


作者:(美)罗宾斯(Robbins,K.A.),(美)罗宾斯(Robbins,S.) 著





  本书是UNIX系统编程的经典教材,是基于最新UNIX标准的参考书,对UNIX编程本质进行了清晰透彻的介绍。本书完全覆盖文件、信号、信号量、POSIX线程以及客户端一服务器通信等内容,对通信、并发和多线程问题进行了深入研究,并对信号和并发等复杂的概念进行了全面深入的解释。本书还包含了关于Web、UDP以及服务器性能等方面的更新内容,这些内容已经在实际教学中得到了广泛验证。书中还提供了大量的实例、练习、可重用的代码以及用于网络通信程序的简化库。.本书从一些代码片段开始介绍如何使用系统调用,阐述了如何设计出完善的UNIX系统软件,从而帮助读者提高技术水平。不管是使用Linux、Solaris、Mac OS X还是基于POSIX的系统的读者,都可以从本书中学习如何设计并实现可靠的UNIX软件。本书给出了对UNIX编程本质清晰透彻的介绍。本书从一些代码片段开始介绍如何使用系统调用,阐述了如何设计出完善的UNIX系统软件,从而帮助读者提高技术水平。..本书对通信、并发和多线程问题进行了深入研究,并对信号和并发等复杂的概念进行了全面。明晰的解释。书中还提供了大量的实例。练习、可重用的代码以及用子网络通信程序的简化库。本书是基子最新UNIX标准的参考书,完全覆盖文件。信号、信号量。POSIX线程以及客户端—服务器通信等内容。本书还包含了关于Web、UDP以及服务器性能等方面的更新内容。这些内容已经在实际教学中得到了广泛验证。...
  本书提供作译者介绍Kay A.RObbins和Steven RObbins均获麻省理工学院博士学位。他们目前在得克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校的计算机科学系任教。...
I Fundamentals
   1 Technology’s Impact on Programs
1.1    Terminology of Change
1.2    Time and Speed
1.3    Multiprogramming and Time Sharing
1.4    Concurrency  at the Application Level
1.5    Security and Fault Tolerance
1.6    Buffer Overflows for Breaking and Entering
1.7    UNIX Standards
1.8    Additional Reading
2    Programs,Processes and Threads
2.1    How a Program Becomes a Process
2.2    Threads and Thread of Execution
2.3    Layout of a Program Image
2.4    Library Function Calls
2.5    Function Return Values and Errors
2.6     Argument Arrays
2.7    Thread-Safe Functions
2.8    Use of Static Variables
2.9    Structure of Static Objects
2.10    Process Environment
2.11    Process Termination
2.12    Exercise:An env Utility
2.13    Exercise:Message Logging
2.14    Additional Reading
3    Processes in UNIX
3.1    Process Identification
3.2    Process State
3.3    UNIX Process Creation and fork
3.4    The wait Function
3.5    The  exec Function
3.6    Background Processes and Daeons
3.7    Critical Sections
3.8    Exercise:Process Chains
3.9    Exercise:Process Fans
3.10    Additional Reading
4    UNIX I /O
4.1    Device Terminology
4.2    Reading and Writing
4.3    Opening and Closing Files
4.4    The select Function
4.5    The poll Function
4.6    File Representation
4.7    Filters and Redirection
4.8    File Control
4.9    Exercise:Atomis Logging
4.10    Exercise:A cat Utility
4.11    Additional Reading
5    Files and Directories
5.1    UNIX File System Navigation
5.2    Directory Access
5.3    UNIX File System Implementation
5.4    Hand Links and Symbolic Links
5.5    Exercise:The which Command
5.6    Exercise: Biffing
5.7    Exercise:News biff
5.8    Exercise:Traversing Directories
5.9    Additional Reading
6    UNIX Special Files
6.1    Pipes
6.2    Pipelines
6.3    FIFOs
6.4    Pipes and the Client-Server Model
6.5    Terminal Control
6.6    Audio Device
6.7    Exercise:Audio
6.8    Exercise:Barriers
6.9    Exercise:The stty Command
6.10    Exercyse:Client-Server Revisited
6.11    Additional Reading
7    Project:The Token Ring
7.1    Ring Topology
7.2    Ring Formation
7.3    Ring Exploration
7.4    Simple Communication
7.5    Mutual Exclusion with Tokens
7.6    Mutual Exclusion by Voting
7.7    Leader Election on an Anonymous Ring
7.8    Token Ring for Communication
7.9    Pipelined Preprocessor
7.10    Parallel Ring Algorithms
7.11    Flexible Ring
7.12    Additional Reading
