
科技交流实践教程(第六版 英文版)

科技交流实践教程(第六版 英文版)

作者:(美)法伊弗 著





暂缺《科技交流实践教程(第六版 英文版)》作者简介
CHAPTER 1 Process in Technical Communication 2
Defining Technical Communication 3
Features of Academic Writing 5
Features of Technical Communication 4
Determining the Purpose 8
Analyzing Your Readers 12
Obstacles for Readers 12
Ways to Understand Readers I$
Types of Readers 14
Collecting Information 16
Completing an Outline 18
Writing Initial Drafts 22
Revising Drafts 22
Writing in Groups 24
Benefits and Drawbacks of Group Writing 24
Guidelines for Group Writing 25
Chapter Summary 29
Learning Portfolio 30
Communication Challenge-"A Group Project Gone Bad" 30
Collaboration at Work 32
Assignments 33
CHAPTER 2 McDuff, Inc.: Ethics and Globalism
in the Workplace 58
Corporate Culture in the New Century 39
Elements of a Company's Culture 39
The Search for Quality 40
The Global Workplace 41
Strategies for Understanding Cultures 41
Strategies for Communicating Internationally 44
Ethics on the Job 45
Ethical Guidelines for Work 46
Ethics and Legal Issues in Writing 47
Background and Types of Projects 50
History of McDuff, Inc 50
Projects 5l
Corporate and Branch Offices 52
Headquarters 52
Branches 55
Writing at McDuff 58
Examples of Internal Writing 58
Examples of External Writing 59
Chapter Summary 59
Leaning Portfolio 61
Communication challenge--"McDufJ's Moscow Buyout: Global Dilemmas" 61
Collaboration at Work 65
Assignments 64
CHAPTER 5 Organizing Information 78
Importance of Organization 79
Three Principles of Organization 80
ABC Format for Documents 84
Document Abstrad: The "Big Picture" for Decision-Makers 84
Document Body: Details for All Readers 85
Document Conclusion: Wrap-Up Leading to Next Step 86
Tips for Organizing Sections and Paragraphs 87
Document Section 87
Paragraphs 88
Chapter Summary 89
Leaning Portfolio 90
Communication Challenge--"Telecommuting: The Last Frontier?" 90
Collaboration at Work 95
Assignments 94
Models for Good Writing 99
Model 3-1: ABC format in whole document 99
Model 3-2:/IBC format in document section lO1
Model 3-3: ABC format in paragraphs 102
CHAPTER 4 Page Design 104
Guidelines for Page Design 105
Paper 105
White Space 106
Headings 109
Lists 114
In-Text Emphasis 115
Fonts and Color 116
Size of Type 116
Font Types 116
Color 118
Computers in the Writing Process 118
Using Computers to Plan 118
Using Computers to Draft 119
Using Computers to Revise 119
Problems to Avoid 121
Chapter Summary 122
Learning Porttolio 123
Communk:ation Challenge-"The SL Paul Style Guide: Trouble in tile River City"
CoJJaboration atWork 125
AssignmenU 126
Models for Good Writing 130
Model 4-1: Page design in memorandum 130
CHAPTER 5 Patterns of Organization 152
Argument 135
Short Cases from McDuff: Argument 134
Guidelines for Writing Argument 135
Example of Argument 137
Definition 137
Short Cases from McDuff: Definitions 138
Guidelines for Writing Definitions 139
Example of Expanded Definition 142
Description 142
Short Cases from McDuff: Descriptions 143
Guidelines for Writing Descriptions 143
Examples of Description 145
Classification/Division 146
Short Cases from McDuff: Classification/Division 146
Guidelines for Classification 147
Example of Classification 148
Guidelines for Division 149
Example of Division 150
Comparison/Contrast 151
Short Cases from McDuff: Comparison/Contrast 151
Guidelines for Comparison/Contrast 151
Example of Comparison/Contrast 153
Chapter Summary 153
Learning Portfolio 155
Communication Challenge-"A Dome Gone South: Argument in Action" 155
Collaboration atWork 157
Assignments 158
Models for Good Writing 164
Model 5-1: Memo report-example using argument 164
Model 5-2: Detailed description (with definition included) 166
