18世纪前半叶,英国社会安定,文学上崇尚新古典主义,其代表者是诗人蒲柏。他运用英雄偶句体极为纯熟,擅长写讽刺诗,但以发泄私怨居多。表现出启蒙主义精神的主要是散文作家,他们推进了散文艺术,还开拓了两个文学新领域,即期刊随笔和现实主义小说。 期刊文学是应广大读者的要求而兴起。斯梯尔与艾迪生两人有首创之功。前者创办《闲谈者》报 (1709~1711) ,后者继出《旁观者》报(1711~1712),将街谈巷议和俱乐部里的风趣幽默写上了期刊。艾迪生的文笔尤见典雅。后来笛福、斯威夫特、菲尔丁、约翰逊、哥尔德斯密斯等名家都曾主编期刊或为期刊撰稿,可见此风之盛。由于他们的努力,英国式的随笔得到进一步的提高,题材更广泛,文笔也更灵活。
Ⅰ. Introduction
a. Historical Background: Political and Social
b. General Cultural Background
c. English Poetry: 1900-1940
d. English Drama: 1900-1940
e. English Prose Fiction: 1900-1940
f. English Prose (Essays and Biographies): 1900-1940
Ⅱ. English Poetry: 1900-1920
a. Four Minor Poets at the Turn of the Century: Bridges,Masefield,Kipling,Housman
b. Gerard Manly Hopkins
c. Thomas Hardy
d. Georgian Poets and Poetry of World War I and Imagism in England
e. W.B. Yeats
Ⅲ. English Drama: 1900-1930
a. G.B. Shaw
b. J.M. Barrie
c. Granville-Barker and Drama at Manchester and Birmingham
d. The Irish Abbey Theatre,Lady Gregory,Synge
e. Sean O'Casey
Ⅳ. English Prose Fiction: 1900-1920
a. Conrad
b. Kipling
c. Galsworthy
d. Wells
e. Bennett
f. Maugham
g. D.H. Lawrence
h. Robert Tressell
Ⅴ. English Poetry: 1920-1940
a. T.S. Eliot
b. W.H. Auden
c. Louis MacNeice,Stephen Spender,C. Day Lewis
d. Hugh MacDiarmid
e. Dylan Thomas
f. Robert Graves
g. Edwin Muir
Ⅵ. English Prose Fiction: 1920-1940
a. James Joyce
b. Virginia Woolf
c. E.M. Forster
d. Katherine Mansfield
e. Aldous Huxley
f. Grassic Gibbon
g. Lewis Jones
h. Richard Aldington
i. A.J. Cronin
j. George Orwell
k. Evelyn Waugh
l. J. B. Priestley
m. Graham Greene
n. Jack Lindsay
Ⅶ. Literary Criticism in England: 1920-1940
a. A General View
b. I.A. Richards
c. F.R. Leavis
d. Christopher Caudwell
e. Ralph Fox
Ⅰ. Introduction
a. Historical Background: Political and Social
b. General Cultural Background
c. English Poetry: 1900-1940
d. English Drama: 1900-1940
e. English Prose Fiction: 1900-1940
f. English Prose (Essays and Biographies): 1900-1940
Ⅱ. English Poetry: 1900-1920
a. Four Minor Poets at the Turn of the Century: Bridges,Masefield,Kipling,Housman
b. Gerard Manly Hopkins
c. Thomas Hardy
d. Georgian Poets and Poetry of World War I and Imagism in England
e. W.B. Yeats
Ⅲ. English Drama: 1900-1930
a. G.B. Shaw
b. J.M. Barrie
c. Granville-Barker and Drama at Manchester and Birmingham
d. The Irish Abbey Theatre,Lady Gregory,Synge
e. Sean O'Casey
Ⅳ. English Prose Fiction: 1900-1920
a. Conrad
b. Kipling
c. Galsworthy
d. Wells
e. Bennett
f. Maugham
g. D.H. Lawrence
h. Robert Tressell
Ⅴ. English Poetry: 1920-1940
a. T.S. Eliot
b. W.H. Auden
c. Louis MacNeice,Stephen Spender,C. Day Lewis
d. Hugh MacDiarmid
e. Dylan Thomas
f. Robert Graves
g. Edwin Muir
Ⅵ. English Prose Fiction: 1920-1940
a. James Joyce
b. Virginia Woolf
c. E.M. Forster
d. Katherine Mansfield
e. Aldous Huxley
f. Grassic Gibbon
g. Lewis Jones
h. Richard Aldington
i. A.J. Cronin
j. George Orwell
k. Evelyn Waugh
l. J. B. Priestley
m. Graham Greene
n. Jack Lindsay
Ⅶ. Literary Criticism in England: 1920-1940
a. A General View
b. I.A. Richards
c. F.R. Leavis
d. Christopher Caudwell
e. Ralph Fox