作者:(美)多诺霍 著
This book describes the practical techniques for connecting the phenomenology of particle physics with the accepted modern theory known as the 'Standard Model'. The Standard Model of elementary particle interactions is the outstanding achievement of the past forty years of experimental and theoretical activity in particle physics. This book gives a detailed account of the Standard Model, focussing on the techniques by which the model can produce information about real observed phenomena. The text opens with a pedagogic account of the theory of the Standard Model. Introductions to the essential calculation techniques needed, including effective lagrangian techniques and path integral methods, are included. The major part of the text is concerned with the use of the Standard Model in the calculation of physical properties of particles. Rigorous and reliable methods (radiative corrections and nonperturbative techniques based on symmetries and anomalies) are emphasized, but other useful models (such as the quark and Skyrme models) are also described. The strong and electroweak interactions are not treated as independent threads, but rather are woven together into a unified phenomenological fabric. Manyexercises and diagrams are included.
John Donoghue,美国马萨诸塞州大学物理系教授。1976年在马萨诸塞大学获得博士学位。主要研究领域有粒子物理学,广义相对论,有效场论和宇宙论。Eugene Golowich,美国马萨诸塞州大学物理系教授。1965年在康乃尔大学获得理论物理博士学位。主要研究领域是高能物理。Barry Holstein,美国马萨诸塞州大学物理系教授。1969年在卡内基-梅隆大学获得博士学位。主要研究领域是高能物理。
I Inputs to the Standard Model
I.1 Quarks and leptons
I.2 Chiral fermions
The massless limit
Parity, time reversal, and charge conjugation
I.3 Symmetries and near symmetries
Noether currents
Examples of Noether currents
Approximate symmetry
I.4 Gauge symmetry
Abelian case
Nonabelian case
Mixed case
I.5 On the fate of symmetries
Hidden symmetry
Spontaneous symmetry breaking in the sigma model
II Interactions of the Standard Model
II.1 Quantum Electrodynamics
U(1) gauge symmetry
QED to one loop
On-shell renormalization of the electric charge
Electric charge as a running coupling constant
II.2 Quantum Chromodynamics
SU(3) gauge symmetry
QCD to one loop
Asymptotic freedom and renormalization group
II.3 Electroweak interactions
Weak isospin and weak hypercharge assignments
SU(2) LxU(1)y gauge-invariant lagrangian
Spontaneous symmetry breaking
Electroweak currents
II.4 Fermion mixing
Diagonalization of mass matrices
Quark mixing
CP-violation and rephasing-invariants
III Symmetries and anomalies
III.1 Symmetries of the Standard Model
III.2 Path integrals and symmetries
The generating functional
Noethers theorem and path integrals
III.3 The U(1) axial anomaly
Diagrammatic analysis
Path integral analysis
III.4 Classical scale invariance and the trace anomaly
III.5 Chiral anomalies and vacuum structure
The θ-vacuum
The θ-term
Connection with chiral rotations
IV Introduction to effective lagrangians
IV.1 Nonlinear lagrangians and the sigma model
Representations of the sigma model
Representation independence
IV.2 Integrating out heavy fields
The decoupling theorem
Integrating out heavy fields at tree level
IV.3 The low energy expansion
Expansion in energy
Weinbergs power counting theorem
IV.4 Symmetry breaking
The soft-pion theorem
IV.6 Matrix elements of currents
Matrix elements and the effective action
IV.7 Heavy particles in effective lagrangians
IV.8 Effective lagrangians in QED
IV.9 Effective lagrangians as probes of new physics
V Leptons
V.1 The electron
Breit-Fermi interaction
QED corrections
The infrared problem
V.2 The muon
Muon decay at tree-level
Photon radiative corrections
V.3 The tan
Inclusive decays
Exclusive leptonic decays
Exclusive semileptonic decays
V.4 The neutrinos
Neutrino oscillations
Terrestial searches for neutrino mixing
Solar neutrinos
Dirac mass and Majorana mass
VI Very low energy QCD - pions and photons
VIA QCD at low energies
Vacuum expectation values and masses
Pion leptonic decay and Fπ
VI.2 Chiral perturbation theory to one loop
The order E4 lagrangian
The renormalization program
VI.3 Interactions of pious and photons
The pion form factor
Rare pion processes
VI.4 Pionopion scattering
VI.5 The axial anomaly and π0 →γγ
VI.6 The physics behind the QCD chiral lagrangian
VII Introducing kaons and etas
VII.1 Quark masses
VII.2 Higher order analysis of decay constants and masses
Ambiguities in mass parameters
Decay constants
VII.3 The Wess-Zumino-Witten anomaly action
VII.4 The η(960)
η0-η8 mixing
VIII Kaons and the AS = 1 interaction
VIII.1 Leptonic and semileptonic processes
Leptonic decay
Kaon beta decay and Vu8
The decay K→ππeve
VIII.2 The nonleptonic weak interaction
VIII.3 Short distance behavior
Short distance operator basis
Perturbative analysis
Renormalization group analysis
VIII.4 The ΔI = 1/2 rule
Chiral lagrangian analysis
Vacuum saturation
VIII.5 Rare kaon decays
IX Kaon mixing and CP violation
IX.1 K0-K0 mixing
Mass matrix phenomenology
Box diagram contribution
IX.2 The phenomenology of lmon CP violation
IX.3 Kaon CP violation in the Standard Model
Analysis of
Penguin contribution to ε
Additional contributions to ε
IX.4 Electric dipole moments
IX.5 The strong CP problem
The parameter
Connections with the neutron electric dipole moment
X The Nc-1 expansion
X.1 The nature of the large Nc limit
X.2 Spectroscopy in the large Nc limit
X.3 Goldstone bosons and the axial anomaly
X.4 The OZI rule
X.5 Chiral lagrangians
X.6 Weak nonleptonic decays
XI Phenomenological models
XI.l Quantum numbers of QQ and Q3 states
Hadronic flavor-spin state vectors
Quark spatial wavefunctions
Interpolating fields
XI.2 Potential model
Basic ingredients
Color dependence of the interquark potential
XI.3 Bag model
Static cavity
Spherical cavity approximation
Gluons in a bag
The quark-gluon interaction
A sample fit
XI.4 Skyrme model
Sine-Gordon soliton
Chiral SU(2) soliton
The Skyrme soliton
Quantization and wavefunctions
XI.5 QCD sum rules
Operator product expansion
Master equation
XII Baryon properties
XII.1 Matrix element computations
Flavor and spin matrix elements
Overlaps of spatial wavefunctions
Connection to momentum eigenstates
Calculations in the Skyrme model
XII.2 Electroweak matrix elements
Magnetic moments
Semileptonic matrix elements
XII.3 Symmetry properties and masses
Effective lagrangian for baryons
Baryon mass splittings and quark masses
Goldberger-Treiman relation
The nucleon sigma term
Strangeness in the nucleon
Quarks and their spins in baryons
XII.4 Nuclear weak processes
Measurement of Vud
The pseudoscalar axial form factor
XII.5 Hyperon semileptonic decay
XII.6 Nonleptonic decay
Lowest-order chiral analysis
Quark model predictions
XIII Hadron spectroscopy
XIII.1 The charmonium and bottomonium systems
XIV Weak interactions of heavy quarks
XV The Higgs boson