主要内容本书完全按照新托福考试要求进行编写,旨在帮助考生提高听力专项技能,是一本针对新托福听力测试的语言技能提高教程。书中对新托福听力测试部分2段对话与4个课堂演讲题型进行剖析及技能讲解,并提供大量的模拟题目供考生练习。本书还特设了一套新托福听力考试的仿真试题,供考生进行实战演练,体验真实考试情境。本书引进自培生教育出版集团,经新东方托福专家二次研发,更佳符合中国考生的学习特点和需求,是考生备考新托福听力测试的首选权威参考书。 •106篇精选听力练习语料,题材广泛,全面满足备考需求•5个章节精练详解,5类题型各个击破•提供多种练习方式,逐步掌握答题技巧•特设听力模拟试题,体验真实考试情景•习题均配答案解析,文章均配中文翻译 本书目录Introduction to iBT TOEFL 18Introduction to iBT TOEFL Listening 36Chapter 1 Topics & General IdeasSHORT DIALOGUESample Sunday’s Run 44Skill 1Exam Schedule 46Skill 2Registration 46Skill 3Stress between Work and Study 47SHORT LECTURESampleA General Intelligence 48Skill 1The Golden Age of American Agriculture 50Skill 2Consumer Price Index 50Skill 3Boston Tea Party 51Skill 4Stonehenge 51Skill 5New York’s Economy 52Skill 6Discrimination 52Skill7The Book of the Dead 53LONG DIALOGUESkill 1Losing Weight 54Skill 2Report on Beluga Whales 55Skill 3Summer Break 56LONG LECTURESkill 1Journalism: Newspapers and Journalists 57Skill 2Geography: American Southern Coastlands 57Skill 3Law: Law in America 58Skill 4Biology: Sunshine 59Skill 5Film Studies: Western Movies 60Chapter 2Listen AgainSHORT DIALOGUESampleMistake 64Skill 1Emily Carr 68Skill 2Report on Disk 68Skill 3Air Pollution 69SHORT LECTURESampleThe Vikings 70Skill 1Windows 72Skill 2Kerron Clement 72Skill 3Tattoo 73Skill 4Samuel Adu-Poku 74Skill 5The Function of an Art School 74Skill 6Platypus 75Skill 7Photography 75LONG DIALOGUESkill 1Disability Facilities 76Skill 2Organizing an Essay 77Skill 3Demonstration 78LONG LECTURESkill 1Law: Patent & Intellectual Property 79Skill 2Civil Engineering: Suspension Bridge 80Skill 3Philosophy: Nihilism81Skill 4Geology: Super Volcano 82Skill 5Psychology: Emotional Memory 82Chapter 3Inference & AttitudeSHORT DIALOGUESampleFinancial Aid86Skill 1Taking a Summer Course 88Skill 2Trip to Japan 88Skill 3Changing Plans 89SHORT LECTURESamplePesticide Free Production System 90Skill 1Various Kinds of Art 92Skill 2Market Clearing Price 92Skill 3Resources 93Skill 4Cell Phone 93Skill 5Water Crisis 94Skill 6The Idea of Race 95Skill 7Historic Art 95LONG DIALOGUESkill 1 Asking Directions 96Skill 2Project on Digestion 97Skill 3Running for President 98LONG LECTURESkill 1Technology: Mobile Phone 99Skill 2Health: Dementia 100Skill 3Physics: Complex Theory 101Skill 4Sports Engineering: Tennis 102Skill 5Law: Freedom of Speech vs. Hate Speech 103Chapter 4Table & Multiple AnswersSHORT DIALOGUESampleAsking about the Final Exam 106Skill 1Archeological Dig 110Skill 2New Library 110Skill 3Taking a Course 111SHORT LECTURESampleThe Placebo Effect112Skill 1Bingo114Skill 2EU’s Social Economy 114Skill 3Sleeping Stages 115Skill 4Space War 115Skill 5Laissez-Faire 116Skill 6Classical Music 117Skill 7Compound Words 117LONG DIALOGUESkill 1Changing Courses 118Skill 2Work Study Program 120Skill 3Scholarship 121LONG LECTURESkill 1 Biology: Diabetes 122Skill 2European History: Ireland Famine 123Skill 3Social Welfare: Post Cancer Employment 124Skill 4 Sociology: Functionalist Perspective & Conflict Perspective 125Skill 5Criminology: Early Theories 126Chapter 5DetailsSHORT DIALOGUESampleRegistration Date 130Skill 1Missed Class 134Skill 2Off?-Campus Study Program 134Skill 3Aquatics Program 135Skill 4At the Library 136Skill 5Volunteering 137SHORT LECTURESampleAfricanized Honeybee 138Skill 1TV & Election 140Skill 2Pluto 140Skill 3The Depression 141Skill 4Ballet 141Skill 5Kidney 142Skill 6Socratic Method 143Skill 7Growing Tomatoes 143Skill 8Cel l144Skill 9The Revolutionaries 144Skill 10Vacuum Tube 145Skill 11Terry Fox 146LONG DIALOGUESkill 1Student Discount 147Skill 2Childcare on Campus 148Skill 3Academic Transcripts 149Skill 4At the dormitory 150Skill 5 Campus Gym 151LONG LECTURESkill 1Anatomy: The Brain 152Skill 2American Literature: Mark Twain 153Skill 3Economics: Bank 154Skill 4Anthropology: Gypsies 155Skill 5Geology: Soil Surveys 156Skill 6English Literature: Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” 157Skill 7Meteorology: Storms 158Skill 8 Communication: Culture Differences 159Real TOEFLQuestions 1-5 A Project 163Questions 6-10Grade 165Questions 11-16Sociology: Marriage 167Questions17-22 Economics: Market Economy 169Questions23-28 Biology:AnimalExperiments171Questions 29-34 International Politics: Empires 173Answer Key 176