







Chaspter1 Types and Uses of Language Tests
Two Families of Language Tests
Norm-Referenced Tests
Criterion-Referenced Tests
Type of Interpretation
Type of Measurement
Purpose of the Testing
Distributions of Scores
Test Structure
Matching Tests to Decision Purposes
Program-Level Proficiency Decisions
Program-Level Placement Decisions
Classroom-Level Achievement Decisions
Classroom-Level Diagnostic Decisions
Why a Single Test Cannot Fulfill All Four Functions
Differences in Ranges of Ability
Differences in Variety of Content
Using Spreadsheet Programs in Language Testing
What Is a Spreadsheet Program?
How Will You Personally Benefit from Using a Spreadsheet Program in This Book?
Review Questions
Application Exercises
Chapter 2 Adopting, Adapting, and Developing Language Tests
Theoretical Issues
Language Teaching Methodology Issues
An Exceptionally Short History of Language Testing
Why Knowing about These Movements Is Important
The Competence/Performance Issue
The Discrete-Point/Integrative Issue
Practical Issues
The Fairness Issue
The Cost Issues
Ease of Test Construction
Ease of Test Administration
Ease of Test Scoring
Interactions of Theoretical Issues
Adopt, Adapt, or Develop?
Adopting Language Tests
Adapting Language Tests
Developing Language Tests
Putting Sound Tests in Place
Getting Started with Your Spreadsheet Program
Moving Around the Spreadsheet
Creating a Sample Spreadsheet
Entering Test Score Data to Create a Spreadsheet
Review Questions
Application Exercises
Chapter 3 Developing Good Quality Language Test Items
What is a Test Item?
Guidelines for Item Format Analysis
General Guidelines
Receptive Response Items
Productive Response Items
Personal Response Items
Why Bother with Item Format Analysis?
Review Questions
Application Exercises
Item Analysis in Language Testing
Norm-Referenced Item Analysis
Item Facility Analysis
Item Discrimination Analysis
Calculating Item Facility and Discrimination with Your Spreadsheet
NRT Development and Improvement Projects
Criterion-Referenced Item Analysis
Item Quality Analysis
CRT Development and Improvement Projects
Role of Item Facility
Difference Index
The B-Index
CRT Item Selection
Review Questions
Application Exercises
Chapter 5 Describing Language Test Results
Displaying Data
Graphic Display of Frequencies
Creating Graphs in ExcelTM
Scales of Measurement
Nominal Scales
Ordinal Scales
Continuous Scales
Descriptive Statistics
Central Tendency
High and Low
Standard Deviation
The Spreadsheet Approach to Descriptive Statistics
Reporting Descriptive Statistics
What Should Be Included?
How Should Descriptive Test Statistics be Displayed?
Review Questions
Application Exercises
Chapter 6 Interpreting Language Test Scores
Probability Distributions
Normal Distribution
CharacteristiCs of Normal Distributions
Central Tendency
Learning from Distributions
Using Percents/Percentages
Standardized Scores
z Scores
T Scores
CEEB Scores
Computer-based TOEFL Scores
Standardized and Percentile Scores
The Importance of Standardized Scores
Skewed Distributions
Peaked Distributions
NRT and CRT Distributions
The Spreadsheet Approach to Standardized Scores
Review Questions
Application Exercises
Chapter 7 Correlation in Language Testing
Preliminary Definitions
Calculating the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient
Assumptions of the Pearson-Moment Correlation Coefficient
Calculating the Pearson Correlation Coefficient with a Spreadsheet
Interpreting Correlation Coefficients
Statistical Significance
Correlation Matrixes
Potential Problems with Correlational Analysis
Restriction of Range
Another Useful Type of Correlational Analysis
Point-Biserial Correlation Coefficient
Calculating the Point-Biserial Correlation Coefficient with a Spreadsheet
Review Questions
Application Exercises
Chapter 8 Language Test Reliability
Sources of Variance
Measurement Error
Variance Due to Environment
Variance Due to Adminstration Procedures
Variance Attributable to Examinees
Variance Due to Scoring Procedures
Variance Attributable to the Test and Test Items
Reliability of NRTs
Test-Retest Reliability
Equivalent-Forms Reliability
Internal-Consistency Reliability
Split-Half Reliability
Cronbach Alpha
Kuder-Richardson Formulas
Reliability of Rater Judgments
Interpreting Reliability Estimates
Standard Error of Measurement
Using a Spreadsheet to Calculate NRT Reliability
Split-Half (Adjusted) and Cronbach Alpha
Kuder-Richardson Formulas 20 and 21, and the SEM
Factors Affecting the Reliability of NRTs
Review Questions
Application Exercises
Chapter 9 Language Test Dependability
Threshold Loss Agreement Approaches
Agreement Coefficient
Kappa Coefficient
Estimating Threshold Loss Agreement from a Single Test Administration
Squared-Error Loss Agreement Approaches
Domain Score Dependability
Confidence Intervals
Using a Spreadsheet to Calculate CRT Reliability
Agreement and Kappa Estimates (Using the Subkoviak Method)
The Phi(lambda) Coefficient
The Phi Coefficient and Confidence Interval
Factors Affecting the Consistency of CRTs
Review Questions
Application Exercises
Chapter 10 Language Test Validity
Traditional Validity Strategies of Both NRTs and CRTs
Content Validity
Overall Strategy for Establishing Content Validity
An Example of the Importance of Item Planning in Regards to Content Validity
Content Validity and Other Types of Validity
Construct Validity
Differential-Groups Studies
Intervention Studies
Criterion-Related Validity: A Traditional Strategy for NRTs
Restrictions of Range and NRT Validity
Standard Setting
Reliability, Validity, and Standard Setting
Standards and Test Consistency
Standards and Test Validity
Other Issues Related to Validity
The Washback Effect
Factors Affecting the Impact of Washback
Negative Effects of Washback
Promoting Positive Washback
Testing Bias
Review Questions
Application Exercises
Chapter 11 Language Testing in Reality
The Place of Tests in Curriculum Planning
The ELI Language Program
Four Decision-Making Steps
Initial Screening Procedures
Placement Procedures
Second-Week Diagnostic Procedures
Achievement Procedures
Testing as an Integrated System
Review Questions
Application Exercises
Review Questions Answer Key