Model 5-5: Technical description (with definition included): Bunsen burner 168
Model 5-4: Part-by-part comparison/contrast: three bulldozers 171
CHAPTER 6 Process Descriptions and instrudions 174
Process Descriptions Versus Instructions 175
Process Descriptions at McDuff 175
Instructions at McDuff 176
Guidelines for Process Descriptions 177
Guidelines for Instructions 181
Chapter Summary 186
tearnin9 Portfolio 188
Communication Challenge--"McDuff's Home of Hope: The Good, the Bad,
and the Ugly?" 188
Collaboration at Work 190
Assignments 191
Models for Good Writing 197
Model 6-h McDuff process description: electronic mail 197
Model 6-2: McDuff instructions: electronic mail 198
Model 6-3: Process description 200
Model 6-4: A McDuff process description with a flowchart (both are included in an
appendix to a report to a dient) 201
Model 6-5: Instructions for making travel arrangements (McDuff's departed Baltimore
travel coordinator left a narrative description of the procedure be followed ]original
version], which was then reformatted and edited [revised version]) 202
Model 6-6: McDuff memo containing how-to instructions for a phone message recorder
(rewritten from manufacturer's difficult-to-follow instructions) 204
CHAPTER 7 Letters, Memos, and Eiedronic Communication 208
General Guidelines for Letters and Memos 209
Specific Guidelines for Letters and Memos 214
Positive Letters 215
Negative Letters 216
Neutral Letters 217
Sales Letters 219
Memoranda 220
Email 222
Appropriate Use and Style of Email 222
ABC Format for Email 225
Guidelines for Email 224
Chapter Summary 228
Learning Portfolio 229
Communication Challenge-"Ethk:s and Sales Letters" 229
Collaboration at Work 251
Assignments 251
Models for Good Writing 239
Model 7-1: McDuff sample letter 239
Model 7-2: McDuff sample memo 240
Model 7-5: Block Style for letters 242
Model 7-4: Modified block style (with indented paragraphs) for letters 243
Model 7-5: Simplified style for letters 244
Model 7-6: Memo slyle 245
Model 7-7: Positive letter in block style 246
Model 7-8: Negative letter in modified block style (with indented paragraphs) 247
Model 7-9: Neutral letter (invitation) in block style 248
Model 7-10: Neutral letter (placing order) in simplified style 249
Model 7-11: Sales letter in simplified style 250
Model 7-12: Memorandum: changes in procedures 251
Model 7-13: Memorandum: changes in benefits 252
Model 7-14: Simple email message 253
CHAPTER 8 Informal Reports 254
When to Use Informal Reports 255
Letter Reports at McDuff 255
Memo Reports at McDuff 256
General Guidelines for Informal Reports 257
Specific Guidelines for Five Informal Reports 261
Problem Analyses 261
Recommendalion Reports 262
Equipment Evaluations 264
Progress/Periodic Reports 265
Lab Reports 266
Chapter Summary 268
Learnin9 Portfolio 269
Communication Challenge-'A Nonprofit Job: Good Deed or
Questionable Ethics?" 269
Collaboration at Work 271
Assignments 271
Models for Good Writing 280
Model 8-1: Recommendation report (letter format) 280
Model 8-2: Equipment evaluation (memo formaO 282
Model 8-5: Problem analysis (memo formaO 284
Model 8-4: Progress report (memo format) 286
Model 8-5: Periodic report (memo format) 288
Model 8-6: Lab report (letter format) 289
CHAPTER 9 Formal Reports 292
When to Use Formal Reports 293
Strategy for Organizing Formal Reports 295
Guidelines for the Eight Parts of Formal Reports 296
Cover/7itle Page 297
Letter/Memo of Transmittal 297
Table of Contents 298
List of lUustrafions $00
Executive Summary 300
Introduction 501
Discussion Sections 502
Conclusions and Recommendations 303
Formal Report Example 304
Chapter Summary 304
