


作者:(美)麦克劳夫林 著





  本书将教会您如何在很短的时间内掌握使用JavaScript代码来向服务器提交异步请求?同时,您可以学习如何使用诸如动态HTML、XML、JSON、DOM等技术来解决开发过程中遇到的许多问题。让你从那些繁琐而笨拙的网站开发技术中彻底解放出来!本书将是一本指导您进行异步开发的经典参考书籍。作为一名网站设计人员,您也许时常因为遇到以下情况而烦恼:用户只是移动了鼠标就要从服务器重载数据;尽管请求的服务很简单,用户却仍然需要长时间等待服务器的响应。无疑,Ajax技术能够帮助你减少这样的烦恼。Ajax中的异步技术能够让您设计的网站在变得更简洁的同时具有更敏捷的用户响应。我们都知道,下一代的网站设计需要新的技术来指导;需要引入一些吸引人的、够炫的技术来支持我们完成设计。这就是本书能够提供给您的。阅读本书,一定会带给您许多的乐趣。首先,您可以在很短的时间内掌握如何使用JavaScript代码来向服务器提交异步请求。同时,更为有趣的是,您可以学习如何使用诸如动态HTML、XML、JSON、DOM等技术来解决开发过程中遇到的许多问题。毫无疑问,这是一本指导您进行异步开发的经典参考书籍。本书和其他深入浅出系列书籍一样,使用许多有趣的视觉刺激来保持我们大脑思考的兴奋。在您读完书中第一章后,不但能够掌握一个基于Ajax的简单应用程序开发,而且还能够了解怎样让一个混乱的项目走上正轨。为了帮助读者解决问题,作者还为您准备了多达5张CD的资料作为参考。读完全书,您会惊奇的发现那些繁琐笨拙的网站开发技术早已随风而去,展现在我们面前的是一个崭新的技术境界。作者简介:Beet is a guitar player who is still struggling sith the realization that you cant pay the bills if the realization that youre into acoustic fingerstyle blues and jazz, and high-end custom instruments. Hes just recently discovered, to his delight, that writing books that help people become better programmers does pay the3 bill. Hes vgery happy balut this, as are his wife Leigh, and his young kids, Dean and Tobbie.Before Brett wandered into Head First land, he devloped enteprise Java applications for Nextel Communications and Allegiance Tleecom.When that became fairly mundane, Brett took on application servers, working on the Lutris Enhydra servlet Enhydra servlet engine and FJB container. Along the way , Brett gor hooked on open source software, and helped found several coll progrmming tools, like Jakarta Turbine and JDOM.
Table of Contents (summary)
                      1    Using Ajax: web applications for a new generation                              
                      2    Speaking the Language: making ajax requests                              
                      3    She Blinded Me with Asynchrony: asynchronous apps                      
                      4    Web Page Forestry: the document object model                              
                      4.5   A Second Helping: devloping dora applications                              
                      5    Saying More with POST: post requests                                
                      6    More Than Words Can Say: .vml requests and responses                      
                      7    A Fight to the Finish:json versus xml                                    
                      Appendix 1 : A Few Special Bonus Gifts: extras                                
                      Appendix 2: 'All I Want Is the Code": ajax and dora utilities                      
Table of contents (the real thing)
      Your brain on Ajax. Here you are trying to learn something, and your brain is
         doing you a favor by making sure the learning doesn't srick. Your brain's thinking,"Better
         leave room for more important things, like which wild animals to avoid and whether naked
         snowboarding is a bad idea." So how do you trick your brain into thinking that your life
         depends on knowing how to program asynchronously?
                                  Who is this book for?                                                
                                  we know what your brain is thinking                                    
                                   Bend your brain into submission                                      
                                   Read Me                                                              
                                   Technical reviewer                                                
1 Using Ajax
The Web, Reloaded
Welcome to the new millenium
"Reload? We don't need no stinking reloads."
