作者:(美)Todd Lammle
Chapter 1 Overvlew of Scalabe Networks
Describe the key requlrements of a scalable intemetwork
Select a Cisco IOS feature as a solution for a gwen intemetwork requlrement
Chapter 2 Introduction to Managing Traffic and Access
Describe causes of network congestion
List solutions for controlling network congestion
Introduction to Managing Traffic and Access
Confgure IP standard access Lists
Limit virtual terminal access
Configure IP extended access Lists
Verify access List operation
Confteure an altemative to using access Lists
Confteure an IP helper address to manage broadcasts
Cbapter 3 Mannging Novell IPX/SPX Traffic
Describe IPX/SPX traffic management lssues
Filter IPX traffic using IPX access Lists
Manage IPX/SPX traffic over WAN
Verify IPX/SPX filter operation
Chapter 4 connguhag 9ueniug to Manage Traffic
Describe the need for queuing in a large network
Describe welghted falr queuing operation
Configure priority
Conftgure custom queuing
Verify queuing operation
Chapter 5 Routing Protocol Overvlew
List the key information routers need to route data
Compare distance vector and link-state protocol operation
Cbapter 6 Exteuding 1P Addresses Uslug yL8Ms
Glven an IP address, use ThSMs to extend the use of the IP address
Glven a network plan that includes IP addressing, eaplain
If a route summarization is or is riot posslble
Define private addressing and determine when it can be used
Define network address translation and determine when it can be used
Chapter 7 Configuring OSPF lu a Single Area
ExPlain why OSPF ls better than RIP in a large intemetwork
ExPlain how OSPF discovers, chooses, and maintains routes
Configure OSPF for proper operation
Verify OSPF operation
Chapter 8 1ntercounecting Mnitiple OSPF Areas
Descrlbe the issues wlth interconnecting multiple areas and how OSPF addresses
Explain the differences between the possible mpes of areas,routers, and LSAS
Configure a multiarea OSPF network
Verify OSPF operation
Chapter 9 connguring EIGRP
Descrlbe Enhanced IGRP features and operation
Configure Enhanced IGRP
Verlfy Enhanced IGRP operation
Chapter 1O Optimlzlug Routing Update Operation
Select and configure the dlfferent ways to control route update traffic
Confteure route redlstrlbution in a network that does not have redundant paths betwEen dlsslmllar routing processes
Configure route redlstribution in a network that has redundant paths betw6en dlsslmllar routing processes
Resolve path selection problems that result in a redlstrlbuted network
Verify route redlstribut1on
Chapter 11 Counecting EnterPrises to an Intemet Servlce Ptovlder
Describe when to use BGP to connect to an ISP
Describe methods to connect to an ISP using static and default routes, and BGP
Chapter 12 WAN Counectivlty Overvlew
Compare the dlfferences betwCen WAN connection types:dedlcated, asynchronous dial-in, dlal-on-demand, and packet switched setwces
Determine when to use PPP, HDLC, LAPB, and IETF encap sulation boes
List at least fOur common lssues to be consldered when evaluating WAN seFVlces
Chapter 13 connguriug Dlai-on-Demand Routing
Describe the components that make up ISDN connectwity
Confteure ISDN BRI
Configure Legacy dial-on-demand routing (DDR)
Confteure dialer proflles
Verify DDR operation
Chapter 14 Customising DDR Operation
Configure dlal backup
Verify dlal backup operation
Configure MultiLink PPP operation
Verify MultiLink PPP operation
Configure snapshot routing
Chapter 15 Briqing Overview
Define routable and nonroutable protocols and gbe an example of each
Define various bridgng mpes and describe when to use each mpe
Chapter 16 Coallgndug Transpareut Bridging and Integrated Routing and Bridging
Configure transparent bridging
Configure integrated Routing and Bridging (IRB)
Chapter 17 connguriug source-ROute Bridging
Describe the basic funct1ons of source-route bridging (SRB)
Configure SRB
Configure source-route transparent bridging (SRT)
Configure source-route translational bridging (SR/TLB)
Verify SRB operation
Chapter 18 Maging APpleTalk Traffic
Identify potential sources of congestion in an APPleTalk network
Configure zone filters
Configure RTMP filters
Configure NBP filters
Chapter 19 ConWug T1/E1 and 1SDN PAl Options
Identify channelised T1 and El conftguration
Identify ISDN PRI configuration commands
