J2EE学习指南:Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE(Exam 310-051)
暂缺《J2EE学习指南:Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE(Exam 310-051)》作者简介
1 Sun Certification for Enterprise Architect
Widespread Capabilities for Application Development
Java Is the Glue That Binds the Application Development
Companies Increasingly Need the Internet to Compete
Challenges of Application Development for the Enterprise
Increasing Programmer Productivity
J2EE Architecture Must REspond to /Consumer Demand
The Architect Must Be Able to Integrate J2EE and Legacy Systems
The J2EE Standard Promotes Competition and Choices
Design Goals fo J2EE Architecture
J2EE Architects Should Strive for Service Availability
J2EE Architecture and Connectivity to Existing Data
Expanded User Definition: Customers, Employees, and Partners
Flexible User Interaction
Flexible Business Component Model
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect Distinguishes the Java Professional
General SCEA Test Preparation Tips
2 Common Architectures and Protocols
Types of Architecture
System Arcvhitecture
REference Architecture
Flexible REference Architecture
Architectural Design and Principles
Where Architecture Fits in Analysis, DEgign, and Development
Architectural Terminology
Surface Area
Capabilities, Friction, and Layering
Principles of Architecture
Capabilities of an Architecture
Creating an Architecture Using Distributed Service and J2EE
Enterprise JavaBeans
Distributed Application Lifecycle
Iterative Development/MVC
Simplified Architecture and Development
Component-Based Application Models
J2EE APIs and Certification
J2EE Specification
J2EE Reference Implementation
Sun BluePrint Design Guidelines for J2EE
XML and J2EE
Why Use XML?
Electronic Data Exchange and E-Commerce
Electronic Data Interchange(EDI)
Enterprise Application Integration(EAI)
Software DEvelopment and XML
XML Technology and the Java Platform
Distridbuted Programming Services
Naming and REgistration
Remote Method Invocation(RMI)
Distributed Object Frameworks
Given an Architecture Described in Terms of Network Layout, List Benefits and Potential Weaknesses Associated with It
Exercise 2-1: Role of Architect
Exercise 2-2: Architecture Terminology
Exercise 2-3: Abstraction, Boundaries, Brittleness, and Capabilities
Exercise 2-4: Fundamentals of System Architecture
Exercise 2-5: Abstraction
Two-Minute Drill
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3 Object-oriented Analysis and Design
Analysis and Deign of Object-Oriented Architecture
Key Features of OOP: Objects and Classes
Defining Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
Project Lifecycle
Unified Modeling Language
Elements Used in UML
RElationships Used in UML
Diagrams Used in UML
Practical use of UML Diagrams
Two-Minute Drill
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4 Applicability of J2EE Technology
Explain the J2EE Architecture and System REquirements
J2EE Technology Layers Applied
J2EE Application Components
J2EE Architecture
Exercise 4-1: J2EE Architecture and the Nonfunctional Requirements of a System
Development Moehodology and Process
Explain the Use of Patterns in the J2EE Framework
Use of Patterns is the J2EE Framework
Exercise 4-2: Patterns in the J2EE Framework and Development
Describe te Concepts of "BEst Practices" and "guidelines"
Identifying the Need for Best Practices
Best Practice-Client Tier
Illustrate the Use of J2EE for Workflow
Best Practive-MVC Pattern
Exercise 4-3: Structuring Development
Exercise 4-4: Defining Best Practice and Guideline
Review Best Practices Applicable for All Tiers
Review Best Practices for the Client Tier
Enumerate the Components and Categories of the Web Tier
Explain How to Apply MVC to Web Tier
Review the Best Practices for the Presentation Layer
Exercise 4-5: Illustrate the Use of J2EE for Workflow
REview the Internationalization and Localization
Internationalization, Localization, and Locale
Exercise 4-6: Localization and Internalization
The EJB Tier