II Asynchronous Events
8    Signals
8.1    Basic Signal Concepts
8.2    Generating Signals
8.3    Manipulating Signal Masks and Signal Sets
8.4    Catching and Ignoring Signals—sigaction
8.5    Waiting for Signals—pause,sigsuspend and sigwait
8.6    Handling Signals:Errors and Async-signal Safety
8.7    Program Control with siglongjmp and sigsetjmp
8.8    Programming with AsynchronousI/O
8.9    Exercise:Dumping Statistics
8.10    Exercise:Spooling a Slow Device
8.11    Additional Reading
9    Times and Timers
9.1    POSIX Times
9.2    Sleep Functions
9.3    POSIX:XSI Interval Timers
9.4    Realtime Signals
9.5    POSIX:TMR Interval Timers
9.6    Timer Drift,Overruns and Absolute Time
9.7    Additional Reading
10    Project:Virtual Timers
10.1    Project Overview
10.2    Simple Timers
10.3    Setting One of Five Single Timers
10.4    Using Multiple Timers
10.5    A Robust Implementation of Multiple Timers
10.6    POSIX:TMR T imer Implementation
10.7    Mycron,a Small Cron Facility
10.8    Additional Reading
11    Project:Cracking Shells
11.1    Building a Simple Shell
11.2    Redirection
11.3    Pipelines
11.4    Signal Handling in the Foreground
11.5    Process Groups,Sessions and Controlling Terminals
11.6    Background Processes in ush
11.7    Job Control
11.8    JobControl for ush
11.9    Additional Reading
III Concurrency
12    POSIX Threads
12.1    A Motivating Problem:Monitoring File Descriptors
12.2    Use of Threads to Monitor Multiple File Descriptors
12.3    Thread Management
12.4    Thread Safety
12.5    User Threads versus Kernel Threads
12.6    Thread Attributes
12.7    Exercise:Paralel File Copy
12.8    Additional Reading
13    Thread Synchronization
13.1    POSIX Synchronization  Functions
13.2    Mutex Locks
13.3    At-Most-Once and At-Least-Once-Execution
13.4    Condition Variables
13.5    Signal Handling and Threads
13.6    Readers and Writers
13.7    A strerror_r Implementation
13.8    Deadlocks and Other Pesky Problems
13.9    Exercise:Multiple Barriers
13.10    Additional Reading
14    Critical Sections and Semaphores
14.1    Dealing with Critical Sections
14.2    Semaphores
14.3    POSIX:SEM Unnamed Semaphores
14.4    POSIX:SEM Semaphore Operations
14.5    POSIX:SEM Named Semaphores
14.6    Exercise:License Manager
14.7    Additional Reading
15.1    POSIX:XSI Interprocess Communication
15.2    POSIX:XSI Semaphore Sets
15.3    POSIX:XSI Shared Memory
15.4    POSIX:XSI Message Queues
15.5    Exercise:POSIX Unnamed Semaphores
15.6    Exercise:POSIX Named Semaphores
15.7    Exercise:Implementing Pipes with Shared Memory
15.8    Exercise:Implementing Pipes with Message Queues
15.9    Additional Reading
16    Project:Producer Consumer Synchronization
16.1    The Producer-Consumer roblem
16.2    B ounded Buffer Protected by Mutex Locks
16.3    Buffer Implementation with Semaphores
16.4    Introduction to a Simple Producer-Consumer Problem
16.5    Bounded Buffer Implementation Using Condition Variables
16.6    Buffers with Done Conditions
16.7    Parallel File Copy
16.8    Threaded Print Server
16.9    Additional Reading
17    Project:The Not  Too Parallel Virtual Machine
17.1    PVM History, Terminology,and Architecture
17.2    The Not Too Parallel Virtual Machine
