作者:(美)理查兹(Richards,J.C.) 等编著
新版《剑桥国际英语教程》(第3版)(Interchange Third Edition)是《剑桥国际英语教程》(New Interchange)的全面修订版。作为世界上最受欢迎、最有影响的英语教程之一,《剑桥国际英语教程》推动了中国传统语言学习模式的革新,加快了我国英语教学的国际化进程。新版总结了上一版在全球的课堂实践经验,为读者奉献了更时尚的内容、更丰富的语法训练和更多的听说实践机会。本套教材的主要产品包括学生用书(附赠词汇手册)、教师用书、练习册、音带或CD、录像教材、DVD和CD-ROM等。另外,学生用书和练习册分两个版本——全一册和A、B分册,便于广大师生根据需要选择。录像教材可以作为视听说培训教材单独使用。主要特色:综合培养听说读写技能;全新的语音学习大纲兼顾准确度和流利度;活泼有趣的口语活动在交际语境中学习语法;完善的复习和测试系统在任务型活动中训练听力;独特的单元自学听力练习富有时代气息的话题;寓教于乐的视听说配套产品生动自然的对话语言;科学的教师培训服务体系。
Jack C.Richards,国际知名教授,在英语语言习得、教师培训、教材设计领域享有声望。曾在美国、中国、新加坡、新西兰、加拿大、印度尼西亚和巴西等地大学任教多年。他出版过多部著作,其中包括Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching curriculum Development in Language Teaching等。
1 First day at class
2 I need a change!
Documentary 1 Jobs
3 At a garage sale
4 What kind of movies do you like?
Documentary 2 What's your favorite kind of music??
5 A family picnic
6 I like to stay in shape.
7 How was your trip to San Francisco?
8 Are you sure it's all right?
Documentary 3 In a suburban home
9 Help is coming.
10 Sorry rm late.
11 Across the Golden Gate Bridge
12 Feeling bad
Documentary 4 At the Mall of America
13 At the state fair
14 Around the World: the game show
15 May I speak to Cathy?
16 A whole new Marry
Documentary5 What is American foo?
2 I need a change!
Documentary 1 Jobs
3 At a garage sale
4 What kind of movies do you like?
Documentary 2 What's your favorite kind of music??
5 A family picnic
6 I like to stay in shape.
7 How was your trip to San Francisco?
8 Are you sure it's all right?
Documentary 3 In a suburban home
9 Help is coming.
10 Sorry rm late.
11 Across the Golden Gate Bridge
12 Feeling bad
Documentary 4 At the Mall of America
13 At the state fair
14 Around the World: the game show
15 May I speak to Cathy?
16 A whole new Marry
Documentary5 What is American foo?