J2EE Best Practices--Data Access Objects
J2EE Best Practices--Value Objects
J2EE Best Practices--Session Bean Facade
J2EE Best Practices--Master Detail
Exercise 4-7: Data Access Objects
Exercise 4-8: Value Objects
Exercise 4-9: Facades
J2EE Best Practices--EIS Integration Tier
J2EE Connector Overview
Illustrate When to Use of J2EE Technology Use for Given Situations
EIS Guidelines--Data Access
EIS Access Objects
Performance-Related Best Practices Data Caching
J2EE Best Practices Services
Security Terminology
Authentication in the EJB and EIS Integration Tiers
Transaction Guidelines in EIS
Exercise 4-10: Security Guidelines
Exercise 4-11: The Role of Transactions
Two Minute Drill
Self Test
Self Test Answers
5 Design Patterns
Identify the Benefits of Using Design Patterns
The Gang of Four's Design Patterns
Identify the Most Appropriate Design Pattern for a Given Scenario
GoF Creational Design Patterns
GoF Structural Design Patterns
GoF Behavioral Design Patterns
J2EE Patterns
State the Name of a Gamma et al. Design Pattern Given the UML Diagram and/or a Brief Description of the Pattern's Functionality
Identify Benefits of a Specified Gamma et al. Design Pattern
Identify the Gamma et al. Design Pattern Associated with a Specified J2EE Technology Feature
Two-Minute Drill
Self Test
Self Test Answers
6 Legacy Connectivity
Introduction to Legacy Connectivity
Legacy Connectivity Using Java: the Classic Approach
Legacy Connectivity Using J2EE Connector
Java Connector Architecture
J2EE Connector Architecture: a General Integration Strategy
The Structure of the JCA
Basic JCA Adapter Implementation
Distinguish Appropriate from Inappropriate Techniques for Providing Access to a Legacy System from Java Technology Code Given an Outline Description of That Legacy System
Exercise 6-1: Techniques and Best Practices
Exercise 6-2: Implementing Data Validation and Referential Integrity Constraints
Exercise 6-3: Legacy Mapping
Exercise 6-4: Transaction Monitors
Exercise 6-3: Off-Board Servers
Exercise 6-6: JDBCvs. ODBC
Exercise 6-7: Accessing Legacy System Software
Exercise 6-8: Accessing COM Objects
Exercise 6-9: RMI vs. CORBA
Two-Minute Drill
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Self Test Answers
7 Enterprise JavaBeans and the EJB Container Model
List the Required Classes/Interfaces That Must Be Provided for an Enterprise JavaBeans Component
Classes and Interfaces for EJB
Distinguish Between Session and Entity Beans
Session and Entity Beans
Recognize Appropriate Uses for Entity, Stateful Session, and Stateless Session Beans
When to Use Entity and Session JavaBeans
Distinguish Between Stateful and Stateless Session Beans
Using Session Beans
Exercise 7-1: Review Code for a Stateless Session Bean
Exercise 7-2: Review Code for a Stateful Session Bean
Using Entity Beans
Exercise 7-3: Review Code for Entity Bean Using Container-Managed Persistence
A Closer Look at Entity Beans
State the Benefits and Costs of Container-Managed Persistence
Managing Persistence
EJB Clients
State the Transactional Behavior in a Given Scenario for an Enterprise Bean Method with a Specified Transactional Attributed as Defined in the Deployment Descriptor
Transactions and Transaction Management
Given a Requirement Specification Detailing Security and Flexibility Needs, Identify Architectures that Would Fulfill Those Requirements
EJB Framework
Identify Costs and Benefits of Using an Intermediate Data Access Object Between an Entity Bean and the Data Resource
Using Data Access Objects for Entity Beans
State the Benefits of Bean Pooling in an EJB Container
Bean Pooling in the EJB Container
Explain How the Enterprise JavaBeans Container Does Lifecycle Management and Has the Capability to Increase Scalability
The Lifecycle of an EJB
Two-Minute Drill
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8 Messaging
Messaging Basics
Message-Oriented Middleware
Communication Modes
Identify Scenarios That Are Appropriate to Implementation Using Messaging
