作者:陈庆英 著;王国振 译
作者简介:Chen Qingying,d'ethnie han,est originaire de Taishan,province du Guangdong.Il est ne en 1941 a Nanchong,province du Sichuan.En 1964,apres avoir termine ses etudes a l'Ecole normalesuperieure du Qinghai,il a travaille comme enseignant a l'ecole secondaire de Delingha,departement de Haixi,et a l'ecole mormale primaire des ethnies minoritaires du departement.Plusieurs annees plus tard,il a reussi les examens d'admission a la maltrise,et en 1981,il a termine son travail de recherche sur le tibetain anciel a l'Institut central des ethnies minoritaires,obtenant ainsi une maltrise es lettres.Il a effectue des recherches sur l'histoire,la religion et la culture de l'ethnie tibetaine a l'institut central des ethnies minoritaires mationales,a l'Academie des sciences sociales de la province du Qinghai et au centre de recherche sur la tibetologie de chine.
I. Tibetan Buddhism and the System of Living Buddha Reincarnation
II. Gelug sect Adopts the Living Buddha Eeincarnation System
III. The title of the Dalai Lama Related to Gendun Zhuba and Gendun Gyamco
IV. The Development of the Reincarmation of the Dalai Lama:Soinam Gyamco and Yundain Gyamco
V. The Confirmation of the 5 Dalai Lama
VI. Conflicts on the Confirmation of the 6 Dalai Lama
VII. The Search and Confirmation of the 8 Dalai Lama
VIII. Introduction of the System of Drawing a Lot From the Golden Urn to Determine the Soul Boys of Late Living Buddhas
IX. Confirmation of the 9 Dalai Lama
X. Search and Con-Firmation of the 10th Dalai Lama
XI. Confirmation of the 11 and 12 Dalai Lamas
XII. Confirmation of the 13th Dalai Lama
XIII. Search and Confrmation of the 14 Dalai Lama
II. Gelug sect Adopts the Living Buddha Eeincarnation System
III. The title of the Dalai Lama Related to Gendun Zhuba and Gendun Gyamco
IV. The Development of the Reincarmation of the Dalai Lama:Soinam Gyamco and Yundain Gyamco
V. The Confirmation of the 5 Dalai Lama
VI. Conflicts on the Confirmation of the 6 Dalai Lama
VII. The Search and Confirmation of the 8 Dalai Lama
VIII. Introduction of the System of Drawing a Lot From the Golden Urn to Determine the Soul Boys of Late Living Buddhas
IX. Confirmation of the 9 Dalai Lama
X. Search and Con-Firmation of the 10th Dalai Lama
XI. Confirmation of the 11 and 12 Dalai Lamas
XII. Confirmation of the 13th Dalai Lama
XIII. Search and Confrmation of the 14 Dalai Lama