


作者:李学军 编





Preparatory Unit 1 Useful Words and Phrases in Telecommunication Industry 1
Preparatory Unit 2 Useful Expressions in Telecommunication Industry 7
Preparatory Unit 3 Frequently Used Dialogues in Common Telecommunication Services 17
Unit 1 Telecommunication and Voice Communication(通信和语音业务) 24
 Part1 Background Reading: Telecommunication and Voice Communication(语音业务的理论介绍) 24
 Part2 Remember and Practice: Verizon Freedom Essentials(美国Verizon公司的语音业务) 26
 Part3 Useful Information: What is Telemarketing?(什么是电话销售) 29
 Exercises 30
Unit 2 Mobile Phone and Applications(I)(移动语音业务I) 33
 Part1 Background Reading: Mobile Phone and Applications(I)(移动语音业务I) 33
 Part2 Remember and Practice: AT&T Wireless Plans(AT&T无线套餐) 39
 Part3 Useful Information: A Brief History of Cell Phones(移动电话简史) 43
 Exercises 44
Unit 3 Mobile Phone and Applications(II)(移动语音业务II) 47
 Part1 Background Reading: Mobile Phone and Applications(II)(移动语音业务II) 47
 Part2 Remember and Practice: Cell Phone Tones and Graphics(移动电话铃声和图片) 52
 Part3 Useful Information: Choosing a Mobile Phone Network(移动电话网络的选择) 58
 Exercises 59
Unit 4 Personal Handy-phone System(小灵通) 66
 Part1 Background Reading: Personal Handy-phone System(小灵通业务的理论介绍) 66
 Part2 Remember and Practice: PHS Basic Services(小灵通业务具体操作指南) 69
 Part3 Useful Information: 7 Tips to Make Your Telemarketing Appointment-Making Presentation More Clear(7条决窍使电话销售表达更清晰) 72
 Exercises 73
Unit 5 SMS(短信息服务) 83
 Part1 Background Reading: SMS(短信服务的理论介绍) 83
 Part2 Remember and Practice: Google SMS(Google公司的短信辅助查询服务) 87
 Part3 Useful Information: Tips for Doing Telephone Sales(电话销售要领) 88
 Exercises 90
Unit 6 Broadband Internet Access(宽带业务) 96
 Part1 Background Reading: Broadband(宽带业务的理论介绍) 96
 Part2 Remember and Practice: Verizon FiOS Internet(Verizon公司的光纤宽带业务) 100
 Part3 Useful Information: Telemarketing: What would They Think and Response?(电话销售:客户是如何考虑和反应的?) 104
 Exercises 105
Unit 7 Mobile Broadband(掌上宽带) 108
 Part1 Background Reading: Mobile Broadband and GPRS(掌上宽带和GPRS) 108
 Part2 Remember and Practice: Everything about GPRS(GPRS百科) 110
 Part3 Useful Information: What is WAP(什么是WAP) 114
 Exercises 116
Unit 8 Telephone Cards(电话卡) 118
 Part1 Background Reading: Telephone Cards in General(初识电话卡) 118
 Part2 Remember and Practice: Hidden Dragon Phone Card-A Prepaid Phone Card(藏龙卡——一种预付费电话卡) 121
 Part3 Useful Information: How to Use Phone Cards in China(在中国如何使用电话卡) 124
 Exercises 125
Unit 9 Trunk Communication(集群通信) 127
 Part1 Background Reading: A Little Trunking Theory(集群通信理论) 127
 Part2 Remember and Practice: Walkie Talkies(对讲机) 129
 Part3 Useful Information: Trunking Benefits(集群通信的优势) 134
 Exercises  135
Unit 10 Brief introductions to Other Services of Telecom Companies(其他业务) 137
 Part1 Background Reading: Intelligent Network(智能网) 137
 Part2 Remember and Practice: Other Services(其他业务) 139
 Part3 Useful Information: Getting to Know Cross Cultural Negotiation(文化融合初识) 142
 Exercises 143
Unit 11 Practice:FAQ on Broadband of AOL(美国AOL宽带安装) 146
 Exercises 154
Unit 12 Practice:THINK! Advice-Mobile Phones(手机使用须知) 155
 Exercises 157
Reading Materials 158
 Passage 1 Communications in the People‘s Republic of China(国内通信概况) 158
 Passage 2 China Telecom(中国电信) 161
 Passage 3 China Mobile(中国移动) 163
 Passage 4 China-The 3G Opportunity(I)(3G之于中国I) 165
 Passage 5 China-The 3G Opportunity(II)(3G之于中国II) 169
 Passage 6 4G——the 4th Generation of Telecom System(I)(4G——第4代移动通信系统I) 172
 Passage 7 4G——the 4th Generation of Telecom System(II)(4G——第4代移动通信系统II) 176
 Passage 8 Cross Cultural Negotiation(文化融合) 179
 Passage 9 Cross Cultural Communication: Basic Tips(促进文化融合的技巧) 182
 Passage 10 Breaking the Barriers of Intercultural Communication(打破国际文化交流的壁垒) 184
 Passage 11 Summary of the Standard Agreement for Supply of the Optus Pre-Paid Mobile Service(Consumer/SMB)(I)(Optus预付费服务提供标准协议摘要(客户/中小型企业)I) 186
 Passage 12 Summary of the Standard Agreement for Supply of the Optus Pre-Paid Mobile Service(Consumer/SMB)(II)(Optus预付费服务提供标准协议摘要(客户/中小型企业)II) 194
Appendix 198
Vocabulary 198
Reading Materials 217
References 224

