In recent years, Japanese leaders repeatedly paid homage to the Yasukuni Shrine, a Shinto shrine located in Tokyo, Japan, dedicated to the spirits of soldiers and others who died fighting on behalf of the Emperor of Japan. The shrine is a source of considerable controversy primarily because it also enshrines 1,068 people who were convicted of war crimes by a post World War II court, among whom are 12 convicted and 2 suspected Class A war criminals ('crime against peace'). The purpose of this book is to expose the war crimes committed by the 14 Class-A war criminals (such as the Japanese Hitler: Hideki Tojo, Japan's War Minster and Prime Minister during WWII, and Iwane Matsui, the prime culprit of Nanjing Massacre of 1937) enshrined in the Yasukuni Shrine, and tells the world why countries like China, North Korea, and South Korea firmly oppose the shrine visits by high-ranking Japanese government officials.
A Fanatic Militarist
Hideki Tojo
Spy Leader
Kenji doihara
Prime Culprit in Nanjing Massacre
IWane Matsui
Order-giver of pearl Haror Raid
Osami Nagano
Short-Lived Wartime Prlme Minlster
Kiichiro Hiranuma
participating in the Aggression War from Beginning to End
Yoshijiro Umezu
Promoter of Fascist Ailiance of Germany,Italy and Japan
Toshio Shiratori
Chief Plotter of September 18 Incident
Seishiro ltagaki
Conspirator to Start the Pacific War
Heitaro Kimura
Advocator for Aggressive and Expansionist Policy
Akira Muto
Only Civil Official Being Hanged
Kiki Hirota
Engaging in War Diplonacy
Shigenori Togo
The Diplomat Pushing Japan to War
Yosuke Matsuoka
Wartime prime Minister Following Hideki Tojo
Kuniaki Koiso