作者:(美)洛伊 著
本书作为.NET组件开发的权威参考书,自2003年出版以来就广受程序员的关注。如今,您手上的是《.NET组件开发》的第二版。针对Visual Studio 2005和.NET 2.0,作者Juval Lowy对本书进行了全面修订。不仅使第一版中经典内容的阐述更加充实,而且增加了许多新的热点内容,如Generics的开发、迭代器和匿名方法的使用、.NET开发框架的演进等。书中详尽的阐述和代码实例将极大地帮助您加深对.NET组件开发的理解。本书更具特色的内容有:关于Generics编程的介绍;作为业界事实标准的C#语言的编码规范;许多实用的辅助类和控制集,如基于ASP.NET 2.0凭证管理架构下的安全控制解决方案等。同时作者改写并扩展了原书第一版中许多实用的辅助类和工具。具体内容包括:·.NET组件的构建、打包及部署·接口与实现的分离·生命周期和资源的管理·事件的发布及订阅·异步调用的使用·多线程和并发管理·对象的序列化及状态的持久化·远程调用·定制服务的实现·构建安全性解决方案本书极具价值的代码实例、丰富的使用技巧、开发警示、设计准则和富有创意的实用工具将帮助您简化开发工作并提高.NET组件的开发效率。无论您已经在使用组件技术还是正准备进入这个领域,毫无疑问,《.NET组件开发》都是一本值得拥有和时常翻阅的参考指南。
1. Introducing CompOnent-Oriented Programming
Basic Termlnology
Component-Orlented Versus Object-Oriented Programming
Principles of Component-orlented Programming
.NET Adherence to Component Princlples
Developing.NET Components
2. .NET Component-Oriented Programmlng EssentiaIs
Language Independence:The CLR
Packaging and Deployment:Assemblies
Binary Compatibility
3. Interface-Based Programming
Separating Interface from Implementation
Working with Interfaces
Interfaces and Generics
Designing and Factoring Interflaces
Interfaces in Visual Studio 2005
4. LiflecycIe Management
The Managed Heap
Traditional Memory De-allocation Schemas
.NET Garbage Collection
Object FinaIization
Deterministic Finalization
5. VerSjoning
Assembly Version Number
Assembly Deployment Models
Strong Assembly Names
V1SUal StUdio 2005 and Versloning
Custom Version PolicieS
CLR Versioning
6. EventS
Delegate-Based Events
Working with.NET Events
7. Asynchronous Calls
Requirements for an Asvnchronous Mechanlsm
Revisiting Delegares
Asynchronous Call Programming Models
Asynchronous Error Handling
Asynchronous Events
Asynchronous Invocatlon Pitfalls
Synchronous Versus Asynchronous Processing
8. Multithreading and Concurrency Management
Threads and Multithreading
Components and Threads
Working with Threads
Synchronlzing Threads
Automatic Synchronlzatlon
Manual Synchronization
The WorkerThread Wrapper Class
Synchronizlng Delegates
Using.NET Multithreading Services
9. SeriaIization and Persistence
Automatic Serlalization
Serialization Formatters
SerialiZation Events
SerialiZation and Streams
Custom Serialization
Serialization and C1ass Hierarchies
10. Remoting
Application Domains
Remote Object Types
Marshaling.By-Reference Activation Modes
The.NET Remottog Architecture
Building a Distributed AppliCation
Leaslng and Sponsorship
.NET and Location Transparency
11. Context and Interception
.NET Component Services
The.NET Context
Custom Component Servlces
12. Security
The.NET Security Archltecture
Configuring Permissions
Programmatic Securlty
Visual Studio 2005 and Security
Princlpal-Based Security
Addressing Other Security Issues
A.Interface-Based Web Services
B.Unifying Windows Forms and ASP.NET Security
C.Reflection and Attributes
E.C#Coding Standard.
1. Introducing CompOnent-Oriented Programming
Basic Termlnology
Component-Orlented Versus Object-Oriented Programming
Principles of Component-orlented Programming
.NET Adherence to Component Princlples
Developing.NET Components
2. .NET Component-Oriented Programmlng EssentiaIs
Language Independence:The CLR
Packaging and Deployment:Assemblies
Binary Compatibility
3. Interface-Based Programming
Separating Interface from Implementation
Working with Interfaces
Interfaces and Generics
Designing and Factoring Interflaces
Interfaces in Visual Studio 2005
4. LiflecycIe Management
The Managed Heap
Traditional Memory De-allocation Schemas
.NET Garbage Collection
Object FinaIization
Deterministic Finalization
5. VerSjoning
Assembly Version Number
Assembly Deployment Models
Strong Assembly Names
V1SUal StUdio 2005 and Versloning
Custom Version PolicieS
CLR Versioning
6. EventS
Delegate-Based Events
Working with.NET Events
7. Asynchronous Calls
Requirements for an Asvnchronous Mechanlsm
Revisiting Delegares
Asynchronous Call Programming Models
Asynchronous Error Handling
Asynchronous Events
Asynchronous Invocatlon Pitfalls
Synchronous Versus Asynchronous Processing
8. Multithreading and Concurrency Management
Threads and Multithreading
Components and Threads
Working with Threads
Synchronlzing Threads
Automatic Synchronlzatlon
Manual Synchronization
The WorkerThread Wrapper Class
Synchronizlng Delegates
Using.NET Multithreading Services
9. SeriaIization and Persistence
Automatic Serlalization
Serialization Formatters
SerialiZation Events
SerialiZation and Streams
Custom Serialization
Serialization and C1ass Hierarchies
10. Remoting
Application Domains
Remote Object Types
Marshaling.By-Reference Activation Modes
The.NET Remottog Architecture
Building a Distributed AppliCation
Leaslng and Sponsorship
.NET and Location Transparency
11. Context and Interception
.NET Component Services
The.NET Context
Custom Component Servlces
12. Security
The.NET Security Archltecture
Configuring Permissions
Programmatic Securlty
Visual Studio 2005 and Security
Princlpal-Based Security
Addressing Other Security Issues
A.Interface-Based Web Services
B.Unifying Windows Forms and ASP.NET Security
C.Reflection and Attributes
E.C#Coding Standard.