni Morrison(1931—— ) 293
