


作者:王莎莉、成利、张伟、等 编辑、剪辑:盛楠





  《实用科技英语教程》内容由10个单元组成,每个单元的编写分为3个部分,第一个部分是Lead In,第二个部分是Further Development,第三个部分是Comprehensive Progress。《实用科技英语教程》练习设计的方法丰富多彩,听、说、读、写、译等语言技能的训练围绕同一主题展开,体现了综合语言技能的培养。《实用科技英语教程》是针对高职高专理工科学生编写的科技英语必修课教材,亦适用于科技英语学习爱好者;也可供从事英语教材建设研究的专家、学者和广大英语教师参考。
Unit 1 Computer Science 1
 Lead In 1
 Further Development 2
 Comprehensive Progress 4
  Text A Hackers Are Enemy Number One on the Internet 4
  Text B Computers 10
 科技英语的语言特点——词汇特点 13
Unit 2 Automation Technology 18
 Lead In 18
 Further Development 19
 Comprehensive Progress 21
  Text A Improving Industrial Efficiency through Robotics 21
  Text B The Return of Artificial Intelligence 25
 科技英语的语言特点——常用表达 29
Unit 3 The Environment 32
 Lead In 32
 Further Development 33
 Comprehensive Progress 35
  Text A Global Warming 35
  Text B Waste Recycling 40
 科技英语的语言特点——复合词组 45
Unit 4 Energy Science 47
 Lead In 47
 Further Development 49
 Comprehensive Progress 50
  Text A Fuel for the Future 50
  Text B The Trouble with Biofuels 55
 科技英语的语言特点——阅读技巧 59
Unit 5 Materials Science 63
 Lead In 63
 Further Development 65
 Comprehensive Progress 67
  Text A Materials Science & Engineering: An Exciting Career Field for the Future 67
  Text B Plastics and the Microwave 71
 科技英语的语言特点——被动语态 75
Unit 6 Biotechnology 80
 Lead In 80
 Further Development 82
 Comprehensive Progress 84
  Text A Genetic Engineering and Biochemistry 84
  Text B Winemaking Waste Proves Effective Against Disease-causing Bacteria in Early Studies 89
 科技英语的语言特点——多重复句 93
Unit 7 Transportation 95
 Lead In 95
 Further Development 96
 Comprehensive Progress 98
  Text A Transportation Shapes Cities 98
  Text B Delivering the Goods 102
 科技英语的语言特点——动词非限定形式 107
Unit 8 Electronic Commerce 109
 Lead In 109
 Further Development 110
 Comprehensive Progress 112
  Text A Electronic Commerce 112
  Text B A Smart Card for Everyone? 117
 科技英语的语言特点——关联词 121
Unit 9 Marketing 126
 Lead In 126
 Further Development 127
 Comprehensive Progress 129
  Text A Modern Marketing 129
  Text B How to Increase Your Sales during the Holidays 133
 科技英语的语言特点——对比意义 136
Unit 10 Management 140
 Lead In 140
 Further Development 141
 Comprehensive Progress 143
  Text A Management and Its Functions 143
  Text B Human Resources Management 148
 科技英语的语言特点——名词化 153
Glossary 156
References 175
