半导体光学(第三版 影印版)
暂缺《半导体光学(第三版 影印版)》作者简介
1.1 Aims and Concepts
1.2 Outline of the Book and a lot of References
1.3 Some Personal Thoughts
1.4 Problems
References to Chap.1
2、Maxwell's Equations,Photons and the Density of States
2.1 Maxwell's Equations
2.2 Electromagnetic Radiation in Vacuum
2.3 Electromagnetic Radiation in Matter; Linear Optics
2.4 Transverse,Longitudinal and Surface Waves
2.5 Photons and Some Aspects of Quantum Mechanics and of Dispersion Relations
2.6 Density of States and Occupation Probabilities
2.7 Problems
References to Chap.2
3、Interaction of Light with Matter
3.1 Macroscopic Aspects for Solids
3.1.1 Boundary Conditions
3.1.2 Laws of Reflection and Refraction
3.1.3 Noether's Theorem and Some Aspects of Conservation Laws
3.1.4 Reflection and Transmission at an Interface and Fresnel's Formulae
3.1.5 Extinction and Absorption of Light
3.1.6 Transmission Through a Slab of Matter and Fabry Perot Modes
3.1.7 Birefringence and Dichroism
3.1.8 Optical Activity
3.2 Microscopic Aspects
3.2.1 Absorption,Stimulated and Spontaneous Emission,Virtual Excitation
3.2.2 Perturbative Treatment of the Linear Interaction of Light with Matter
3.3 Problems
References to Chap.3
4、Ensemble of Uncoupled Oscillators
4.1 Equations of Motion and the Dielectric Function
4.2 Corrections Due to Quantum Mechanics and Local Fields
4.3 Spectra of the Dielectric Function and of the Complex Index of Refraction
4.4 The Spectra of Reflection and Transmission
4.5 Interaction of Close Lying Resonances
4.6 Problems
References to Chap.4
5、The Concept of Polaritons
5.1 Polaritons as New Quasiparticles
5.2 Dispersion Relation of Polaritons
5.3 Polaritons in Solids,Liquids and Gases and from the IR to the X-ray Region
5.3.1 Common Optical Properties of Polaritons
5.3.2 How the k-vector Develops
5.4 Coupled Oscillators and Polaritons with Spatial Dispersion
5.4.1 Dielectric Function and the Polariton States with Spatial Dispersion
5.4.2 Reflection and Transmission and Additional Boundary Conditions
5.5 Real and Imaginary Parts of Wave Vector and Frequency
5.6 Surface Polaritons
5.7 Problems
References to Chap.5
6、Kramers-Kronig Relations
6.1 General Concepts
6.2 Problem
References to Chap.6
7、Crystals,Lattices,Lattice Vibrations and Phonons
7.1 Adiabatic Approximation
7.2 Lattices and Crystal Structures in Real and Reciprocal Space
7.3 Vibrations of a String
8、Electrons in a Periodic Crystal
9、Excitons,Biexcitons and Trions
10、Plasmons,Magnons and some Further Elementary Excitations
11、Optical Properties of Phonons
12、Optical Properties of Plasmons,Plasmon-Phonon Mixed States and of Magnons
13、Optical Properties of Intrinsic Excitons in Bulk Semiconductors
14、Optical Properties of Bound and Localized Excitons and of Defect States
15、Optical Properties of Excitons in Structures of Reduced Dimensionality
16、Excitons Under the Influence of External Fields
17、From Cavity Polaritons to Photonic Crystals
18、Review of the Linear Optical Properties
19、High Excitation Effects and Nonlinear Optics
20、The Intermediate Density Regime
21、The Electron-Hole Plasma
22、Stimulated Emission and Laser Processes
23、Time Resolved Spectroscopy
24、Optical Bistability,Optical Computing,Spintronics and Quantum Computing
25、Experimental Methods
26、Group Theory in Semiconductor Optics
27、Semiconductor Bloch Equations
The Final Problem
Subject Index