







CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Computers and Java 3
Objectives 4
Prerequisites 4
1.1 Computer Basics 4
Hardware and Memory 5
Programs 7
Programming Languages and Compilers 8
Java Byte-Code 9
Linking 12
1.2 Designing Programs 12
Object-Oriented Programming 13
Encapsulation 14
Polymorphism 15
Inheritance 16
If You Know Some Other Programming Language 17
Ngorithms 17
Reusable Components 18
Testing and Debugging 18
6otcha: Coping with "Gotchas" 19
6otcha: Hidden Errors 20
1.3 A Sip of Java 20
History of the Java Language 20
Applets 21
A First Java Application Program 22
Compiling a Java Program or Class 28
Running a Java Program 29
Preview Examples of Applets (Optional) 30
Chapter Summary 33
Answers to Self-Test Questions 34
Programming Projects 36
CHAPTER 2 Primitive Types, Strings, and Console I/O 39
Objectives 40
Prerequisites 40
2.1 Primitive Types and Expressions 40
Variables 41
Java Identifiers 44
6otcha: Java Is Case-Sensitive 46
Primitive Types 46
Assignment Statements 47
Specialized Assignment Operators 49
Simple Input and Output 49
Number Constants 51
Assignment Compatibilities 52
Type Casting 53
Java Tip: Type Casting a Character to an Integer 55
Programming Tip: Initialize Variables 56
Gotcha: Imprecision in Floating-Point Numbers 57
Arithmetic Operators 58
Parentheses and Precedence Rules 60
Case Study: Vending Machine Change 62
Increment and Decrement Operators 66
More about the Increment and Decrement Operators 67
2.2 The Class String 68
String Constants and Variables 68
Concatenation of Strings 69
Classes 70
String Methods 71
String Processing 75
Escape Characters 75
The Unicode Character Set 77
2.3 Keyboard and Screen I/O 79
Screen Output 79
Input Using SavitchIn 82
More Input Methods 85
Gotcha: readInt and readDoub3 e 86
Programming Tip: Echo Input 87
2.4 Documentation and Style 88
Programming Tip: Use Meaningful Names for Variables 88
Documentation and Comments 89
Indenting 90
Named Constants 92
Chapter Summary 95
Answers to Self-Test Questions 96
Programming Projects 99
CHAPTER 3 Flow of Control 103
Objectives 104
Prerequisites 104
3.1 Branching Statements 104
The if-else Statement 104
Introduction to Boolean Expressions 108
Gotcha: Using==with Strings 111
Programming Tip: Alphabetical Order 113
Nested Statements and Compound Statements 115
Java Tip: Matching else and if 117
Multibranch if-el se Statements 118
Programming Example: Assigning Letter Grades 119
The switch Statement 122
Gotcha: Omitting a break Statement 126
The Conditional Operator (Optional) 126
3.2 Java Loop Statements 128
while Statements 129
Java Tip: A while Loop Can Perform Zero Iterations 133
The do-while Statement 133
Programming Example: Bug Infestation 137
Gotcha: Infinite Loops 139
The for Statement 141
the Camma in for Statements (Optional)145
Gotcha: Extra Semicolon in a Loop Statement 146
Java Tip: Choosing a Loop Statement 148
The break Statement in Loops 148
Gotcha: Misuse of break Statements 150
The exit Method 150
3.3 Programming with Loops 152
The Loop Body 152
Initializing Statements 154
Ending a Loop 155
Programming Example: Nested Loops 156
Programming Tip: Avoid Declaring Variables in a Loop Body 157
Loop Bugs 157
Tracing Variables 161
3.4 The Type boolean 162
Boolean Expressions and Boolean Variables 163
Programming Tip: Naming Boolean Variables 164
Precedence Rules 165
Input and Output of Boolean Values 168
Case Study: Using a Boolean Variable to End a Loop 168
Chapter Summary 172
Answers to Self-Test Questions 172
Programming Projects 177
CHAPTER 4 Defining Classes and Methods 181
Objectives 182
Prerequisites 182
4.1 Class and Method Definitions 182
Class Files and Separate Compilation 184
Instance Variables 185
Using Methods 168
void Method Definitions 191
Methods That Return a Value 193
Java Tip: Use of return in void Methods 196
The this Parameter 198
Local Variables 200
Blocks 202
Gotcha:Variables Declared in a Block 202
Java Tip: Declaring Variables in a for Statement 203
Parameters of a Primitive Type 203
Gotcha: Use of the Terms Parameter and Argument 209
