


作者:贺小凤 主编





  本书是一本体系完整、知识全面的室内环境检测和控制技术的英语教材。内容涵盖了室内空气质量的基础知识;室内空气质量检测方法;甲醛、氡和生物性污染物等室内空气污染物的危害;健康环保的室内装修;汽车内空气质量等室内环境保护知识。本书内容可读性强,能反映出室内环境保护领域的最新动向和专业英语最新词汇。 本书不仅可以作为高职高专室内检测与控制技术专业的教科书,也可以作为其他环境类专业英语教材,还可供同等英语程度的室内环境技术人员或相近环保领域人员使用。
Part ⅠIndoor Air Quality1
Unit 1Indoor Air Quality Concerns3
1 Indoor Air Quality(IAQ)Problems3
2 Indoor Air Pollution Standards4
3 BuildingRelated Illness(BRI)4
Reading MaterialDo You Suspect Your Office has an Indoor Air Problem?9
Translating Skills Ⅰ13
Unit 2The Common Causes of IAQ Problems18
1 Pollutant Sources18
2 Amount of Ventilation19
Reading MaterialSources of Combustion Products24
Translating Skills Ⅱ27
Unit 3Indoor Air Pollution and Health34
1 Immediate Effects34
2 LongTerm Effects34
3 Sensitive Proportions of the Population35
Reading MaterialSick Building Syndrome (SBS)39
Translating Skills Ⅲ43
Unit 4Identify the Indoor Air Quality Problems49
1 How to identify your indoor air quality problems?49
2 Measuring Pollutant Levels49
Reading MaterialIndoor Air Quality Certification Scheme of Hong Kong53
Translating Skills Ⅳ57

Part ⅡSources of Indoor Air Pollution63
Unit 5Formaldehyde65
1 Sources of Formaldehyde65
2 Health Effects66
3 Steps to Reduce Exposure66
Reading MaterialThe Questionnaire about IAQ70
Translating Skills Ⅴ75
Unit 6Organic Gases and TVOCs80
1 Organic Gases80
2 Volatile Organic Compounds(VOCs)80
3 Interior Paints and TVOCs81
Reading MaterialCarbon Monoxide and Nitrogen Dioxide86
Translating Skills Ⅵ90
Unit 7Radon96
1 Sources of Radon96
2 Health Risks96
Reading MaterialJanuary is National Radon Action Month101
Translating Skills Ⅶ105
Unit 8Respirable Particles110
1 Physical and Chemical Properties110
2 Sources of Respirable Particles110
3 What airborne particles are found in your home?110
4 Health Effects111
5 Steps to Reduce Exposure to Respirable Particles111
Reading MaterialAsbestos in Your Home116
Speaking Skills Ⅰ121
Unit 9Environmental Tobacco Smoke126
1 Environmental Tobacco Smoke(ETS)126
2 Health Impact126
3 Remedial Action127
Reading MaterialSecondhand Smoke131
Speaking Skills Ⅱ137
Unit 10Biological Pollution141
1 Sources of Biological Pollution141
2 Health Effects from Biological Contaminants141
3 Reducing Exposure to Biological Contaminants142
Reading MaterialLegionnaire’s Disease147
Speaking Skills Ⅲ152

Part ⅢImproving Indoor Air Quality157
Unit 11Source Control159
1 Basic Strategies to Improve Indoor Air Quality159
2 Adequate Designs, Maintenance and Operation of MVAC System160
3 Application of Common Sense160
Reading MaterialOzone165
Speaking Skills Ⅳ170
Unit 12Healthy Renovation175
1 Indoor Air Pollutants Generated from Renovation Works175
2 Reduce the IAQ Problems during and after Renovation176
Reading MaterialImproving Indoor Air Quality with Plants180
Writing Skills Ⅰ184
Unit 13Ventilation Improvements190
1 Health Problems and Ventilation190
2 Ventilation System Problems and Solutions191
3 System Design191
4 Operation and Maintenance192
Reading MaterialAir Cleaners195
Writing Skills Ⅱ200

Part ⅣInVehicle Air Quality205
Unit 14Pollutants Lurk inside Vehicles207
1 Give me Some Space207
2 New Car Smell208
Reading MaterialAir Pollutants inside California Vehicles215
Writing Skills Ⅲ219
Unit 15Tackling inCar Pollution224
1 The Pollutants inside Automobiles224
2 The Pollutants from Auto Exhaust225
3 The Solutions to the inCar Pollution Problem225
Reading MaterialARRPET and ARRPET Activity in Beijing,China231
Writing Skills Ⅳ236