List Benefits of Synchronous and Asynchronous Messaging
Identify Scenarios That Are More Appropriate to Implementation Using Asynchronous Messaging, Rather Than Synchronous
Identify Scenarios That Are More Appropriate to Implementation Using Synchronous Messaging, Rather Than Asynchronous
Java Message Service
Handling Exceptions
Managing Sessions
Components of a JMS Message
Required Components of a JMS Application
Objects Used to Create and Receive Messages in a JMS Client Application
How the Point-to Point Message Model Works
How the Publish/Subscribe Message Model Works
Message-Driven Bean (MDB) Component
Identify Scenarios That Are Appropriate to Implementation Using Messaging, Enterprise JavaBeans Technology, or Both
Two-Minute Drill
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9 Internationalization and Localization
State Three Aspects of Any Application That Might Need to Be Varied or Customized in Different Deployment Locales
Internationalization and Localization
Overview of Internationalizing an Application
List Three Features of the Java Programming Language That Can Be Used to Create an Internationalizable/Localizable Application
Java Support for Internationalization and Localization
Using Java Internationalization APIs in J2EE Applications
Web Tier Internationalization
Logging and Error Messages
Two-Minute Drill
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10 Security
Identify Security Restrictions That Java 2 Technology Environments Normally Impose on Applets Running in a Browser
Applets in a Browser
Given an Architectural System Specification, Identify Appropriate Locations for Implementation of Specified Security Features and Select Suitable Technologies for Implementation of Those Features and Authentication
Two-Minute Drill
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11 Case Study: Overview of Securities Trading System
The Case Study Infrastructure
WebSphere Application Server
Continuous Trade Processing
SQLBIS Database Server
Model and Develop the Case Study
Actor Definition
Business Process Model
Sequence Diagrams
Class Descriptions
Class Diagrams
State Transition (Lifecycle) Diagrams
Trade System Design and Implementation
Stock Order Entry Screen
Trade Application Packages
Trade Application Implementation Infrastructure
A About the CD
System REquirements
Code on the CD
Installing and Running asterExam
Electronic Book
Removing Installation(s)
Technical Support
LearnKey Technical Support
LearnKey Online Training
Widespread Capabilities for Application Development
Java Is the Glue That Binds the Application Development
Companies Increasingly Need the Internet to Compete
Challenges of Application Development for the Enterprise
Increasing Programmer Productivity
J2EE Architecture Must REspond to /Consumer Demand
The Architect Must Be Able to Integrate J2EE and Legacy Systems
The J2EE Standard Promotes Competition and Choices
Design Goals fo J2EE Architecture
J2EE Architects Should Strive for Service Availability
J2EE Architecture and Connectivity to Existing Data
Expanded User Definition: Customers, Employees, and Partners
Flexible User Interaction
Flexible Business Component Model
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect Distinguishes the Java Professional
General SCEA Test Preparation Tips
2 Common Architectures and Protocols
Types of Architecture
System Arcvhitecture
REference Architecture
Flexible REference Architecture
Architectural Design and Principles
Where Architecture Fits in Analysis, DEgign, and Development
Architectural Terminology
Surface Area
Capabilities, Friction, and Layering
Principles of Architecture
Capabilities of an Architecture
Creating an Architecture Using Distributed Service and J2EE
Enterprise JavaBeans
Distributed Application Lifecycle
Iterative Development/MVC
Simplified Architecture and Development
Component-Based Application Models
J2EE APIs and Certification
J2EE Specification
J2EE Reference Implementation
Sun BluePrint Design Guidelines for J2EE
XML and J2EE
Why Use XML?