Chapter 1 Overvlew of Scalabe Networks
Describe the key requlrements of a scalable intemetwork
Select a Cisco IOS feature as a solution for a gwen intemetwork requlrement
Chapter 2 Introduction to Managing Traffic and Access
Describe causes of network congestion
List solutions for controlling network congestion
Introduction to Managing Traffic and Access
Confgure IP standard access Lists
Limit virtual terminal access
Configure IP extended access Lists
Verify access List operation
Confteure an altemative to using access Lists
Confteure an IP helper address to manage broadcasts
Cbapter 3 Mannging Novell IPX/SPX Traffic
Describe IPX/SPX traffic management lssues
Filter IPX traffic using IPX access Lists
Manage IPX/SPX traffic over WAN
Verify IPX/SPX filter operation
Chapter 4 connguhag 9ueniug to Manage Traffic
Describe the need for queuing in a large network
Describe welghted falr queuing operation
Configure priority
Conftgure custom queuing
Verify queuing operation
Chapter 5 Routing Protocol Overvlew
List the key information routers need to route data
Compare distance vector and link-state protocol operation
Cbapter 6 Exteuding 1P Addresses Uslug yL8Ms
Glven an IP address, use ThSMs to extend the use of the IP address
Glven a network plan that includes IP addressing, eaplain
If a route summarization is or is riot posslble
Define private addressing and determine when it can be used
Define network address translation and determine when it can be used
Chapter 7 Configuring OSPF lu a Single Area
ExPlain why OSPF ls better than RIP in a large intemetwork
ExPlain how OSPF discovers, chooses, and maintains routes
Configure OSPF for proper operation
Verify OSPF operation
Chapter 8 1ntercounecting Mnitiple OSPF Areas
Descrlbe the issues wlth interconnecting multiple areas and how OSPF addresses
Explain the differences between the possible mpes of areas,routers, and LSAS
Configure a multiarea OSPF network
Verify OSPF operation
Chapter 9 connguring EIGRP
Descrlbe Enhanced IGRP features and operation
Configure Enhanced IGRP
Verlfy Enhanced IGRP operation
Chapter 1O Optimlzlug Routing Update Operation
Select and configure the dlfferent ways to control route update traffic
Confteure route redlstrlbution in a network that does not have redundant paths betwEen dlsslmllar routing processes
Configure route redlstribution in a network that has redundant paths betw6en dlsslmllar routing processes
Resolve path selection problems that result in a redlstrlbuted network
Verify route redlstribut1on
Chapter 11 Counecting EnterPrises to an Intemet Servlce Ptovlder
Describe when to use BGP to connect to an ISP
Describe methods to connect to an ISP using static and default routes, and BGP
Chapter 12 WAN Counectivlty Overvlew
Compare the dlfferences betwCen WAN connection types:dedlcated, asynchronous dial-in, dlal-on-demand, and packet switched setwces
Determine when to use PPP, HDLC, LAPB, and IETF encap sulation boes
List at least fOur common lssues to be consldered when evaluating WAN seFVlces
Chapter 13 connguriug Dlai-on-Demand Routing
Describe the components that make up ISDN connectwity
Confteure ISDN BRI
Configure Legacy dial-on-demand routing (DDR)
Confteure dialer proflles
Verify DDR operation
Chapter 14 Customising DDR Operation
Configure dlal backup
Verify dlal backup operation
Configure MultiLink PPP operation
Verify MultiLink PPP operation
Configure snapshot routing
Chapter 15 Briqing Overview
Define routable and nonroutable protocols and gbe an example of each
Define various bridgng mpes and describe when to use each mpe
Chapter 16 Coallgndug Transpareut Bridging and Integrated Routing and Bridging
Configure transparent bridging
Configure integrated Routing and Bridging (IRB)
Chapter 17 connguriug source-ROute Bridging
Describe the basic funct1ons of source-route bridging (SRB)
Configure SRB
Configure source-route transparent bridging (SRT)
Configure source-route translational bridging (SR/TLB)
Verify SRB operation
Chapter 18 Maging APpleTalk Traffic
Identify potential sources of congestion in an APPleTalk network
Configure zone filters
Configure RTMP filters
Configure NBP filters
Chapter 19 ConWug T1/E1 and 1SDN PAl Options
Identify channelised T1 and El conftguration
Identify ISDN PRI configuration commands