







Lesson 1 Overview of Engineering Mechanics
Lesson 2 Stress-Strain Relationship of Materials
Lesson 3 Beams
Lesson 4 Reinforcing Steels for Concrete
Lesson 5 Choice of Building Materials
Lesson 6 Bituminous Road Materials
Lesson 7 Loading Conditions
Lesson 8 Loads, Strength, and Structural Safety
Lesson 9 Design of Simple Structures
Lesson 10 Structural Analysis
Lesson 11 Safety of Structures
Lesson 12 Structural Reliability
Lesson 13 Properties of Structural Steel
Lesson 14 Steel Structures
Lesson 15 Reinforced Concrete
Lesson 16 Columns
Lesson 17 Prestressed and Partially Prestressed Concrete Members
Lesson 18 Full Versus Partial Prestressing Concrete
Lesson 19 Soil Mechanics in Foundation Engineering
Lesson 20 Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering
Lesson 21 Foundations
Lesson 22 Footings and Foundations
Lesson 23 Piles
Lesson 24 Conveying, Placing, Compacting, and Curing of Concrete
Lesson 25 Forms
Lesson 26 Earthwork
Lesson 27 Construction Safety Planning
Lesson 28 Planning Techniques
Lesson 29 Scheduling and Control of Construction
Lesson 30 Quality Control and Quality Assurance
Lesson 31 Tests on Completion and Employer' s Taking-Over
Lesson 32 Plant Management
Lesson 33 Surveying Engineering
Lesson 34 Transportation Engineering
Lesson 35 Highway Geometric Design
Lesson 36 Flexible Pavement Design
Lesson 37 Highway Capacity and Level of Service
Lesson 38 Culverts
Lesson 39 Appearance Design of Bridge
Lesson 40 Bridge types
Lesson 41 Bridge Construction and Design
Lesson 42 Bridge Structure Design
Lesson 43 Bidding, Bid Opening and Award of Contract
Lesson 44 Choosing Subcontractors
Lesson 45 Company Organization
Lesson 46 Efficient Organization of Firms
Lesson 47 Contract Price and Payment
Lesson 48 Contractual Documents
Lesson 49 Alternate Financing Strategies for BOT Projects
Lesson 50 PFI in United Kingdom
Lesson 51 Disillusion with Traditional Procurement Paths
Lesson 52 Unraveling of BOT Scheme
Lesson 53 Concessionaire selection for BOT Tunnel Projects
Lesson 54 Types of Construction Cost Estimates
Lesson 55 Project Budget
Lesson 56 Major Project Program Cost Estimating Guidance
Lesson 57 Risk Management Basics
Lesson 58 Project Cost Risk Analysis
Lesson 59 Types of Construction Risk
Lesson 60 A Guide for Technical Writing
第2课 材料的应力与应变之间的关系
第4课 混凝土中的钢筋
第6课 沥青路用材料
第7课 荷载状态
第8课 荷载、强度和结构安全
第9课 简单结构的设计
第11课 结构的安全度
第12课 结构可靠性
第15课 钢筋混凝土
第16课 柱
第17课 预应力和部分预应力混凝土构件
第18课 全预应力和部分预应力混凝土
第19课 基础工程中的土力学
第2l课 基础
第23课 桩
第24课 混凝土的输送、浇筑、捣实和养护
第26课 土方工程
第28课 进度计划
第30课 质量控制与质量保证
第31课 竣工试验和业主的接收
第32课 设备管理
第33课 测量工程
第36课 柔性路面设计
第39课 桥梁的美学设计
第43课 招标、开标和授予合同
第46课 高效率的企业组织方式
第47课 合同价格与条款
第49课 BOT项目的其他融资策略
第51课 传统采购途径的幻灭
第54课 工程费用估算的类型
第57课 风险管理基础