Electronic Data Exchange and E-Commerce
Electronic Data Interchange(EDI)
Enterprise Application Integration(EAI)
Software DEvelopment and XML
XML Technology and the Java Platform
Distridbuted Programming Services
Naming and REgistration
Remote Method Invocation(RMI)
Distributed Object Frameworks
Given an Architecture Described in Terms of Network Layout, List Benefits and Potential Weaknesses Associated with It
Exercise 2-1: Role of Architect
Exercise 2-2: Architecture Terminology
Exercise 2-3: Abstraction, Boundaries, Brittleness, and Capabilities
Exercise 2-4: Fundamentals of System Architecture
Exercise 2-5: Abstraction
Two-Minute Drill
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3 Object-oriented Analysis and Design
Analysis and Deign of Object-Oriented Architecture
Key Features of OOP: Objects and Classes
Defining Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
Project Lifecycle
Unified Modeling Language
Elements Used in UML
RElationships Used in UML
Diagrams Used in UML
Practical use of UML Diagrams
Two-Minute Drill
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Self Test Answers
4 Applicability of J2EE Technology
Explain the J2EE Architecture and System REquirements
J2EE Technology Layers Applied
J2EE Application Components
J2EE Architecture
Exercise 4-1: J2EE Architecture and the Nonfunctional Requirements of a System
Development Moehodology and Process
Explain the Use of Patterns in the J2EE Framework
Use of Patterns is the J2EE Framework
Exercise 4-2: Patterns in the J2EE Framework and Development
Describe te Concepts of "BEst Practices" and "guidelines"
Identifying the Need for Best Practices
Best Practice-Client Tier
Illustrate the Use of J2EE for Workflow
Best Practive-MVC Pattern
Exercise 4-3: Structuring Development
Exercise 4-4: Defining Best Practice and Guideline
Review Best Practices Applicable for All Tiers
Review Best Practices for the Client Tier
Enumerate the Components and Categories of the Web Tier
Explain How to Apply MVC to Web Tier
Review the Best Practices for the Presentation Layer
Exercise 4-5: Illustrate the Use of J2EE for Workflow
REview the Internationalization and Localization
Internationalization, Localization, and Locale
Exercise 4-6: Localization and Internalization
The EJB Tier
J2EE Best Practices--Data Access Objects
J2EE Best Practices--Value Objects
J2EE Best Practices--Session Bean Facade
J2EE Best Practices--Master Detail
Exercise 4-7: Data Access Objects
Exercise 4-8: Value Objects
Exercise 4-9: Facades
J2EE Best Practices--EIS Integration Tier
J2EE Connector Overview
Illustrate When to Use of J2EE Technology Use for Given Situations
EIS Guidelines--Data Access
EIS Access Objects
Performance-Related Best Practices Data Caching
J2EE Best Practices Services
Security Terminology
Authentication in the EJB and EIS Integration Tiers
Transaction Guidelines in EIS
Exercise 4-10: Security Guidelines
Exercise 4-11: The Role of Transactions
Two Minute Drill
Self Test
Self Test Answers
5 Design Patterns
Identify the Benefits of Using Design Patterns
The Gang of Four's Design Patterns
Identify the Most Appropriate Design Pattern for a Given Scenario
GoF Creational Design Patterns
GoF Structural Design Patterns
GoF Behavioral Design Patterns
J2EE Patterns
State the Name of a Gamma et al. Design Pattern Given the UML Diagram and/or a Brief Description of the Pattern's Functionality
Identify Benefits of a Specified Gamma et al. Design Pattern
Identify the Gamma et al. Design Pattern Associated with a Specified J2EE Technology Feature
Two-Minute Drill
Self Test
Self Test Answers
6 Legacy Connectivity
Introduction to Legacy Connectivity
Legacy Connectivity Using Java: the Classic Approach
Legacy Connectivity Using J2EE Connector
Java Connector Architecture
J2EE Connector Architecture: a General Integration Strategy
The Structure of the JCA
Basic JCA Adapter Implementation
Distinguish Appropriate from Inappropriate Techniques for Providing Access to a Legacy System from Java Technology Code Given an Outline Description of That Legacy System
Exercise 6-1: Techniques and Best Practices
Exercise 6-2: Implementing Data Validation and Referential Integrity Constraints
Exercise 6-3: Legacy Mapping
Exercise 6-4: Transaction Monitors
Exercise 6-3: Off-Board Servers
Exercise 6-6: JDBCvs. ODBC
Exercise 6-7: Accessing Legacy System Software
