水果彩虹魏鹏程,李卉本套绘本故事系列共包括13个故事,适合有中文背景的海外家庭和开设中文的海外幼儿园一起跟小朋友阅读、识字、讲故事。该系列主题均与学龄前小朋友的生活密切相关,主题涉及教室、颜色、数字、水果、食物、动物、家庭、身体部位、形状、星期、天气和交通工具。让小朋友在中文阅读中逐渐养成良好的习惯,建立优秀的品德。每个故事前面一些简单的小问题让小朋友们带着问题进入故事,更好地理解故事、融入故事。每个故事结束后附有生词表让小朋友记住一些简单的常用汉字。每个故事都有英文翻译和汉语拼音,方便不同年龄的小朋友阅读。 Centered around the Chinese-learning experiences of David, a naughty six-year-old boy, this cartoon book series features 13 stories. The books are suitable for kids from overseas families with a Chinese language background and kindergartens offering Chinese courses, as parents and teachers can help them recognize characters and read stories.All themes in the series are closely related to the life of pre-school children, which cover the classroom, colors, numbers, fruits, food, animals, family, body parts, shapes, days of the week, weather, and means of transportation. We hope that through reading the Chinese language, they can form good habits and moral character.A few simple questions are set for the kids before they read each story, so that they can better understand the content and integrate themselves into it.A list of new words is provided at the end of each story to help the kids remember some simple and commonly used characters.Each story is accompanied by English translation and a pinyin version to make it easy for children at different ages to use.
神奇的教室魏鹏程,李卉本套绘本故事系列共包括13个故事,适合有中文背景的海外家庭和开设中文的海外幼儿园一起跟小朋友阅读、识字、讲故事。该系列主题均与学龄前小朋友的生活密切相关,主题涉及教室、颜色、数字、水果、食物、动物、家庭、身体部位、形状、星期、天气和交通工具。让小朋友在中文阅读中逐渐养成良好的习惯,建立优秀的品德。每个故事前面一些简单的小问题让小朋友们带着问题进入故事,更好地理解故事、融入故事。每个故事结束后附有生词表让小朋友记住一些简单的常用汉字。每个故事都有英文翻译和汉语拼音,方便不同年龄的小朋友阅读。 Centered around the Chinese-learning experiences of David, a naughty six-year-old boy, this cartoon book series features 13 stories. The books are suitable for kids from overseas families with a Chinese language background and kindergartens offering Chinese courses, as parents and teachers can help them recognize characters and read stories.All themes in the series are closely related to the life of pre-school children, which cover the classroom, colors, numbers, fruits, food, animals, family, body parts, shapes, days of the week, weather, and means of transportation. We hope that through reading the Chinese language, they can form good habits and moral character.A few simple questions are set for the kids before they read each story, so that they can better understand the content and integrate themselves into it.A list of new words is provided at the end of each story to help the kids remember some simple and commonly used characters.Each story is accompanied by English translation and a pinyin version to make it easy for children at different ages to use.
数动物魏鹏程,李卉本套绘本故事系列共包括13个故事,适合有中文背景的海外家庭和开设中文的海外幼儿园一起跟小朋友阅读、识字、讲故事。该系列主题均与学龄前小朋友的生活密切相关,主题涉及教室、颜色、数字、水果、食物、动物、家庭、身体部位、形状、星期、天气和交通工具。让小朋友在中文阅读中逐渐养成良好的习惯,建立优秀的品德。每个故事前面一些简单的小问题让小朋友们带着问题进入故事,更好地理解故事、融入故事。每个故事结束后附有生词表让小朋友记住一些简单的常用汉字。每个故事都有英文翻译和汉语拼音,方便不同年龄的小朋友阅读。 Centered around the Chinese-learning experiences of David, a naughty six-year-old boy, this cartoon book series features 13 stories. The books are suitable for kids from overseas families with a Chinese language background and kindergartens offering Chinese courses, as parents and teachers can help them recognize characters and read stories.All themes in the series are closely related to the life of pre-school children, which cover the classroom, colors, numbers, fruits, food, animals, family, body parts, shapes, days of the week, weather, and means of transportation. We hope that through reading the Chinese language, they can form good habits and moral character.A few simple questions are set for the kids before they read each story, so that they can better understand the content and integrate themselves into it.A list of new words is provided at the end of each story to help the kids remember some simple and commonly used characters.Each story is accompanied by English translation and a pinyin version to make it easy for children at different ages to use.
谁来当管理员魏鹏程,李卉本套绘本故事系列共包括13个故事,适合有中文背景的海外家庭和开设中文的海外幼儿园一起跟小朋友阅读、识字、讲故事。该系列主题均与学龄前小朋友的生活密切相关,主题涉及教室、颜色、数字、水果、食物、动物、家庭、身体部位、形状、星期、天气和交通工具。让小朋友在中文阅读中逐渐养成良好的习惯,建立优秀的品德。每个故事前面一些简单的小问题让小朋友们带着问题进入故事,更好地理解故事、融入故事。每个故事结束后附有生词表让小朋友记住一些简单的常用汉字。每个故事都有英文翻译和汉语拼音,方便不同年龄的小朋友阅读。 Centered around the Chinese-learning experiences of David, a naughty six-year-old boy, this cartoon book series features 13 stories. The books are suitable for kids from overseas families with a Chinese language background and kindergartens offering Chinese courses, as parents and teachers can help them recognize characters and read stories.All themes in the series are closely related to the life of pre-school children, which cover the classroom, colors, numbers, fruits, food, animals, family, body parts, shapes, days of the week, weather, and means of transportation. We hope that through reading the Chinese language, they can form good habits and moral character.A few simple questions are set for the kids before they read each story, so that they can better understand the content and integrate themselves into it.A list of new words is provided at the end of each story to help the kids remember some simple and commonly used characters.Each story is accompanied by English translation and a pinyin version to make it easy for children at different ages to use.
经贸英语口语艾小娟本书侧重于进出口业务谈判,例如接机、询价、发货、价格条款、包装、保险和索赔等方面的内容,又添加了相关的电话、就餐和银行业务等,并配备了大量的对话,目的是使学生能够融人到实际外贸业务流程中,感受和体验,从而提高英语口语的整体表述能力。本书主要针对商贸工作的实际需要编写,把经贸英语口语的基本词汇与基本表述作为教学重点,并且每一部分都配有情景对话练习,例如PairWork Discussion和Pair Work Role Play,其目的是让学生了解和熟悉整个外贸业务的流程和实际操作,提高口语能力。本书适合高等院校经济类涉外专业或者英语专业高年级学生使用,同时也可供从事外贸业务的工作者和其他爱好者参考使用。
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