作者:李红 著
本书反映的是中国学习者双语心理词汇和英语学习实证研究的最新成果。全书的内容涉及心理词汇提取和英语学习两大部分;前一部分主要围绕我国英语学习者心理词汇的表征和提取问题;后一部分主要针对英语学习的难点和热点问题(如英语空间介词的学习,伴随性词汇习得和焦虑问题)和英语学习过程中普遍关注的问题(如学习策略的使用问题)。第一章研究的是在两种不同词汇提取任务中工作记忆容量对英语学习者跨语言竞争是否有抑制作用。第二章考察公式化语言的频率以及学习者的语言水平对公式化语言在二语心理词汇中的表征作用。第三章主要从原型理论和中心一边缘意义的角度探究在空间意义方面over的核心意义与学习者使用0ver一词的空间意义之间是否存在相关性。第四章考察了空间认知理论中功能几何法对学习英语空间介词in和on的促进作用。第五章研究了不同的加工条件对我国小学生英语词汇附带习得的影响。第六章着重调查了大学一年级新生记忆策略的使用情况,以及性别、专业和英语水平对记忆策略使用的影响;第七章则研究了学习策略与阅读成绩的相关性,以及不同的阅读水平对策略使用的影响。第八章对使用录音法来降低学习者在口语课中产生的焦虑所起到的作用进行了探索,同时还研究了录音法对口语流利度的促进作用。 愿此书对我们的读者有所启发,愿它能引起更多人对英语学习的思考和关注。
李红,浙江绍兴人,重庆大学外国语学院教授,博士生副导师。美国卡内基梅隆大学心理学系和夏威夷大学第二语言研究系访问教授。毕业于广东外语外贸大学,获博士学位。曾任重庆大学外国语学院副院长,重庆大学语言认知及信息处理研究所首任所长。现任重庆大学语言认知及信息处理研究所专职研究员,重庆大学校务委员会委员,重庆大学人文社科学术委员会委员,国际期刊chinese EFL Joumal编辑,重庆大学学报(社会科学版)编委。从事高等教育工作20余年,先后担任《社会语言学》、《第二语言习得》、《心理语言学》、《综合英语》、《英语演讲技能》、《商务英语》等多门课程的教学工作,并主要从事二语习得、心理语言学、语言测试和英语教学等方面的研究。近年来在国内重要学术期刊上发表论文二十余篇。先后主持过省部级研究课题三项:主研省部级研究课题三项。现主持省部级研究课题二项,主研国家社科基金项目一项。获国家级优秀教学成果二等奖一项;四川省优秀教学成果二等奖一项,并获宝钢优秀教师奖。
Chapter One Cross-language Competition in Bilingual Semantic Pro- cessing: an Investigation on the Non-effects of Work-ing Memory Capacity
1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Proposals and Relevant Major Findings
3. The Study
4. General Discussion and Conclusion
Chapter Two Exploring the Effects of Frequency and Language Proficiency on the Representation of Formulaic Sequence in the L2 Mental Lexicon
1. Introduction
2. Review of Central Ideas and Relevant Researches
3. The Present Study
4. Results and Analyses
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions and Implications
Chapter Three A Correlation Study on the Spatial Preposition: the Case of Over
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review of Related Theories and Empirical Studies
3. Semantic Analysis of Spatial Over
4. The Current Correlation Study
5. Discussion and Conclusion
Chapter Four A Preliminary Study on the Effects of Functional Geometric Approach on the Learning of English Spatial Prepositions: the Case of In and On
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Functional Geometric Analysis of In and On
4. The Current Study
5. Discussion and Conclusion
Chapter Five Processing Depth Effects on Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition for Young Learners in China
1. Introduction
2. Review of Relevant Literature
3. The Current Study
4. Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions and Implications
Chapter Six An Investigation into Chinese Freshmen's Memory Strategy Use
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Research Questions and Method
4. Results and Discussions
5. Findings and Implications
6. Conclusion
Chapter Seven Reading Proficiency and Learning Strategies of Col- lege Students in China
1. Introduction
2. Central Ideas
3. The Current Study
4. Conclusion
Chapter Eight Reducing EFL Learners' Anxiety in Oral English Class
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. The Study
4. Results and Discussions
5. Conclusion
1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Proposals and Relevant Major Findings
3. The Study
4. General Discussion and Conclusion
Chapter Two Exploring the Effects of Frequency and Language Proficiency on the Representation of Formulaic Sequence in the L2 Mental Lexicon
1. Introduction
2. Review of Central Ideas and Relevant Researches
3. The Present Study
4. Results and Analyses
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions and Implications
Chapter Three A Correlation Study on the Spatial Preposition: the Case of Over
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review of Related Theories and Empirical Studies
3. Semantic Analysis of Spatial Over
4. The Current Correlation Study
5. Discussion and Conclusion
Chapter Four A Preliminary Study on the Effects of Functional Geometric Approach on the Learning of English Spatial Prepositions: the Case of In and On
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Functional Geometric Analysis of In and On
4. The Current Study
5. Discussion and Conclusion
Chapter Five Processing Depth Effects on Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition for Young Learners in China
1. Introduction
2. Review of Relevant Literature
3. The Current Study
4. Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions and Implications
Chapter Six An Investigation into Chinese Freshmen's Memory Strategy Use
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Research Questions and Method
4. Results and Discussions
5. Findings and Implications
6. Conclusion
Chapter Seven Reading Proficiency and Learning Strategies of Col- lege Students in China
1. Introduction
2. Central Ideas
3. The Current Study
4. Conclusion
Chapter Eight Reducing EFL Learners' Anxiety in Oral English Class
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. The Study
4. Results and Discussions
5. Conclusion