《21世纪商务英语系列教材:实用商务英语写作》共分为两大部分,一部分为英语基础知识的写作,涵盖选词、造句和段落的组织及语篇写作等,此部分主要是面向初学者,全面系统地介绍写作的基本知识; 另一部分为实用商务写作, 介绍最新、最实用的商务报告、商务合同、信息告知性商务信函、说服性商务信函等各种商务信函的格式与范例,提供全面、具体、高效的商务公文模式范本。《21世纪商务英语系列教材:实用商务英语写作》可供国际贸易、国际商务、英语系等专业的本专科学生作为复合型专业英语教材使用,同时也可供具有高中以上英语水平和商务知识的自学者学习使用。
Part one Fundamentals of Practical Business English Writing
Chapter 1 Differences between English and Chinese Writing
Section I Different Organizational Patterns
1. Linear Pattern and CyclicalPattern
2. One Single Topic and Multiple Topics
Section II Different Sentence Formation
1. Hypotactic and Paratactic
2. The English Hypotactic Methods
3. The Chinese Paratactic Methods
4. Abstract Thinking and Concrete Thinking
5. Sentence Focusin Different Places
6. Complex and Simplex
Applying Your Knowledge
Chapter 2 Using Proper Words
Section I Types of Words
1. FormalWordsandInformalWords
2. Common Words and Colloquial Words
3. GeneraIWords and Specific Words
Section II Using Right Words for Your Meaning
1. Denotative Meaning and Connotative Meaning
2. Commendatory Words and Derogatory Words
3. SmallWords and Big Words
4. Using Standard Idioms and Idiomatic Expression
5. Tips for Choosing Words
Applying Your Knowledge
Chapter 3 Making Correct and Effective Sentences
Section I Types of Sentences
1. Simple Sentences
2. Compound Sentences
3. Complex Sentences
4.Compound Complex Sentences
Section II Basic Sentence Pattern
1. SVi-Subject+Verb
2. SVCs-Subject+Linking Verb+Subject Complement
3. SVtO-Subject+Verb+Direct Object
4. SVtOO-Subject+Verb+lndirect Object+Direct Object
5. SVtOCo-Subject+Verb+Direct Object+Object Complement
Section III Expansion of Basic Sentence Patterns
1. Expansion by Modification
2. Expansion by Substitution
3. Expansion by Coordination
4. Expansion by Subordination
SectionIV Common Sentence Errors
1. Sentence Fragments
2. Run-on Sentences
3. 1mproperly Placed Modifiers
4. Faulty Pronoun Reference
5. Faulty Parallelism
Section V Effective Sentences
1. Unity
2. Coherence
3. Consistency
4. Conciseness
5. Variety
Applying Your Knowledge
Chapter 4 Paragraph Structure and Major Qualities
Section I Basic Structure of a Paragraph
1. Topic Sentence
2. Supporting Sentence
Part Two Practical Busiiness EingliSih Writing