Summary of Class and Method Definition Syntax 209
4.2 Information Hiding and Encapsulation 210
Information Hiding 210
Programming Tip: Parameter Names Are Local to the Method 211
Precondition and Postcondition Comments 211
Java Tip: Assertion Checks 212
The publ i c and private Modifiers 214
Programming Tip: Instance Variables Should Be private 217
Programming Example: A Purchase Class 221
Encapsulation 225
Automatic Documentation with javadoc 228
UML Class Diagrams 228
4.3 Objects and Reference 230
Variables of a Class Type and Objects 230
Gotcha: Use of = and == with Variables of a Class Type 235
Java Tip: Define an equal s Method for Your Classes 235
Programming Example: A Species Class 239
Boolean-Valued Methods 242
Class Parameters 244
Comparing Class Parameters and Primitive-Type Parameters 247
Chapter Summary 251
Answers to Self-Test Questions 251
Programming Projects 257
CHAPTER 5 More About Objects and Methods 261
Objectives 262
Prerequisites 262
5.1 Programming with Methods 263
Methods Calling Methods 263
Programming Tip: Make Helping Methods Private 268
Java Tip: Make the compiler Happy 268
Gotcha: Null Pointer Exception 269
5.2 Static Methods and Static Variables 271
Static Methods 271
Gotcha: Invoking a Nonstatic Method Within a Static Method 273
Java Tip: You Can Put a main in Any Class 275
Static Variables (Optional) 277
The Math Class 279
Integer, Double, and Other Wrapper Classes 282
5.3 Designing Methods 286
Case Study: Formatting Output 287
Top-Down Design 291
Testing Methods 293
5.4 Overloading 295
Overloading Basics 295
Programming Example: A Pet Class 298
Gotcha: Overloading and Automatic Type Conversion 298
Gotcha: You Cannot Overload on the Basis of the Returned Type 303
Programming Example: A Class for Money 305
5.5 Constructors 312
Defining Constructors 312
Programming Tip: You Can Use Other Methods in a Constructor 320
Gotcha: Omitting the Default Constructor 321
Gotcha: Many Wrapper Classes Have No Default Constructor 321
5.6 Information Hiding Revisited 322
Gotcha: Privacy Leaks 322
5.7 Packages 326
Packages and importing 326
Package Names and Directodes 326
Gotcha: Not Including the Current Directory in Your Class Path 329
Name Clashes 330
Chapter Summary 331
Answers to Self-Test Questions 332
Programming Projects 337
CHAPTER 6 Arrays 341
Objectives 342
Prerequisites 342
6.1 Array Basics 343
Creating and Accessing Arrays 343
Array Details 344
Programming Tip: Use Singular Array Names 348
The length Instance Variable 349
Java Tip: Array Indices Start with Zero 349
Programming Tip: Use a for Loop to Step Through an Array 351
Gotcha: Array Index Out of Bounds 351
Initializing Arrays 352
6.2 Arrays in Classes and Methods 354
Case Study: Sales Report 354
Indexed Vadablas as Method Arguments 361
Entire Arrays as Method Arguments 364
Arguments for the Method mai n 364
Gotcha: Use of = and == with Arrays 366
Methods That Return Arrays 369
Progrannning with Arrays and Classes 372
Programming Example: A Specialized List Class 373
Partially Filled Arrays 380
Searching an Array 380
Gotcha: Returning an Array Instance Variable 381
Sorting Arrays 383
Selection Sort 383
Other Sorting Algorithms 388
6.5 Multidimensional Arrays 388
Multidimensional-Array Basics 390
Multidimensional-Array Parameters and Returned Values 392
Implementation of Multidimensional Arrays 394
Bagged Arrays (OpUonal) 397
Programming Example: Employee Time Records 398
Chapter Summary 404
Answers to Self-Test Questions 405
Programming Projects 410
CHAPTER 7 Inheritance 415
Objectives 416
Prerequisites 416
7.1 Inheritance Basics 416
Programming Example: A Person Class 417
Derived Classes 418
Overriding Method Definitions 421
Overriding Versus Overloading 422
The final Modifier 422
Gotcha: Use of Private Instance Variables from the Base Class 423
Programming Tip: Assume That Your Coworkers Are Malicious 424
Gotcha: Private Methods Are Not Inherited 424
UML Inheritance Diagrams 424
7.2 Programming with Inheritance 427
Constructors in Derived Classes 427
The this Method (OpUonal)428
