![面向对象设计的UML实践(英文影印版) 面向对象设计的UML实践(英文影印版)](https://img.dushu.com/2006/07/26/12110139074879.jpg_200.jpg)
作者:Mark Priestley
面向对象方法及技术的发展推动了对象建模技术的发展,而后者的发展又促进了前者的进步。本书完整详尽地给出了对象建模表示法严格的一致性形式化定义,以及从设计到实现的面向对象开发全过程。书中UML的表示法采用了,兼容以OMT为主,以及Booch、Coad-Yourdon等目前主要流行的三种建模表示法。主要内容:1、UML对象建模的基本概念、方法、技术和表示法的详细内容,提供了可视化、文档化、可构造的系统体系结构规格说明设计的论述。2、介绍了一种基于文本的对象约定语言OCL。该语言不但处理标准约定,并且处理完整的、一般化的、任意性的约定条件(包括上下文、流向、联接、集合及反复等结构)。为提高和保证系统的软件质量,这种规格说明在面向对象的设计中尤为重要。3、结合大量实例,提供了从面向对象设计到面向对象代码实现清晰的关系和详细的过程。具体例子的实现采用JAVA 1.0及C++语言,易于广大读者阅读和实践。4、每章末尾提供大量练习,有助于读者加深理解内容和进行面向对象设计开发的试验。5、在www.mcgraw-hill.co.uk/textbooks/priestley网站上,能找到书中例子和练习的全部资料。本书对于无论是在面向对象软件开发颇有经验的工程技术人员,还是开始接触面向对象软件开发的人员,都有很好的参考价值。作为软件工程的一种潮流发展技术,本书也可作为大学教师、研究生和高年级学生的参考书。
1 Introduction to UML
1. l Models and modelling
1. 2 Methodologies
1. 3 The Unified Modeling Language
1. 4 Design models and code
1. 5 The software development process
1. 6 Summary
1. 7 Exercises
2 Modelling with Objects
2. 1 The object model
2. 2 Objects
2. 3 Object properties
2. 4 Avoiding data replication
2. 5 Links
2. 6 Message passing
2. 7 Polymorphism
2. 8 Dynamic binding
2. 9 Class diagrams
2. 1O The applicability of the object model
2. 11 Summary
2. 12 Exercises
3 Diagram Editor: Use Case View
3.1 Statement of requirements
3.2 The use case view
3.3 Creating new diagrams
3.4 Use case realization
3.5 Creating new elements
3.6 Selecting elements
3.7 Deleting elements
3.8 Moving and resizing elements
3.9 Use case extension
3.1O Use case diagrams
3.1l Summary
3.12 Exercises
4 Diagram Editor: Deign View
4.l The role of the design view
4.2 Classes and associations
4.3 Generalization
4.4 Creation tools
4.5 Selection tools
4.6 Features of classes
4.7 Complete class diagram
4.8 Dynamic modelling of the diagram editor
4.9 A statechart for creation tools
4.1O A statechart for selection tools
4.1l Statecharts for other classes
4.12 Summary
4.13 Exercises
5 Diagram Editor: Implementation View
5.l Application frameworks
5.2 The applet framework
5.3 Implementation of classes
5.4 Implementation of associations
5.5 Implementation of statecharts
5.6 Managing tools
5.7 The document/view architecture
5.8 Summary
5.9 Exercises
6 Class Diagrams
6.1 Primitive notions
6.2 Classes
6.3 Describing objects with classes
6.4 Associations
6.5 The need for generalization
6.6 Generalization and specialization
6.7 Inheritance of attributes and operations
6.8 Association generalization
6.9 Aggregation
6.10 Composite objects
6.11 Association classes
6.12 Qualified associations
6.13 Multiple inheritance
6.14 Summary
6.15 Exercises
7 Interaction Diagrams
7.1 Collaborations
7.2 Classifier roles
7.3 Association roles
7.4 Transient links
7.5 Interaction diagrams
7.6 Object creation
7.7 Object destruction
7.8 Iterated messages
7.9 Multiobjects
7.1O Conditional messages
7.11 Messages to self
7.12 Summary
7.13 Exercises
8 Statecharts
8.1 State-dependent behaviour
8.2 States, events and transitions
8.3 Initial and final states
8.4 Guard conditions
8.5 Actions
8.6 Activities
8.7 Composite states
8.8 History states
8.9 Summary of the CD player
8.1O Dynamic modelling in practice
8.11 Time events
8.12 Activity states
8.13 Summary of the ticket machine
8.14 Summary
8.15 Exercises
9 Constraints
9.1 Standard constraints
9.2 The Object Constraint Language
9.3 The context of a constraint
9.4 Navigation expressions
9.5 Objects and collections
9.6 Constraints
9.7 Stereotyped constraints
9.8 Constraints and generalization
9.9 Summary
9.1O Exercises
1O Implementation Strategies
1O.1 Implementing associations
10.2 Unidirectional implementations
1O.3 Bidirectional implementations
1O.4 Implementing qualifiers
1O.5 Implementing associations as classes
1O.6 Implementing constraints
1O.7 Implementing statecharts
1O.8 Persistency
1O.9 Interfacing to databases
1O.1O Summary
1O.11 Exercises
11 Design Pragmatics
11.1 Physical design
11.2 Interfaces
11.3 Reverse engineering
11.4 Templates
11.5 Optimization of design models
11.6 Summary
11.7 Exercises
12 Principles and Patterns
12.1 The open-closed principle
12.2 No concrete superclasses
12.3 Decouple the interface hierarchy
12.4 The Liskov substitution principle
12.5 Interactions determine structure
12.6 Design patterns
12.7 Recursive structures
12.8 The State and Strategy patterns
12.9 MVC, document/view and Observer
12.1O Applying Visitor to the stock control program
12.1l Summary
12.12 Exercises
13 Cab Dispatching System
13.1 Use cases
13.2 Handling immediate jobs
13.3 Handling prebooked jobs
13.4 Allocating a cab to ajob
13.5 Job confirmation
