


作者:秦秀白 编





  “新世纪大学英语系列教材”按照《大学英语课程教学要求》,由外教社组织国内十余所著名高校英语教学专家,邀请国际知名视听教学专家,为我国大学生度身打造而成。科学性、系统性和时代性的完美体现:以国内外先进外语教学理论为指导,融多种教学模式和手段为一体,满足一般要求、较高要求和更高要求的分层次教学需要。选材贴近时代、贴近生活;强化听说,注重听、说、读、写、译等技能协调发展;练习编写充分体现实用性、新颖性和可操作性。语言能力和文化素质的同步提升:注重培养学习者的英语思维习惯,开拓跨文化交际视野,实现语言综合应用能力和人文素养的全面提高。分类指导和因材施教的教学原则:综合、视听说、阅读、写作、快速阅读等主干教程和经贸、文化类选修课教程,涵盖语言知识、应用技能、学习策略和跨文化交际,充分满足个性化教学的需要,有助于学生提高语言综合应用能力,从容应对各级语言能力测试。基于计算机和课堂的教学模式:提供完整、多元、立体化的英语教学平台,个性化的学习光盘、方便实用的电子教案、丰富多样的网络资源,使课堂内外教与学充分体现交互性、自主式和合作型的新型教学模式,实现培养学生终身学习能力的教学目标。首届教育部国家级教学名师奖获得者、华南理工大学博士生导师秦秀白教授担任系列教材总主编和《综合教程》主编,《综合教程》具有以下特色:以国内外先进教学理论为指导,融多种教学模式和手段为一体,从选材到教学环节的设计均体现“聚焦于学习者”(zooming in on the learner)和“聚焦于文本”(zooming in on the text) 的理念;教程起点适中,1-4册词汇完全覆盖《教学要求》规定的词汇量,适合多数院校学生使用;选材贴近生活,注重思想性、真实性、知识性和趣味性;教学内容安排科学、系统,强调听、说、读、写、译等技能全面发展;练习设计强调实用性、新颖性、趣味性和可操作性;各册配有“助学光盘”、“教师手册”和“电子教案”,为师生提供了完整、多元、立体化的英语教学平台。
Unit One Learning a Language
 Get Started
 Listen and Respond
 Read and Explore
  Text A A Language Teacher's Personal Opinion
  Text B Learning to Read
 Optional Classroom Activities
 Enhance Your Language Awareness
Unit Two Growing Up
 Get Started
 Listen and Respond
 Read and Explore
  Text A The Doctor's Son
  Text B The Needs of Teenagers
 Optional Classroom Activities
 Enhance Your Language Awareness
Unit Three Knowing Yourself
 Get Started
 Listen and Respond
 Read and Explore
  Text A Personality Development
  Text B TestYour Personality
 Optional Classroom Activities
 Enhance Your Language Awareness
Unit Four Care of the Eledrly
 Get Started
 Listen and Respond
 Read and Explore
  Text A A Doll for Great-Grandmother
  Text B Care of the Elderly: A Family Matter
 Optional Classroom Activities
 Enhance Your Language Awareness
Practice Test Ⅰ(Units1-4)
Unit Five Parents and Children
 Get Started
 Listen and Respond
 Read and Explore
  Text A A Time for Memories
  Text B Cellular Love
 Optional Classroom Activities
 Enhance Your Language Awareness
Unit Six Christmas Spirit
 Get Started
 Listen and Respond
 Read and Explore
  Text A A Sailor's Christmas Gift
  Text B Our“Family”
 Optional Classroom Activities
 Enhance Your Language Awareness
Unit Seven Relationships and Communication
 Get Started
 Listen and Respond
 Read and Explore
  Text A How Well Can We Listen?
  Text B What We Can Do to Improve Human Relationships
 Optional Classroom Activities
 Enhance Your Language Awareness
Unit Eight College Life
 Get Started
 Listen and Respond
 Read and Explore
  Text A Secrets of Straight-A Students
  Text B College Pressures
 Optional Classroom Activities
 Enhance Your Language Awareness
Practice Test Ⅱ(Units 5-8)
Appendix Ⅰ Scripts and Key to Practice Test Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ Scripts and Key to Practice Test Ⅱ
Appendix Ⅲ Glossary
