







Unit One
Text: The Reality of the External World
 Reading Passage One: Philosophers' Doubts
 Reading Passage Two: Philosophy in Education: The Allegory of the Cave
Unit Two
 Text: Historian in an Age of Crisis
 Reading Passage One: The Warden
 Reading Passage Two: To Make Them Stand in Fear
Unit Three
 Text: Religion and Reality
 Reading Passage One: Honor the Divine
 Reading Passage Two: American Religion: The State, the Congregation and the People
Unit Four
 Text: The Function of Literature
 Reading Passage One: Tradition and the Individual Talent
 Reading Passage Two: Some Self-Analysis
Unit Five
 Text: The Subject-Matter of Ethics
 Reading Passage One: An Analysis of Moore's Definition of Good
 Reading Passage Two: The Defence of Common Sense
Unit Six
 Text: Value Judgment in History
 Reading Passage One: The Rehabilitation of Europe
Unit Seven
Text: Religious Evolution
Reading Passage One: Modem Mission, Global Christianity
Reading Passage Two: What's Right about the Religious Right
Unit Eight
Text: Abstraction in Science and Art
Reading Passage One: The Metaphysical Hypothesis
Reading Passage Two: Clive Bell and His Metaphysical Hypothesis
Unit Nine
Text: James's Theory of Truth
Reading Passage One: The Need for a Theory of the Good
Reading Passage Two: Nature
Unit Ten..,,
Text: History and the Social Sciences
Reading Passage One: Biography and History
Reading Passage Two: The Seismic Sixties: When and Why Did the Sixties Begin?
Unit Eleven
Text: What Is Theological Knowledge?
Reading Passage One: The Collapse of Community and Custom
Reading Passage Two: Changing Patterns in American Religious Life
Unit Twelve
Text: Some Coordinates of Art Criticism
Reading Passage One: The Work of Art as Imaginary Object
Reading Passage Two: Art as Experience
Appendix I Key to Exercises
Appendix II Chinese Translation of the Texts
Appendix III Glossary