Learning Portfolio 305
Communication Chal[enge-'The Ethics of Clients Reviewing
Report Drafts" 305
Collaboration at Work 507
Assignments 508
Models for Good Writing 313
Model 9-1: Title page with illustration (see explanation on page 297) 313
Model 9-2: Letter of transmittal 314
Model 9-3: Memo of transmittal 315
Model 9-4: Table 5f contents (all subheadings induded) 316
Model 9-5: Table of contents (third-level subheadings omitted) 317
Model 9-6: List of illustrations-formal report 318
Model 9-7.' Executive summary-formal report 319
Model 9-8: Introduction-formal report 520
Model 9-9: Formal report 321
CHAPTER 10 Proposals and Feasibility Studies 358
Proposals and Feasibility Studies at McDuff 340
McDuff Proposals 341
McDuff Feasibility Studies 342
Guidelines for Informal Proposals 342
Guidelines for Formal Proposals .. 347
Cover/Title Page 347
Letter/Memo of Transmittal 348
Table of Contents 349
List of Illustrations 349
Executive Summary 349
Introduction 350
Discussion Sections 350
Condusion 351
Appendices 351
Guidelines for Feasibility Studies 352
Chapter Summary 354
Learning Portfolio 356
Communication Challenge-'The Black Forest Proposal: Good Marketing
or Bad Business?" 356
Collaboration at Work 558
Assignments 359
Table of Contents 298
List of lUustrafions $00
Executive Summary 300
Introduction 501
Discussion Sections 502
Conclusions and Recommendations 303
Formal Report Example 304
Chapter Summary 304
Learning Portfolio 305
Communication Chal[enge-"The Ethics of Clients Reviewing
Report Drafts" 305
Collaboration at Work 507
Assignments 508
Models for Good Writing 313
Model 9-1: Title page with illustration (see explanation on page 297) 313
Model 9-2: Letter of transmittal 314
Model 9-3: Memo of transmittal 315
Model 9-4: Table 5f contents (all subheadings induded) 316
Model 9-5: Table of contents (third-level subheadings omitted) 317
Model 9-6: List of illustrations-formal report 318
Model 9-7.' Executive summary-formal report 319
Model 9-8: Introduction-formal report 520
Model 9-9: Formal report 321
CHAPTER 10 Proposals and Feasibility Studies 358
Proposals and Feasibility Studies at McDuff 340
McDuff Proposals 341
McDuff Feasibility Studies 342
Guidelines for Informal Proposals 342
Guidelines for Formal Proposals 347
Cover/Title Page 347
Letter/Memo of Transmittal 348
Table of Contents 349
List of Illustrations 349
Executive Summary 349
Introduction 350
Discussion Sections 350
Condusion 351
Appendices 351
Guidelines for Feasibility Studies 352
Chapter Summary 354
Learning Portfolio 356
Communication Challenge-'The Black Forest Proposal: Good Marketing
or Bad Business?" 356
Collaboration at Work 558
Assignments 359
Models for Good Writing 367
Model 10-1: Letter proposal 367
Model 10-2: Memo proposal 370
Model 10-3: Formal proposal 372
Model 10-4: Formal proposal $81
Model 10-5: Feasibility study (one alternative) 402
CHAPIER 11 Web Pages and Writing for the Web 404
Your Role in Developing Web Sites and Content 405
Planning 406
Content Development 409
Content Chunking 409
Guidelines for Writing Web Content 409
Adapting Content for the Web 410
Scripting Languages and Software Authoring Tools 410
Document Conversion lssues and Common File Formats 411
Structure 412
Site Structure and Types 412
Process of Developing a Structure 413
Navigation Design 416
Guidelines for labeling 416
Grouping and Arrangement Strategies 418
Design 418
Design Conventions and Prindples 418
Finding a Theme and Developing Graphic Content 420
File Formats and Graphics 421
Interface Layouts 422
Usability and Publication 424
Testing Your Site for Your User Base 425
Performing Usability Reviews 425
Quick Usability Checks and System Settings 425
