







Part Ⅰ In Love
 Chapter 1 Love Theories
  Text A Social-Psychological Theories of Love
  Text B Some Contemporary Love Styles
 Chapter 2 Love Yourself
  Text A Love Yourself First
  Text B Am I Good Enough for Him?
 Chapter 3 Mate Selection
  Text A Eliminate the Seven Most Prevalent Causes of Faulty Mate Selection (1)
  Text B Eliminate the Seven Most Prevalent Causes of Faulty Mate Selection (2)
 Chapter 4 Ideal Spouse
  Text A What Specifically Do You Want in a Mate (1)
  Text B What Specifically Do You Want in a Mate (2)
 Chapter 5 About Love
  Text A Some Things Love Isn't
  Text B The Three Stages of Love
 Chapter 6 Cohabitation
  Text A Sexual Compatibility
  Text B Passionate Love
 Chapter 7 Failure in Love
  Text A How to Break Up
  Text B My Parents Don't Approve of My Boyfriend
 Chapter 8 Single Living
  Text A Changing Chinese Attitudes to Marriage
  Text B American Women Don't Fret over Their Marriage Prospects
 Chapter 9 Sexual Preference
  Text A The Alternative Lifestyle
  Text B Chinese Society More Tolerant of Homosexuality
Part Ⅱ Marriage, Family and Career
 Chapter 10 Gender Differences
  Text A Rapport-Talk and Report-Talk
  Text B Communication Differences between Women and Men
 Chapter 11 Marriage and Family Relationship
  Text A After the Honeymoon
  Text B Successful Parenting
 Chapter 12 Family Culture
  Text A Seven Habits of Highly Effective Family (1)
  Text B Seven Habits of Highly Effective Family (2)
 Chapter 13 Divorce
  Text A Violence in the Family
  Text B Single-Parent Family
 Chapter 14 Family Therapy
  Text A Dealing with Conflict
  Text B Communication and Self-image
 Chapter 15 Lasting Love
  Text A Secrets of Lasting Love (1)
  Text B Secrets of Lasting Love (2)
 Chapter 16 Conflict between Career and Family for Women
  Text A Changing Roles
  Text B The Family-Career Connection
