







  本文集选编了刘建康院士自20世纪50年代以来有关水生生物学和淡水生态学研究的部分论著,包括综论、渔业生态学及资源的保护与开发、湖泊和水库生态学、河流及流域生态学,以及对相关研究的科学思考和方法解析等。对从事生态学和环境保护研究人员有重要的参考价值。 本书可供水生态研究、水环境整治、水资源保护等方面的管理决策部门和科研教育机构参考,亦可作为科研人员和研究生的辅助教材,也可作为我国水生生物学和淡水生态学方面科学史研究的重要资料。
General review
Trend of researches on freshwater biology
Talks about freshwater ecology ancient and modern
Basic concepts of freshwater ecology
The strategy of sustainable development in relation to ecology
Preface for “Advanced course of hydrobiology”
Freshwater biology
Freshwater ecology

Fishery ecology in connection with conservation and utilization of aquatic resources
Approach to raise the output of lake fishery production in the light of biological productivity
Production practice and the trend of science and technology in Chinese lake and reservoir fisheries
Strengthen the exploitation of the wide expanse of waters
Fishery ecology and fishery management—trend of research as reflected from USFES
Exploitation and environmental management for the JianghanDongting Plain
Fish resources of the Yangtze River Basin and the tactics for their conservation
Lakes of the Middle and Lower Basins of the Changjiang River with special reference to their fishery utilization
Preface for “Regional exploitation of the FourLake district and sustainable development of agriculture”
Preface for “Pictorial Keys to Soil Animals”
Preface for “Microbes in relation to aquaculture”
Preface for “The Yangtze Goddess Baiji Dolphin”
A proposal to hasten the formulation of a national policy for “Protection of Fishery Resources”
Preface for “Fishery Resources and Conservation of Environment in Lakes of the Changjiang River Basin”

Lake ecology and reservoir ecology
Pisciculture possibilities for reservoirs upon the headwaters of Huai River
Physical environment of the Liangzi Lake, and its problem of fishery resources
A general report on increasing the fishery production of Lake Donghu
Effects of human economic activities on Lake Donghu ecosystem
Effects of human population growth and fishery development on water quality of Lake Donghu, Wuhan
Summary of studies on the ecology of Lake Donghu
Unraveling the enigma of the disappearance of water bloom from the East Lake (Lake Donghu) of Wuhan
Preface for “Silver carp and bighead, and their use in the control of algal bloom”
Hydraulic engineering,water resources and aquatic ecosystem
A new method for economic value assessment of aquatic biodiversity: Wildlife Judicial Price Method
Preface for “Ecology and water quality management in the Dajingshan Reservoir”
Preface for “Reservoir bluegreen algae and the distribution and assay of cyanoginosins”
Foreword for “Reservoir ecology and water quality management in China”

River ecology and watershed ecology
Preliminary study on the vertical distribution of the commercial fish fry in lower Yangtze
River ecosystem health and its assessment
Several research hotspots in river ecology
River ecosystem management: a case study of Xiangxi River
Watershed ecology: a new approach for research and protection of aquatic biodiversity
Watershed ecology and watershed ecosystem management

Scientific contemplation and methodology
Handle the situation as a whole, and contemplate systematically
Bits of realization during the course of innovation
Unfold the origin and development of the cyanobacterial bloom in Lake Donghu
Contemplate independently and be bold in innovation
The Freshwater Biological Association on the threshold of 2007—not all bad news (translated from SIL news)

Publication list of LIU Jiankang

Postscript: Happiness of thinking and innovation

Notes after compilation