Accessibility Guidelines 428
Publishing Your Site 430
Chapter Summary 450
Learning Portfolio 431
Communication Challenge 451
Collaboration at Work 452
Assignments 455
CHAPIER 12 Graphics 456
Terms in Graphics 457
Reasons for Using Special Fonts, Color, and Graphics 458
Using Fonts 440
Font Types 441
General Guidelines 441
Using Color 443
The Cost and Time of Using Color 444
Developing a Color StvIe Sheet 444
Color Terms 446
Guidelines for Using Color 447
General Guidelines for Graphics 448
Specific Guidelines for Eight Graphics 450
Tables 450
Pie Charts 453
Bar Charts 457
Line Charts 459
Schedule Charts 462
Flowcharts 464
Organization Charts 465
Technical Drawings 468
Misuse of Graphics 473
Description of the Problem 473
Examples of Distorted Graphics 474
Chapter Summary 478
Learning Portfolio 479
Communication Challenge "Massaging McDuff's Annual Report" 479
Collaboration at Work 481
Assignments 482
CHAPTER 15 Oral Communication 486
Presentations and Your Career 487
Guidelines for Preparation and Delivery 488
Guidelines for Presentation Graphics 494
Overcoming Nervousness 497
Why Do We Fear Presentations? 497
A Strategy for Staying Calm 498
Example of McDuff Oral Presentation 500
Running Effective Meetings 504
Common Problems with Meetings 505
Guidelines for Good Meetings 505
Chapter Summary 507
Learning Portfolio 509
Communication Challenge--"Ethics and the Technical Presentation" 509
Collaboration at Work 510
Assignments 511
CHAPTER 14 Technical Research 514
Getting Started 515
Searching Online Catalogs 517
Searching in the Library 525
Library Services 525
Library Resources 525
Searching the Web 555
Fundamentals of Web Searching 533
Web Search Options 534
Using Questionnaires and Interviews 538
Questionnaires 539
Interviews 542
Using Borrowed Information Correctly 544
Avoiding Plagiarism 544
Following the Research Process 545
Selecting and Following a Documentation System 549
Varieties of Documentation 549
Writing Research Abstracts 550
Types of Abstracts 550
Guidelines for Writing Research Abstracts 554
Chapter Summary 556
Learning Portfolio 557
Communication Challenge-"To Cite or Not to Cite" 557
Collaboration at Work 558
Assignments 559
Models for Good Writing 562
Model 14-1: Memo report citing research-APA Style 562
CHAPTER 15 The Job Search 570
Researching Occupations and Companies 571
Job Correspondence 574
Job Letters 574
Resumes 576
Job Interviews 580
Preparation 580
Performance 582
Follow-Up Letters 58.5
Negotiating 584
Chapter Summary 588
Learning Portfolio 589
Communication Challenge--"20-Something-Have Degree, Won't Travel"
Collaboration at Work 591
Assignments 592
Models for Good Writing 595
Model 15-1:Job letter (modified block) and chronological resume 595
Model 15-2:Job letter (block style) and chronological resume 597
Model 15-3:Job letter (modified block) and functional resume 599
Model 15-4:Job letter (modified block) and functional resume 601
Model 15-5: Combined resume 603
Model 15-6: Combined resume 604
Model 15-7: Resume with graphics-not effective for computer scanning 605
CHAPTER 16 Style in Technical Writing 606
Overview of Style 607
Definition of Style 607
Importance of Tone 607
Writing Clear Sentences 608
Sentence Terms 608
Guidelines for Sentence Style 609
Being Concise 610
Being Accurate in Wording 614
Using the Active Voice 615
What Do Active and Passive Mean? 615
When Sbould Actives and Passives Be Used? 616
Using Nonsexist Language 617
Sexism and language 617
Techniques for Nonsexist l-anguage 617
Chapter Summary 619
tearnin9 Portfolio 621
Communication Challenge--"An Editorial Adjustment" 621
Collaboration at Work 623
Assignments 624
Appendix: Handbook 631
Index  677
