


作者:王强,白莉红 主编





Unit 1
Section A Speaking Practice
Visiting a Clothing Firm 参观服装公司
Section B Text Learning
Major Departments in a Clothing Firm 服装公司主要部门
The Desisnin8 Department 设计部
The Teohniques Oevelopin8 Department 技术研发部
The Sales epartment 销售部
Section C Extensive Reading
Li-Ning Sporting Goods Co.Ltd. 李宁运动服饰有限公司

Unit 2
Section A Speaking Practice
Trying on a New Style Dress 试穿新款服装
Section B Text Learning
Basic Styles of Clothing 服装基本款式
Womens Wear 女装
Mens Wear 男装
Childrens Wear 童装
Section C Extensive Reading
Jean-Paul Gaultier 让·保罗·戈帝埃

Unit 3
Section A Speaking Practice
Fashion Designers Work 设计师的工作
Section B Text Learning
Basic Structure of Clothing 服装基本结构
Main Location and Method of Anthropometric Surveys for Garment 服装人体测量的主要部位与方決
Pattern Making 制板
Section C Extensive Reading
How to Draft the Basic Trouser Block 裤装原型的画法

Unit 4
Section A Speaking Practice
Purchasing a Suitable Sewing Machine购买服装设备
Section B Text Learning
Clothing Industry Equipment 服装设备
Sewing Machine 缝纫机
Pressing Equipmant 熨烫设备
Miscellaneous Tools 其他工具
Section C Extensive Reading
Brother Industries,Ltd. 日本兄弟工业株式会社

Unit 5
Section A Speaking Practice
Clothing Quality Control 服装质量管理
Section B Text Learning
Techniques of Making up Clothing 服装缝制工艺
Hand Stitching 手缝针法
Seams TylDe 机缝缝型

Pressing 熨烫
Section C Extensive Reading
Tailored Shirts 缝制衬衫

Unit 6
Section A Speaking Practice
Choosing Sheer Fabrics for an Evening Dress 购买晚礼服面料
Section B Text Learning
Materials for Clothing 服装材料
Fabric 面料
Lining 里料
Interlining 内衬
Section C Extensive Reading
Selecting Material 面料的选择

Unit 7
Section A Speaking Practice
Making a Contract 签订合同
Section B Text Learning
Clothing Marketing and Merchandising 服装市场与营销
MarKet Segmentation 市场细分
Merchandising Policies 销售策略
Section C Extensive Reading
Fashion in China 时尚在中国

Unit 8
Section A Speaking Practice
Meeting with Foreign Merchants 会见外国客商
Section B Text Learning
Global Clothing Trade 全球服装贸易
Making aN Offer 发盘
BookinR an Order 下单
Executing an Order 执行订单
Section C Extensive Reading
Outlook for Chinas Trade on Textile&Clothing 2006 2006年中国纺织与服装贸易展望

Unit 9
Section A Speaking Practice
Going Shopping with Close Friends 购物
Section B Text Learning
Fashion Accessories 服装配饰
Rote of Accessories 饰品的作用
HeadWear 帽饰
FootWear 鞋类
Jewelry 首饰
Other Accessories 其他饰品
Section C Extensive Reading
All Sorts of Accessories 各种饰品

Unit 10

Section A Speaking Practice
A Fashion Show 服装博览会
Section B Text Learning
Fashion Popularity 服饰流行趋势
Styles in Different Ages 不同时代服饰风格
The Fashion Cycle 服装流行周期
Section C Extensive Reading
Trend Prediction 流行趋势预测

Appendix 1 Orders 订单
Appendix 2 Sketches of Styles 款式图
Appendix 3 Fabrics 服装面料
Appendix 4 Vocabulary 单词表
Appendix 5 Answers and Translation 答案与译文
Appendix 6 Colors 颜色(见封三)
