







1 Greeting and Introducing People
SectionⅠ Talking Face to Face
SectionⅡ Being All Ears
SectionⅢ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
PassageⅠ How to Greet a Foreign Friend
P8s8ageⅡ My TwoAmerican Friends
SectionⅣ Trying Your Hand
SectionⅤ Testing Yours elf
SectionⅥ Having Some Fun
2 Giving Thanks and Expressing Regrets
SectionⅠ Talking Face to Face
SectionⅡ Being All Ears
SectionⅢ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
PassageⅠ What Is True Generosity
PassageⅡ Good Business
SectionⅣ Trying Your Hand
SectionⅤ Testing Yourself
SectionⅥ Having Some Fun
3 Directions and Signs
SectionⅠ TaIking Face to Face
SectionⅡ Being AII Ears
SectionⅢ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
PassageⅠ A Travel Experience
PassageⅡ Buses in the U.S.
SectionⅣ Trying Your Hand
SectionⅤ Testing Yourself
SectionⅥ Having Some Fun
4 Timetables and Schedules
SectionⅠ TaIking Face to Face
SectionⅡ Being AIi Ears
SectionⅢ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
PassageⅠ Quality 77me
PassageⅡ The Importance of Punctuality
SeetionⅣ Trying YoUr Hand
SectionⅤ Testing YourseIf
SectionⅥ Having Some Fun
5 Talking About the Weather
SectionⅠ Talking Face to Face
SectionⅡ Being AIi Ears
SectionⅢ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
PassageⅠ A Holidayforthe Grandparents
PassageⅡ A Rainy Night
SectionⅣ Trying YOur Hand
SectionⅤ Testing Yourself
SectionⅥ Having Some Fun
6 Sports and Hobbies
SectionⅠ Talking Face to Face
SectionⅡ Bein}g All Ears
SectionⅢ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
PassageⅠ Why Fishing Attracts Milfions of People
PassageⅡ Interview with Kevin Maynor in Being
Section Ⅳ Twing YoMr Hand
Section Ⅴ Testing YoUrself
Section Ⅶ Having Some Fun
7 Celebrating Holidays arid Making Friends
SectionⅠ Talking Face to Face
SectionⅡ Being All Ears
SectionⅢ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
PassageⅠ An Unforgettable Christmas
PassageⅡ Making Friends with a Bird
Section Ⅳ Trying Your Hand
Section Ⅴ Testing Yourself
Section Ⅵ Having Some Fun
8 Showing Concern and Giving Advice
SectionⅠ Talking Face to Face
SectionⅡ Being All Ears
SectionⅢ Maintaining a Sharp Eye
PassageⅠ Who Could We nr门fo for Help?
PassageⅢ His L|fe Continued
SectionⅣ Trying Your Hand
SectionⅤ Testing Yourself
SectionⅤ Having Some Fun
Keys & Translations
Vocabulary & Phrases