17.3    NTPVM Project Overview
17.4    I/O and Testing of Dispatcher
17.5    Single Task with No Input
17.6    Sequential Tasks
17.7    Concurrent Tasks
17.8    Packet Communication,Broadcast and Barriers
17.9     Termination and Signals
17.10    Ordered Message Delivery
17.11    Additional Reading
IV  Communication
18    Connection-Oriented Communication
18.1    The Client-Server Modle
18.2    Communication Channels
18.3    Connection-Oriented Server Strategies
18.4    Universal Internet Communication Interface(UICI)
18.5    UICI Imlementations of Different Server Strategies
18.6    UICI Clients
18.7    Socket Implementatiln of UICI
18.8    Host Names and IP Addresses
18.9    Thread-Safe UICI
18.10    Exercise:Ping Server
18.11    Exercise:Transmission of Audio
18.12    Additional Reading
19    Project:WWW Redirection
19.1    The World Wide Web
19.2    Uniform Resource Locators(URLs)
19.3    http Primer
19.4    Web Communication Patterns
19.5    Pass-through Monitoring of Single Connections
19.6    Tunnel Server Implementation
19.7    Server Driver for Testing
19.8    HTTP Header Parsing
19.9    Simple Proxy Server
19.10    Proxy Monitor
19.11    Proxy Cache
19.12    Gateways as Portals
19.13    Gateway for Load Balancing
19.14    Postmortem
19.15    Additional Reading
20    Connectionless Communication and Multicasst
20.1    Introduction to Connectionless Communication
20.2    Simplifie Interface for Connectionless Communication
20.3    Simple-Request Protocols
20.4    Request-Reply Protocols
20.5    Request-Reply with Timeouts and Retries
20.6    Request-Reply-Acknowledge Protocols
20.7    Implementation of UICI UDP
20.8    Comparison of UDP and TCP
20.9    Multicast
20.10    Exercise:UDP Port Server
20.11    Exercise:Stateless File Server
20.12    Additional Reading
21    Project:Internet Radio
21.1    Project Overview
21.2    Audio Device Simulation
21.3    UDP Implementation with One Program and One Receiver
21.4    UDP Implementation with Multiple Programs and Receivers
21.5    UDP Implementation of Radio Broadcasts
21.6    Multicast Implementation of Radio Broadcasts
21.7    TCP Implementation Differences
21.8    Receiving Streaming Audio Through a Browser
21.9    Additional Reading
22    Project: Server Performance
22.1    Server Performance Costs
22.2    Server Architectures
22.3    Roject Overview
22.4    Single-Client  Driver
22.5    Multiple-Client Driver
22.6    Thread-per-request and Process- per-request Implementations
22.7    Thread-worker-pool Strategy
22.8    Thread-worker Pool with Bounded Buffer
22.9    Process-worker Pool
22.10    Influence of Disk I/O
22.11    Performance Studies
22.12    Report Writing
22.13    Additional Reading
  A UNIX Fundamentals
          A.1  Manual Pages
          A.2 Compilation
          A.3  Makefiles
          A.4 Debugging Aids
          A.5 Identifiers,Storage Classes and Linkage Classes
          A.6 Additional Reading
B Restart Library
C UICI Implementation
          C.1 Connection-Oriented UICI TCP Implementation
          C.2 Name Resolution Implementations
          C.3 Connectionless UICI UDP Implementation
D Logging Functions
          D.1 Local Atomic Logging
          D.2 Remote Logging
E POSIX Extensions
Program Index
