作者:苏珊,杨惠中 主编
《新世纪大学英语视听说教程》是外教社针对我国英语教学的需要,与Thomson出版公司合作出版的一套英语视听说教材。本教材具有以下特色:中外专家合作编写,借鉴和汲取了国外先进的教学理念和方法,体现了语言教学法和语料库语言学研究的最新成果,同时合乎我国国情,能切实满足我国大学生提高英语听说能力的迫切需要 ; 视听材料全部采用原版素材,语言原汁原昧,题材真实风趣:录像以情景剧形式展现,提供了真实的语言环境,能有效激发学生的学习兴趣注重跨文化交际能力的培养。话题、情景设计以美语语境为主,辅以全球多元文化背景,置英语学习于世界文化环境之中以功能、题材、情景为编写主线,既注重培养学习者听的领会能力,更注重发展他们说的产出能力。精心设计的交互式练习,由浅入深,循序渐进,引导学习者逐步掌握会话策略,最终实现使用规范得体的英语进行有效交际的目的。
Unit 1 New Friends,New Faccs
Topic Meeting people; describing people
Functions Introducing yourself
Vocabulary Personal information; personal descriptions
Lesson A Meeting new people
Vocabulary Link:Online pen pals
Listening: Hi, I'm Fiona.
Speaking:Nice to meet you
Communication:Find someone who
Lesson B Describing yourself and others
Global Viewpoints: Describing yourself and others
City Living: Sun-hee's favorite cousin
Unit 2 Uacation
Topic Weather; vacation habits and preferences
FunctionsGiving advice and suggesting
Vocabulary Weather; vacational travel
Lesson A How's the weather?
Vocabulary Link:How's the weather?
Listening: It's hot outside.
Speaking: You should take a sweater.
Communication:Where should I go?
Lesson B The weather
Global ewpoints: The weather What should I do?
City Living: Another souvenir?
Unit 3 Tll Tbout You
Topic Pastimes and preferences
FunctionsInviting; accepting and declining invitations
Vocabulary Sports; teams and clubs
Unit 4 Change
Unit 5 Tround the Woeld
Unit 6 Nome Sweet Nome
Unit 7 Your Nealth
Unit 8 YOBS and Tmbitions
Role Cards
Topic Meeting people; describing people
Functions Introducing yourself
Vocabulary Personal information; personal descriptions
Lesson A Meeting new people
Vocabulary Link:Online pen pals
Listening: Hi, I'm Fiona.
Speaking:Nice to meet you
Communication:Find someone who
Lesson B Describing yourself and others
Global Viewpoints: Describing yourself and others
City Living: Sun-hee's favorite cousin
Unit 2 Uacation
Topic Weather; vacation habits and preferences
FunctionsGiving advice and suggesting
Vocabulary Weather; vacational travel
Lesson A How's the weather?
Vocabulary Link:How's the weather?
Listening: It's hot outside.
Speaking: You should take a sweater.
Communication:Where should I go?
Lesson B The weather
Global ewpoints: The weather What should I do?
City Living: Another souvenir?
Unit 3 Tll Tbout You
Topic Pastimes and preferences
FunctionsInviting; accepting and declining invitations
Vocabulary Sports; teams and clubs
Unit 4 Change
Unit 5 Tround the Woeld
Unit 6 Nome Sweet Nome
Unit 7 Your Nealth
Unit 8 YOBS and Tmbitions
Role Cards