







  英语阅读能力的培养是大学英语教学的重要任务。对此,《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》做出了定性定量的要求。阅读不仅是获取信息的主要手段,也是学习和掌握语言的有效途径。对于广大非英语专业大学生而言,只有通过大量阅读,才能获得充足的语言输入,进而打下扎实的英语基础,形成较强的英语语感,提高英语综合应用能力。培养英语阅读能力一方面要依赖足够的阅读实践,在阅读中学会阅读;另一方面,能动地运用元认知策略,理性地改进阅读方法,积极地提高英语阅读技能,无疑能对培养较强的阅读能力起到事半功倍的作用。英语阅读能力包含多种要素,而快速处理阅读材料所输入信息的能力是其中极其重要的微技能,这一点早已为阅读研究者所认识。Grabe(1991)曾经指出:“…a description of reading has to account for the notions that fluentreading is rapid,purposeful,interactive,comprehendin9,flexible,and gradually developin9.”。Taylor(1975)也强调“reading hastobefasttobe successful”。一定的阅读速度是获取主要信息所必需的,是保持阅读兴趣、专注于阅读内容所要求的。尤其是在当今这个“信息爆炸”、新知识以几何级增长的时代,快速阅读技能的重要性愈加突出。这样,快速阅读技能的培养也就必然成为大学英语教学的要务。而大学英语教学中要致力于快速阅读教学,就需要有适当的教材作支撑,适用的教材是保证教学活动顺利开展的必要条件。《大学体验英语快速阅读教程》的编写正是为了满足目前国内大学英语教学的这一实际需要。本教程的编写以((大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》为依据。本教程共四册,每册含l8个单元,可供大学英语教学l~4学期使用(按每学期l8周,每周一个单元计)。各册中每单元分Text A和Text B(一篇用于课堂,另一篇供课后练习)。每册配有“Introduction to Important ReadingStrategies and Skills”。本教程的编写采取“主题与技能”相结合的模式,即单元设置围绕内容主题,练习设计针对阅读技能与文章内容。第一、二册练习包括多项选择与正误判断两种题型,第三、四册练习包括多项选择与简短问答两种题型。书后附有全书练习的参考答案。
Introduction to Important Reading Strategies and Skills
Unit One Education (1)
Text A Foreign Students at U.S. Colleges Have Several Ways to Get Financial Aid
Text B Learning in the United States
Unit Two Education (2)
Text A Modern Elementary Schools
Text B New Family Learning Centers
Unit Three Emotion
Text A Encouraging Words
Text B Dance with Me
Unit Four Outdoor Adventure and Tourist Attractions
Text A An Exciting Way to Visit the Wilderness
Text B Sydney Opera House
Unit Five Memorable Days and Holidays
Text A History of Mother's Day
Text B Holidays in England
Unit Six Animals
Text A Sea Lion Scores Top Marks in Memory Test
Text B Better Than Its Bite
Unit Seven Enterprises and Economy
Text A Walt Disney Company
Text B April 1 5th: An Important Day for Americans
Unit Eight Science
Text A Hooked on the Net
Text B Baby Talk
Unit Nine Family Life
Text A New Family
Text B Family Life in Egypt
Unit Ten Social Issues
Text A An Imminent Global Crisis
Text B The Road to Olympic Success
Unit Eleven People
Text A The Best Time of My Life
Text B Alan M. Turing: The Enigma
Unit Twelve Health
Text A World Tuberculosis Day
Text B Looking at Health Care in the United States
Unit Thirteen Habits and Hobbies
Text A Back Seat Learners
Text B Depressing News for Diarists
Unit Fourteen Mysteries and Explorations
Text A Astronauts
Text B The Bermuda Triangle
Unit Fifteen Psychology
Text A Understand the Causes of Depression
Text B Know the Signs of Sadness
Unit Sixteen Eating
Text A Enjoy Your Food
Text B Eating Custom and Practice
Unit Seventeen How People Differ
Text A Body Language
Text B Character
Unit Eighteen Life Science and Astronomy
Text A What if We Are All Space Aliens?
Text B Space Impacts and the Origin of the Moon
Answer Key
