Yull PAN has been engaged for thepast 20 years in the research, devel-opment and implementation of roadasset manaqement systems includ-ing data collection systems at the Research Institute of Highways of the Ministry of Communications. He is currently research Professor of the PRC Research Institute of Highways and member of the Experts Commit-tee of the Miciistry of Communica-tions, PRC.
1.1 Objective ofthe Book
1.2 Background to thelssue Tackled
1.3 Methodologies for Speed and Fuel Consumption
1.3.1 Free Speed and Speed-Flow Relationships
1.3.2 FueIConsumption Models
1.4 Database
1.4.1 SpeedRelationships
1.4.2 Fuel Consumption
1.5 Free Speed
1.6 Speed-Flow Relationships
1.7 Estimations ofFuel Consumptio
1.7.1 Theoretical Fuel Consumption Models
1.7.2 Engine Map Based on Fuel Consumption Models
1.8 Simulation ofVehicle Speed and Fuel Consumption
1.9 Application ofthe Simulation Output
2 Review ofVehicle Speed
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Factors Affecting Vehicle Speed
2.3 Effect ofVehicle Characteristics on Speed
2.3.1 Power to Weight Ratio
2.3.2 Forces Acting on Vehicles
2.3.3 DrivingForce
2.3.4 Rolling Resistance Force
2.3.5 Gradient Resistance Force
2.3.6 Air Resistance Force
2.3.7 Curvature Force
2.3.8 Inertia Resistance Force
2.4 Effect of Road Conditions on Speed
2.4.1 Vertical Gradient
2.4.2 Horizontal Curvature
2.4.3 Road Roughness
2.4.4 Road Width
2.5 Effect ofTraffic Flow on Speed
2.5.1 Traffic Flow
2.5.2 Traffic Flow Composition
2.5.3 Non-Motorised Traffic Flow
2.6 Speed Prediction Models
2.6.1 COBA Rural Road Speed Model
2.6.2 Kenyan Multiple Regression Speed Model
2.6.3 The Caribbean Free Flow Speed Model
2.6.4 RTIM2 Speed Mode~
2.6.5 HDM-III Mechanistic Speed Model
2.6.6 Indian Free Speed and Speed-Flow Relationships
2.6.7 Hoban's Three-Zone Linear Speed Model
2.6.8 NZVOC Speed Model
2.6.9 Indonesian VOC Speed Models
2.6.1 0 HCM Two-Lane Highway Speed-Flow Model
2.7 Summary and Conclusions
3 Research into Fuel Consumption
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Factors Affecting Fuel Consumption
3.2.1 Engine Performance
3.2.2 Vehicle Speed
3.2.3 Vehicle Loading
3.2.4 Vehicle Age(Utilisation)
3.2.5 FuelType
3.2.6 VerticalGradient
3.2.7 Road Roughness and Road Type
3.2.8 Horizontal Curvature
3.3 Fuel Consumption Prediction Models
3.3.1 The Kenyan Fuel Consumption Relationships
3.3.2 The Caribbean Fuel Consumption Models
3.3.3 COBA Fuel Consumption Models
3.3.4 The Indian Fuel Consumption Models
3.3.5 The South African Fuel Consumption Models
3.3.6 HDM-III Fuel Consumption Models
3.3.7 ARFCOM Fuel Consumption Models
3.3.8 TRRL Fuel Consumption Simulation Models
3.3.9 NZVOC Fuel Consumption Models
3.3.10 Fuel Consumption Models in the PRC
4 Speed collection
5 Fuel consumption experiments
6 Free speed
7 Speed-flow relationships
8 Development of mechanistic fuel comsumption models
9 Engine map based fuel consumption models
10 Simulation of vehicle speed and fuel consumption