ComputerArchitecture and Organization Third Edition计算机组成与结构(第3版影印版)

作者:John P.Hayes
暂缺《ComputerArchitecture and Organization Third Edition计算机组成与结构(第3版影印版)》作者简介
1 Computing and Computers
1.1 The Nature of Computing
1.1.1 The Elements of Computers
1.1.2 l.l.2 of Computers
1.2 The Evolution Of Computers
1.2.l The Mechanical Era
1.2.2 Electronic
l.2.3 The Later Generations
1.3 The VLSI Era
1.3.1 Integrated Circuits
1.3.2 Processor
1.3.3 System Architecture
1.4 Summary
1.5 Problems
1.6 References
2 Design Methodology
2.1 System Design
2.1.1 System Representation
2.1.2 Design Process
2.1.3 The Gate Level
2.2 The Register Level
2.2.1 Register-Level Components
2.2.2 Prog Logic Devices
2.2.3 Register-Level Design
2.3 The Processor Level
2.3.1 Processor-Level Components
2.3.2 Processor-Level Design
2.4 Summary
2.5 Problems
2.6 References
3 Processor Basics
3.1 CPU Organization
3.1.1 Fundamentals
3.1.2 Additional Features
3.2 Data Representation
3.2.1 Basic Formats
3.2.2 Fixed-Point Numbers
3.2.3 Floating-Point Numbers
3.3 Instruction Sets
3.3.1 Instruction Formats
3.3.2 Instruction Types
3.3.3 Programming Considerations
3.4 Summary
3.5 Problems
3.6 References
4 Datapath Design
4.1 Fixed-Point Arithmetic
4.1.1 Addition and Subtraction
4.l.2 Multiplication /
4.1.3 Division
4.2 Arithmetic-Logic Units
4.2.l Combinational ALUs
4.2.2 Sequential ALUs
4.3 Advanced Topics
4.3.1 Floating-Point Arithmetic
4.3.2 Pipeline Processing
4.4 Summary
4.5 Problems
4.6 References
5 Control Design
5.1 Basic Concepts
5.1.l Introduction
5.l.2 Hardwired Control
5.l.3 Design Examples
5.2 Microprogrammed Control
5.2.l Basic Concepts
5.2.2 Multiplier Control Unit
5.2.3 CPU Control Unit
5.3 Pipeline Control
5.3.l Instruction Pipelines
5.3.2 Pipeline Performance
5.3.3 Superscalar Processing
5.4 Summary
5.5 Problems
5.6 References
6 Memory Organization
6.1 Memory Technology
6.l.l Memory Device Characteristics
6.1.2 Random Access Memories
6.1.3 Serial-Access Memories
6.2 Memory Systems
6.2.1 Multilevel Memories
6.2.2 Address Translation
6.2.3 Memory Allocation
6.3 Caches
6.3.1 Main Features
6.3.2 Address Mapping
6.3.3 Structure versus Performance
6.4 Summary
6.5 Problems
6.6 References
7 System Organization
7.1 Communication Methods
7.1.1 Basic Concepts
7.l.2 Bus Control
7.2 IO And System Control
7.2.1 Programmed IO
7.2.2 DMA and Interrupts
7.2.3 IO Processors
7.2.4 Operating Systems
7.3 Parallel Processing
7.3.l Processor-Level Parallelism
7.3.2 Multiprocessors
7.3.3 Fault Tolerance
7.4 Summary
7.5 Problems
7.6 References
1 Computing and Computers
1.1 The Nature of Computing
1.1.1 The Elements of Computers
1.1.2 l.l.2 of Computers
1.2 The Evolution Of Computers
1.2.l The Mechanical Era
1.2.2 Electronic
l.2.3 The Later Generations
1.3 The VLSI Era
1.3.1 Integrated Circuits
1.3.2 Processor
1.3.3 System Architecture
1.4 Summary
1.5 Problems
1.6 References
2 Design Methodology
2.1 System Design
2.1.1 System Representation
2.1.2 Design Process
2.1.3 The Gate Level
2.2 The Register Level
2.2.1 Register-Level Components
2.2.2 Prog Logic Devices
2.2.3 Register-Level Design
2.3 The Processor Level
2.3.1 Processor-Level Components
2.3.2 Processor-Level Design
2.4 Summary
2.5 Problems
2.6 References
3 Processor Basics
3.1 CPU Organization
3.1.1 Fundamentals
3.1.2 Additional Features
3.2 Data Representation
3.2.1 Basic Formats
3.2.2 Fixed-Point Numbers
3.2.3 Floating-Point Numbers
3.3 Instruction Sets
3.3.1 Instruction Formats
3.3.2 Instruction Types
3.3.3 Programming Considerations
3.4 Summary
3.5 Problems
3.6 References
4 Datapath Design
4.1 Fixed-Point Arithmetic
4.1.1 Addition and Subtraction
4.l.2 Multiplication /
4.1.3 Division
4.2 Arithmetic-Logic Units
4.2.l Combinational ALUs
4.2.2 Sequential ALUs
4.3 Advanced Topics
4.3.1 Floating-Point Arithmetic
4.3.2 Pipeline Processing
4.4 Summary
4.5 Problems
4.6 References
5 Control Design
5.1 Basic Concepts
5.1.l Introduction
5.l.2 Hardwired Control
5.l.3 Design Examples
5.2 Microprogrammed Control
5.2.l Basic Concepts
5.2.2 Multiplier Control Unit
5.2.3 CPU Control Unit
5.3 Pipeline Control
5.3.l Instruction Pipelines
5.3.2 Pipeline Performance
5.3.3 Superscalar Processing
5.4 Summary
5.5 Problems
5.6 References
6 Memory Organization
6.1 Memory Technology
6.l.l Memory Device Characteristics
6.1.2 Random Access Memories
6.1.3 Serial-Access Memories
6.2 Memory Systems
6.2.1 Multilevel Memories
6.2.2 Address Translation
6.2.3 Memory Allocation
6.3 Caches
6.3.1 Main Features
6.3.2 Address Mapping
6.3.3 Structure versus Performance
6.4 Summary
6.5 Problems
6.6 References
7 System Organization
7.1 Communication Methods
7.1.1 Basic Concepts
7.l.2 Bus Control
7.2 IO And System Control
7.2.1 Programmed IO
7.2.2 DMA and Interrupts
7.2.3 IO Processors
7.2.4 Operating Systems
7.3 Parallel Processing
7.3.l Processor-Level Parallelism
7.3.2 Multiprocessors
7.3.3 Fault Tolerance
7.4 Summary
7.5 Problems
7.6 References