Exercise 6-8: Accessing COM Objects
Exercise 6-9: RMI vs. CORBA
Two-Minute Drill
Self Test
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7 Enterprise JavaBeans and the EJB Container Model
List the Required Classes/Interfaces That Must Be Provided for an Enterprise JavaBeans Component
Classes and Interfaces for EJB
Distinguish Between Session and Entity Beans
Session and Entity Beans
Recognize Appropriate Uses for Entity, Stateful Session, and Stateless Session Beans
When to Use Entity and Session JavaBeans
Distinguish Between Stateful and Stateless Session Beans
Using Session Beans
Exercise 7-1: Review Code for a Stateless Session Bean
Exercise 7-2: Review Code for a Stateful Session Bean
Using Entity Beans
Exercise 7-3: Review Code for Entity Bean Using Container-Managed Persistence
A Closer Look at Entity Beans
State the Benefits and Costs of Container-Managed Persistence
Managing Persistence
EJB Clients
State the Transactional Behavior in a Given Scenario for an Enterprise Bean Method with a Specified Transactional Attributed as Defined in the Deployment Descriptor
Transactions and Transaction Management
Given a Requirement Specification Detailing Security and Flexibility Needs, Identify Architectures that Would Fulfill Those Requirements
EJB Framework
Identify Costs and Benefits of Using an Intermediate Data Access Object Between an Entity Bean and the Data Resource
Using Data Access Objects for Entity Beans
State the Benefits of Bean Pooling in an EJB Container
Bean Pooling in the EJB Container
Explain How the Enterprise JavaBeans Container Does Lifecycle Management and Has the Capability to Increase Scalability
The Lifecycle of an EJB
Two-Minute Drill
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8 Messaging
Messaging Basics
Message-Oriented Middleware
Communication Modes
Identify Scenarios That Are Appropriate to Implementation Using Messaging
List Benefits of Synchronous and Asynchronous Messaging
Identify Scenarios That Are More Appropriate to Implementation Using Asynchronous Messaging, Rather Than Synchronous
Identify Scenarios That Are More Appropriate to Implementation Using Synchronous Messaging, Rather Than Asynchronous
Java Message Service
Handling Exceptions
Managing Sessions
Components of a JMS Message
Required Components of a JMS Application
Objects Used to Create and Receive Messages in a JMS Client Application
How the Point-to Point Message Model Works
How the Publish/Subscribe Message Model Works
Message-Driven Bean (MDB) Component
Identify Scenarios That Are Appropriate to Implementation Using Messaging, Enterprise JavaBeans Technology, or Both
Two-Minute Drill
Self Test
Self Test Answers
9 Internationalization and Localization
State Three Aspects of Any Application That Might Need to Be Varied or Customized in Different Deployment Locales
Internationalization and Localization
Overview of Internationalizing an Application
List Three Features of the Java Programming Language That Can Be Used to Create an Internationalizable/Localizable Application
Java Support for Internationalization and Localization
Using Java Internationalization APIs in J2EE Applications
Web Tier Internationalization
Logging and Error Messages
Two-Minute Drill
Self Test Answers
10 Security
Identify Security Restrictions That Java 2 Technology Environments Normally Impose on Applets Running in a Browser
Applets in a Browser
Given an Architectural System Specification, Identify Appropriate Locations for Implementation of Specified Security Features and Select Suitable Technologies for Implementation of Those Features and Authentication
Two-Minute Drill
Self Test Answers
11 Case Study: Overview of Securities Trading System
The Case Study Infrastructure
WebSphere Application Server
Continuous Trade Processing
SQLBIS Database Server
Model and Develop the Case Study
Actor Definition
Business Process Model
Sequence Diagrams
Class Descriptions
Class Diagrams
State Transition (Lifecycle) Diagrams
Trade System Design and Implementation
Stock Order Entry Screen
Trade Application Packages
Trade Application Implementation Infrastructure
A About the CD
System REquirements
Code on the CD
Installing and Running asterExam
Electronic Book
Removing Installation(s)
Technical Support
LearnKey Technical Support
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