The highlight reel: Chapter 1
Creating a request object
PHR.. at a glance
What the server used to do...
What the server should do now
Initialing a connection
Connecting to the web server
Adding an event handler
Coding the callback function
How we see web apps...
  Introducing the web browser
  What should the browser do with the server's response?
  Sending instructions to the browser
  Getting the server's response
  Checking for the right ready state
  60 second review                
2 Speaking the Language
   Break Neck Pizza Delivery
Break Neck Pizza, Ajax-style
HTMI, 101 : accepting user input
Event handlers connect HTML to JavaScript
Using the DOM to get user input
Where's the web browser?
Creating a request objcct (revisited)
Supporting multiple browsers
JavaScript doesn't have to be in a function
PHR.. at a glance
Request URLs deliver data to the server
Seud the request to the server
Retrieving data from the server
HTTP ready states
Checking the ready state
What is the browser doing?
Get the server's response from the request object
Test driving the Brcak Neck app
when browsers cache request URLs...
60 second review
3 She Blinded Me with Asynchrony
   What does asynchronous really mean?
Building an Ajax-powered coffee maker
Iterative developn~ent and Ajax apps
Moving JavaScript to external files
Breaking up theJavaScript
Sending an asynchronous request
Getting the value of a radio group
Espresso Talk: Asynchronous and Synchronous Application
Getting the text content of a <div>
Setting the text content of a <div>
Clearing the order form
PHP... at a glance
Writing the callback function
IntroducingJavaScript's substring() function
The final test drive (right?)
We need two request objects!
Creating two request objects
welcome to the world of asynchrony!
4 Web Page Forestry
    Need a dynamic application?
Meet the DOM
Using the DOM without Ajax
How the browser sees your HTML
Write your own... Web Dictionary
Order matters to the web browser
Browsers see the world upside down
The DOM tree
Moving around in a DOM tree
The node knows.., pretty much everything
Some browsers don't recognize Node
The Great Chapter 4 Coding Challenge
4.5 A Second Helping
  Evervone's a critic
What's the game plan?
The big picture
Setting up CD covers
Programmatically adding event handlers
Adding a CD to the top 5
Pay attention to "this"
Adding children to an element
An element can have only one parent
More additions to our DOM tree
A final test drive
5 Saying More with POST
     Repeat business rocks
Submitting a form with Ajax
Send the order to the server
PHR.. at a glance
When things go wrong...
The DOM is connected to what a customer sees
Test driving Break Neck
Error messages and response headers
The server talks back
Break Neck error handling
GET requests versus POST requests
Web servers unencode POST data
Send more data with a POST request
Trying out POST requests
The mysterious POST data
  Request headers
  Response headers
  Setting the content type
6 More Than Words Can Say
          Servers don't get to say much
        Speak Up!
        The limited vocabulary, of a server
        XML: just what the doctor ordered
        Revisiting Boards 'R' Us
        The problem with Boards 'R' Us
        The problem with proprietaW data formats
        Filling that XML prescription
        PHP... at a glance
        Using responseText to get raw XML
Remember DOM trees?
  Using responseXML in your code
        Finding elements by their tag name
        Testing out XML in Boards 'R' Us
        XML is a language to define other languages
        Don't try and use XMI, for everything
        XML for requests?
        Which data format?
7 A Fight to the Finish
   A new data format
A review of request and response formats
Fighting words: XML and JSON
You use the DOM to work with XML
You work withJSON using "normal" JavaScript
JSON is JavaScript
TheJSON data format
JSON on the server
JSON comes across as text
What data format should you send your requests in?
Which is the better data format?
a.1 A Few Special Bonus Gifts
  Ajax toolkits
script.aculo.us and UI toolkits
Inspecting the DOM
Using JSON libraries in your PHP scripts
Using eval0 withJSON
a.2 It's time for a little bonus credit.
Using ajax.js
Using text-utils.js
