







  《商务英语阅读教程》共18个单元,内容包括国际贸易、国际金融、国际营销、国际投资、国际商法、公司治理、物流、电子商务、国际商务组织等方面。每单元都由Text A和Text B两篇文章组成:Text A是主课文、Text B是在主课文的基础上提供的阅读材料,对主课文的内容进行补充;TextA包括课文,并对课文中的重点单词、短语、专有名词和商务术语进行释义,对课文中的难句进行注释,并附有大量练习;Text B包括课文和阅读理解型问题。
Unit 1 Entering Foreign Markets
Text A Deciding How to Enter Foreign Markets
Text B Cooperative Joint Ventures in China
Unit 2 International Trade Theories
Text A Basic Theories of International Trade
Text B Protectionism Versus Free Trade
Unit 3 International Trade in Services
Text A The Importance of Services in International Trade:Defining Trade in Services
Text B Services in the World Economy
Unit 4 Technology Transfer
Text A Understanding Technology Transfer
Text B International Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Rights
Unit 5 Trade Barriers
Text A Forms of Trade Barriers
Text B How to Hurdle the Barrier
Unit 6 International Trade of China
Text A China' s Trade: Growth and Diversification
Text B China, US Complementary in Trade
Unit 7 Marketing Strategy
Text A The Four P's of the Marketing Strategy
Text B Uncontrollable Variables in Marketing Strategy
Unit 8 Marketing Environment
Text A The Major Macroenvironment Forces
Text B Host Country Political and Legal Environment
Unit 9 Advertising
Text A The World of Advertising
Text B Television Advertising and Radio Advertising
Unit 10 International Payment
Text A Basic Methods of International Payments and Settlements
Text B Multinational and Foreign Exchange
Unit 11 Foreign Exchange Rate
Text A The Functions of the Foreign Exchange Market
Text B The Asian Crisis
Unit 12 Securities Market
Text A Why Do Securities Markets Exist
Text B Investment Management in the 1990s
Unit 13 Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy
Text A The Basic Idea of Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Text B China' s Monetary Policy in the Coming Years
Unit 14 International Corporate Governance
Text A International Corporate Governance
Text B Corporate Governance in China
Unit 15 Human Resources Management
Text A Human Resources Management
Text B Job Termination and Retirement
Unit 16 Global Logistics
Text A Global Integrated Logistics
Text B Logistics in Creating a Recycling Economy
Unit 17 E-commerce
Text A Understanding E-commerce
Text B Understanding E-commerce in China
Unit 18 International Business Organizations
Text A World Trade Organization
Text B Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