13.6 Cancelling a job
13.7 Progression of jobs
13.8 Completing the static model
13.9 Implementation overview
13.1O Summary
13.1l Exercises
A Summary of Notation Used
A.1 Common notations
A.2 Use case diagrams
A.3 Object diagrams
A.4 Collaborations
A.5 Sequence diagrams
A.6 Collaboration diagrams
A.7 Class diagrams
A.8 Statechart diagrams
A.9 Component diagrams
A. 10 Templates
1. l Models and modelling
1. 2 Methodologies
1. 3 The Unified Modeling Language
1. 4 Design models and code
1. 5 The software development process
1. 6 Summary
1. 7 Exercises
2 Modelling with Objects
2. 1 The object model
2. 2 Objects
2. 3 Object properties
2. 4 Avoiding data replication
2. 5 Links
2. 6 Message passing
2. 7 Polymorphism
2. 8 Dynamic binding
2. 9 Class diagrams
2. 1O The applicability of the object model
2. 11 Summary
2. 12 Exercises
3 Diagram Editor: Use Case View
3.1 Statement of requirements
3.2 The use case view
3.3 Creating new diagrams
3.4 Use case realization
3.5 Creating new elements
3.6 Selecting elements
3.7 Deleting elements
3.8 Moving and resizing elements
3.9 Use case extension
3.1O Use case diagrams
3.1l Summary
3.12 Exercises
4 Diagram Editor: Deign View
4.l The role of the design view
4.2 Classes and associations
4.3 Generalization
4.4 Creation tools
4.5 Selection tools
4.6 Features of classes
4.7 Complete class diagram
4.8 Dynamic modelling of the diagram editor
4.9 A statechart for creation tools
4.1O A statechart for selection tools
4.1l Statecharts for other classes
4.12 Summary
4.13 Exercises
5 Diagram Editor: Implementation View
5.l Application frameworks
5.2 The applet framework
5.3 Implementation of classes
5.4 Implementation of associations
5.5 Implementation of statecharts
5.6 Managing tools
5.7 The document/view architecture
5.8 Summary
5.9 Exercises
6 Class Diagrams
6.1 Primitive notions
6.2 Classes
6.3 Describing objects with classes
6.4 Associations
6.5 The need for generalization
6.6 Generalization and specialization
6.7 Inheritance of attributes and operations
6.8 Association generalization
6.9 Aggregation
6.10 Composite objects
6.11 Association classes
6.12 Qualified associations
6.13 Multiple inheritance
6.14 Summary
6.15 Exercises
7 Interaction Diagrams
7.1 Collaborations
7.2 Classifier roles
7.3 Association roles
7.4 Transient links
7.5 Interaction diagrams
7.6 Object creation
7.7 Object destruction
7.8 Iterated messages
7.9 Multiobjects
7.1O Conditional messages
7.11 Messages to self
7.12 Summary
7.13 Exercises
8 Statecharts
8.1 State-dependent behaviour
8.2 States, events and transitions
8.3 Initial and final states
8.4 Guard conditions
8.5 Actions
8.6 Activities
8.7 Composite states
8.8 History states
8.9 Summary of the CD player
8.1O Dynamic modelling in practice
8.11 Time events
8.12 Activity states
8.13 Summary of the ticket machine
8.14 Summary
8.15 Exercises
9 Constraints
9.1 Standard constraints
9.2 The Object Constraint Language
9.3 The context of a constraint
9.4 Navigation expressions
9.5 Objects and collections
9.6 Constraints
9.7 Stereotyped constraints
9.8 Constraints and generalization
9.9 Summary
9.1O Exercises
1O Implementation Strategies
1O.1 Implementing associations
10.2 Unidirectional implementations
1O.3 Bidirectional implementations
1O.4 Implementing qualifiers
1O.5 Implementing associations as classes
1O.6 Implementing constraints
1O.7 Implementing statecharts
1O.8 Persistency
1O.9 Interfacing to databases
1O.1O Summary
1O.11 Exercises
11 Design Pragmatics
11.1 Physical design
11.2 Interfaces
11.3 Reverse engineering
11.4 Templates
11.5 Optimization of design models
11.6 Summary
11.7 Exercises
12 Principles and Patterns
12.1 The open-closed principle
12.2 No concrete superclasses
12.3 Decouple the interface hierarchy
12.4 The Liskov substitution principle
12.5 Interactions determine structure
12.6 Design patterns
12.7 Recursive structures
12.8 The State and Strategy patterns
12.9 MVC, document/view and Observer
12.1O Applying Visitor to the stock control program
12.1l Summary
12.12 Exercises
13 Cab Dispatching System
13.1 Use cases
13.2 Handling immediate jobs
13.3 Handling prebooked jobs
13.4 Allocating a cab to ajob
13.5 Job confirmation
13.6 Cancelling a job
13.7 Progression of jobs
13.8 Completing the static model
13.9 Implementation overview
13.1O Summary
13.1l Exercises
A Summary of Notation Used
A.1 Common notations
A.2 Use case diagrams
A.3 Object diagrams
A.4 Collaborations
A.5 Sequence diagrams
A.6 Collaboration diagrams
A.7 Class diagrams
A.8 Statechart diagrams
A.9 Component diagrams
A. 10 Templates